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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I think Football season starts in August, COVID should be in hand. But, if it flares back up in Oct/Nov, there goes the rest of the season.
  2. LOL. Love it Scott. I was waiting for our Historian Drungo to chime in. @DrungoHazewood '
  3. I think the 2nd wave will hold off until the Fall, and the FLU season. That said, I dont think COVID goes away this summer, just a steady decrease in the numbers. IMO
  4. Your right, I mispoke, but I was NOT trying to mislead anybody. I believe Australia was ahead of the rest of the counties and was using Hydroxchoroquine for treatments.
  5. Appears that Japan numbers are in question. https://safecast.org/2020/04/uncertainties-about-japans-covid-19-data/ Turkey appears to have issues with their numbers https://www.ft.com/content/80bb222c-b6eb-40ea-8014-563cbe9e0117 For some reason, India deaths at home, even due to COVID are not being counted, only hospital deaths https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-52435463
  6. Did they? I never seen pictures. Just people in still shots wearing masks. They all stopped wearing them, when round 2 hit and thats why so many people died back then.
  7. Very well could be. I dont believe playing a round of golf, is the same as competitive sports.
  8. Law has been wrong many times in the past. His sources are not what some of his peers are.
  9. I guess he chooses to believe the numbers provided by the Koreans which is government controlled, just like China and bogus. According to John Hopkins, the US has the 2nd lowest mortality rate due to COVID, than any other nation, except Germany. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/mortality But, hell, why do we let facts get the way.
  10. Not sure, how they can get back on the field and play, while maintaining social distancing from each other. Which is impossible. Cant seen them playing with Masks. So at what point, do we just say to hell with it, and plan for ST in 2021?
  11. I dont care too much for Boras, he is a clown IMO. He does whats best for his own personal sake, and doesnt care about whats best for his players. Thats just me, he might be a decent guy in RL.
  12. Im in no mood for a work stoppage. I dont care if its player caused or owner caused. Not the time for that. IMO Note. I have heard no rumors of a stoppage, just rambling, because I remember and hated the previous stoppages.
  13. You would think the two sides could get together and hammer out a "fair" deal for all parties involved. There is plenty of money to be shared among the parties involved, no need for any one party to get greedy,
  14. I really wish we had sports to talk about, in order to stay on subject. ? At this point, we dont even know when ST will start back up. (IF)
  15. Just as a funny FYI. The 29th international prospect from 2015 is Carlos Vargas, just turned 21, his 4th season last year, it looks like he moved from SS to Corner Infielder.
  16. They sure didnt. Im on my 2nd Sony DVD machine, worn out the first one, these days, it doesnt get much use. They make a pretty good flat screen too.
  17. I had Betamax and at least where I was living it was plentiful in both format. I thought betamax was the better machine, but lost out to VHS because of the longer tapes on VHS. Sony made money either way, as they had the patents for both.
  18. As an Oriole SS, which was my point. I was drawing parallels between Cal Jr and Maikol, but you knew that.
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