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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Agreed. I think both sides are greedy, and yet, the owners have lost money this season, and major leaguers have not, just the poor minor leaguers, that can least afford to lose money. You would think that the players would understand this, and be willing to compromise for just this one season, but for some reason have dug in their heals. I am not aware of all the issues involved on either side. But, from my causal fan perspective, GIT R DON.
  2. Agreed, they always tell you, even if you just plan on owning one single rental property. You have to keep reserves of 3 months available, at a minimal, for those unforeseen emergencies. But, that said, its not always easy to lay aside that much capital, especially if you are still raising kids.
  3. youngsters these days, probably never heard of Robby Alomar spitting in the face of the umpire. Talk about a Jerk Moment. Fortunately, he manned up, and apologised to the point, that he became friends with the umpire.
  4. I am not sure I agree that most businesses have a continuity plan. They should. I agree, but I wouldnt be surprised if half the ones with a plan, are so out-dated, they arent usable.
  5. His gf was booked for DUI, and she kept asking the NY cops, do you know who my boyfriend is? She is Sam I am.
  6. Gibson had a slider that the bottom fell out and hitters wished he had thrown.
  7. I agree, strange, and I was sure the game was played, but was confused why they didnt capture it among the other no-no over 131 pitches.
  8. The owners have been losing money, while the players are still collecting their pay checks, as they have no investment in the franchise. That doesnt mean the owners get off scott free, as they are a greedy lot, too. But, in this case, I have zero sympathies for the players.
  9. So Hogan is open to baseball and football's return. But, what about Mayor Young and his recent decision to ban events in Baltimore until August?
  10. I would love to see the source for your claim that JHUPL research. If outdoors were safe, we would not be wearing masks and practicing social distancing while outside. From what I have read, the results are mixed, they cant really prove one way or another if this is false or true. Fact, China is back under lockdown in 2 major cities and round 2 has hit them hard.
  11. Or Corn was just being Cord.
  12. Could very well be, I didnt catch all the fine print, just the no events proclamation.
  13. I agree with you, and look at the lack of growth for the prospect in the minor this season. Not their fault, and yet, they are hammed by not being able to play. Yet, with that said, at the time, it was the right decision to make. Hard part, is trying to figure out how to reopen and do things safely. Mayor of Baltimore said no public events in Baltimore until at least August. Not sure how that impacts the Orioles and even the Ravens.
  14. I think when multiple pitchers hit the 20+ million a year range, teams started getting a little protective of their investment.
  15. MLB doesnt even include him, when you look at no-no's and 131+ pitches.
  16. Your right, I googled it and skimmed it and saw the 10 inches in bold, and UGH. Thanks
  17. 1969, the mound was raised 10 inches, and run production went up 2/3 of a run per game average. Funny 2018 and 1969 slash lines look very close .246 (.24597) .250 (.25035) .248 (.24816) 1969 .249 (.24925) .247 (.24664) .248 (.24795) 2018
  18. The Senators had the big W on their hat, long before Walgreens.
  19. Toss the season aside, and let them play free games in August and Sept for the fans.
  20. Did you see China just had a round 2 this past week and went back into lockdown with 2 of their major cities. Sorry not baseball related, except that we might see the same situation here, a lot faster than the original Oct/Nov flu season. If this happens here, baseball and all sports is right off the table. IMO
  21. But at least we kept the topic on Orioles and Baseball, mostly. Seams like every day goes by, we arent hearing to much about when they expect baseball to start back up, just crickets chirping.
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