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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. My own mindset of this whole thing is. Framing ability is nice to have and can help you. But there are so many other catcher attributes that I want them to have: 1. Cannon and accurate arm 2. General in charge of the players and where they need to be. 3. Ability to snap throw to first or 3rd from his knees. 4. keeping the ball in front of him, on bad pitches 5. Ability to communicate with the pitcher on the mound, keep them focused and calm. But thats just me.
  2. To me a salary cap is something that some owners want placed on some other owners that want to buy championships.
  3. Doesnt surprise me, you watch enough live pd, you see all types of statements like this. I wasnt driving, those arent my pants, those arent my shoes, etc.
  4. I dont believe any NCAA athlete is allowed to receive money. Of course, we all know it happens under the table. They had to ban any NCAA athlete from working while in college, because of all the improper shenanigans going on behind the scenes. Which really hurt the division 2 and 3 players, who had no shot at a pro career to begin with.
  5. To me, the old cliche, go after the best player available, if you end up with too many, you then make trades.
  6. And some also believe the players are doing the same, and not wanting to take any pay cut is pretty self-centered. I want to quickly point out, I think there is plenty of blame on both sides.
  7. Melewski's first paragraph looks like he has been hanging out with @DrungoHazewood
  8. I lost a post, I thought I mad. I think one of the few times, OH agreed on any subject, was the contempt of Fowler.
  9. I wont kick Dan for Fowler that wasnt his muck up. Angelos the lawyer does not like opt outs, if they perform poorly or get hurt, they dont give money back. Personally, I can see his reasoning. With that said, everybody in baseball is using them these days, and finally even the Orioles have caved.
  10. Gates only 2nd richest man in the world, and cant afford it.
  11. A majority of the people. I doubt you could get 100% approval in OH on this (Or any other poll. lol)
  12. Nobody expected Schilling to be a TOR, but after he figured out how to pitch, after year 4, he was one for several years.
  13. Its all good. Glad to have a baseball discussion, in spite of the fact, it makes me miss the game even more.
  14. 2009 Draft was different for sure. I think pretty much the whole world at Strasburg going number 1, in spite of Boras as his agent. Angels took Mike Trout out of High School at the age of 25 as a comp pick. Trout is probably the best position player in the majors, and Strasburg has been very good, but not even the Ace of their staff, or the best at his position in the majors.
  15. Ive turned into a Martin fan today and really want to see him do well.
  16. Grow the arms, buy the bats. IMO Arms are too expensive to buy off the FA market
  17. Nonsense thread started by Troll. Nothing to see, move on. Pass the Kool Aid pitcher.
  18. I thought the David Price contract was risky. So far, 4 years and 10.5 WAR for the money is probably 50-50 on value. given his 2.6 and 4.2 WAR years and his off years, is still productive, just not 30 mill worth.
  19. Former MLBer rips both the players and owners, and sums it up very nicely from our point of view:
  20. Let cap the tickets at $5 each. With 4.50 going to the ushers and stadium workers, and ball players can split the .50 cents among themselves. Owners will get full cable TV rates, so they can play the bills. Concession stand prices stay the same, but half of the profits go to the feed the homeless food bank in that town. Parking lot fees, pay the parking lot workers, and the profits sent to the minor leagues, to help those players.
  21. Dang, almost sounds like Roch with his humor wrote this bit:
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