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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Reading an article many years in the post. It seamed like the Baysox had a shoestring budget, that they stretched by hiring people who wore multiple hats, and they were willing to let interns cut their teeth there for free.
  2. that was the cream of the crop, just a handful of the teams. From the minor league wiki: Thats 240 according to my math. I saw another answer that said there was 261 teams. So the real number is probably along those lines. Player salaries should be provided by the parent club, and I think I remember some about the parent club providing some expense money to their minor league affiliate to help their expenses.
  3. Granted from 2016, but I think it shows a big comparison between the haves and some of the have nots. I have no clue if these figures are correct, but just for discussion sake. Some teams have no problem making money in MLB. https://www.thesportsadvisorygroup.com/resource-library/business-of-sports/minor-league-baseballs-valuable-teams/
  4. some of the teams do a really good job of making money, and on the other hand, the low end of the mil franchises are good at spending money and not making a profit. Feast for famine.
  5. If you dig enough, this drug, too looks promising or dreadful, depending on whom is writing the article and what their hidden agenda is. Im optimistically hopeful that it does work well, gives the doctors another tool in their toolbox to use.
  6. You also cant trust the WHO, who agreed to keep us in the dark for 2 months, not sure why the World Health Organization is suppressing major world health news, I am at the point of information overload, there are so many people point fingers and writing articles. Hydrochloroquine will save your life, and others, say it will kill. I saw an article. NYC was putting people on vents to kill them. Reduce the population. Really? SMH I think outdoors, should be safe. But, they also said, if you was under the age of 60, healthy, with no underlying medical conditions, even if you catch covid, you wont die. Well, look at wrong that was. You cant trust the major news outlets these days, either. CNN, MSNBC, CBS and NBC just to name those off the top of my head, have all knowingly published false information. One news boss resigned, said his news outfit was a front for the CIA and their propaganda. Which I seriously doubt.
  7. People have tossed that out the window. Did you happen to see any pictures of the OC boardwalk yesterday, people were jammed in there.
  8. Dont you love how misinformed some can be. (Not you). UV-C does kill the nasty bug, but at a much higher intensity than just the sum. So back to MLB and the many happenings to discuss. Wait, what happenings.
  9. ok, so the gang is around the camp fire singing kumbyla my lord. But, thats it, they are meeting.
  10. Wish there was something that we could discuss. Limbo land waiting for the slow wheels of the MLB to pounder.
  11. I dont doubt it one bit. If the agent hadnt become a former agent, he would have stayed quiet while raking in the money train.
  12. You believe the WUHAN story is accurate? Given that the Chinese government controls 100% of their media and reporting. I dont trust anything they said. The mask is supposed to prevent you from spraying droplets of very contagious virus to others. Even healthy people can carry it and transmit it to others. So who knows how many people they come in contract with in a 2 week period. Look back at 1918. People felt safe and tired of the mask, and thought the spanish flu had passed, but it hadnt and so many more people died. I would like to think, we can take a lessons learned and not repeat past society miscues.
  13. I think MIL was and has been in trouble for some time now, slowly sinking. The Pandemic just gave it a strong push towards a quicker demise as we used to know. MIL wont go away totally. IMO I know many clowns will disagree with me. There is enough money in MLB, so that everybody can survive and prosper. But, the greedy dont like to share.
  14. Number reporting has been a widely contested issue from the get go, on both sides of this.
  15. Seniors, and of which, I am lucky that I still have my parents, who are quite elderly. I do not visited them like I used to, they are self-quarantine, neither could survive covid. Look at nursing homes, and how many residents have died, a way greater proportion than 6%, if those numbers are to believe, and IMO, thats too high.
  16. I thought it was more of a lessons learned and not repeat mistakes that our ancestors did. I do not want to stay locked in until 2021, there is no way, this economy could survive that. Going to be hard enough now. I hope this pandemic, drives home the importance of being self-reliant on our needs, not that I am advocating to get out of the world market. Just get us to the point, we do not have to depend on foreign market sto supply our needs. Hopefully, by the fall, we can have vaccinations and enough 15 minute test kids for everybody.
  17. To go back in time, Chevrolet, Apple Pie and Baseball. I am totally on board with opening things back up, but I do support the decision to keep the kids out of schools and home for now.
  18. Glad you both are better. Vents are only used as a last resort, first is nasal canal, then cpap or other type of breathing gadget that I forget the name of. Last and only Last is the vent, when your O2 numbers drop and they do it, to keep your brain from dying and your organs from shutting down. I was lucky, I was rushed to the ER, my numbers dropped, but they only had to use nasal canal on my and then hydroxchloroquine and zpack combo. This was very early April. What worries me, is the round 2, which in 1918 was way more deadly, as people thought it was all behind them.
  19. I agree with you, kids do die, diseases, cancer. Just image how many more, if it wasnt for places like St. Judes and all the Children Hospitals. But IMO, this isnt the flu and this is just a disease, This is a very highly contagious and deadly virus, that healthy and well people can carry and spread to everybody they come in contact with in a 2 week people. I cringe to think how many people would have died, if we hadnt quarantined ourselves.
  20. Sadly, its true, look at spring break pictures, they are great grandparents out and about. Just google spring breakers and covid, you will see quite a few about college kids returning from spring break and becoming sick.
  21. I agree with most of your thoughts. I believe the WHO is a hot mess, run by an administer with no medical background. I think the 1918 pandemic was pretty severe at least round 2 was, because people felt safe and just went out and about. I dont believe anybody but extremists want everybody to stay home for 18 months. Yes, we need the country back to work, yet be safe about it. We can beat this pandemic, just like the other ones. I think some have felt, keeping kids home through the end of 2020, was to keep them safe, and their families safer. If you do have medical conditions, then you need to take more precautions. The millennials feel like they are young and indestructible, most were carriers and didnt get sick, yet some did, and have died. I also believe the death numbers are lower than what is being reported. But, even if smaller, still too many dead, for us to go with the herd mentality and those that die, well, so be it. Just my unprofessional two cents worth.' Signed, me, recovered COVID-19.
  22. No serious effects, have you lost your senses? I dont care if the numbers are relatively low. But to say its safe, is very extremist. Kids have died, try telling that to a parent that lost a child due to COVID. I would be like Die Hard the movie and cold cocking the reporter at the end of the movie.
  23. According to friends and family, there are rumors floating around that the schools are going to stay closed until Jan 2021, to keep the kids safe through the 2nd wave in the fall. Not, sure I buy into that, at this time. But, being a parent, grandfather and great-grandfather, I am all about keeping the kids safe. Now, we also have that new scare of a mutant covid that is hitting the kids. Not sure how much of that is truth and how much is hysteria.
  24. long range goal is for the MLB to save money and pad their pocket books. IMO
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