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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Good thoughts. Angelos doesn't have the drive to want to field a winner. At least that is my perception. He didnt want to play in the international market, and over pays for some, and under pays for others, and micromanages his people he hired. Thats my take on Angelos, I dont care if he is aloof. But, show a strong desired to win. He over spent for Belle, yet wanted Mussina to come in and pitch for half of what he was worth. Peter ran Davey out of town after 2 ALCS visits. Incredible. Lets not even mention Jon Miller, the best damn announcer in the business. Something Snyder has been trying to not do. Sadly, it left Bruce Allen to run around and rack up the wrong decisions. Its been way too long for a championship team from either of them.
  2. I dont think anybody will have fireworks this year. Chincoteague has canceled Pony Penning week and their month long carnival fund raiser. I cant image how the playgrounds could open up. Who is going to come through and clean the equipment so the kids are safe. I dont buy into the theory that heat and sunlight kills the germs. I do buy into the UV-C at a high level of intensity does kill the gems, they are sterilizing operation rooms with these now. I think Hogan is all in favor of trying to open up the state, as long as it can be done as safe as possible.
  3. I dont mind the Bird, as I guess, he is the "Home team" mascot. But personally, I think the mascots belong in the minors and not at the Pro level. Nothing sillier looking than seeing the 3 President Caricatures running around the baseball field for the Nationals.
  4. I wasnt taking sides either way. Just providing more of the background issues.
  5. The wave and rally caps are a part of baseball. Im with you, soo much money, there has to be a fair way to compromise. They have a spineless whimp as commish, voted in by the owners, as they can control him, like a puppet.
  6. Good post, well mostly. lol IMO There are two big differences between those two clowns. Snyder loves and respects the Redskins traditions and wants to win in the worst way, and he travels with the team and attends all the games. Even with Sir Peter was healthy his owner suite was usually dark for home games, could care less about any road games, and he was first and foremost a lawyer. Im with Tony on this one, if the players cant find a way to fairly compromise, then screw MLB. I have to give kudos to Snyder for the way, he handled the terrible Sean Taylor murder. He shut down the entire organization, and took them all to Florida, with full comps including spending money for everybody, not just the elite. He didnt have to, and he went above and beyond. Lets hope the Angelos are never tested like that.
  7. I would love to know what Bob Gibson season pitch count was for 1968 and 1969 seasons. He would start 34 and 35 games each, and both seasons, he had 28 complete games. Just about finishing what you started. Pitching in 4 man rotations and until the age of 39, didnt seam to impact him too much.
  8. 110 and 120 pitch games, really wasnt nothing back in the day. SP when pitching well, was expected to close out their game and save the pen.
  9. Personally, I agree with you, let the others wave if they must, but was never something I understood or supported. Rally caps now, are a fun way to inspire the team on.
  10. hit send too quickly. Greg Olson talking about Oriole fans and booing.
  11. I remember fans calling into baltimore sports radio talk shows and talk about Eddie dogging it and being lazy. Cal Jr explained it pretty good one day, Eddie was such an athlete that when he ran, he didnt look like he was trying too hard, until you actually looked at how much ground in a short time he covered. I am glad they welcomed him back to the team, just disappointed that they chased him away because of EBW.
  12. On the other hand, it worked for Britton and he stayed her and become a dominant closer for a few years. The talent level is so high, that it doesnt take much tweaking for them to become dominant, or lose a hair of movement off their fastball and become hittable.
  13. My point was more about the fans quickly falling out of love with Oriole players through the years. There is a history of that. Was not my intent to say Eddie and Belle were in the same mode.
  14. Where was Tony Larusso ranked? My memory was he was hell on the pitching staff, especially relievers, not caring anything about up and down warmups through out the game. Dusty Baker was another with a rep for not being a pitcher's manager.
  15. There is more to this story: This was the guy playing the phanatic being interviewed.
  16. Nice article by Melewski on MASN today https://www.masnsports.com/steve-melewski/2020/05/some-of-the-reasons-to-play-a-season.html
  17. BP and pulse devices that go on the wrist these days are affordable and I advocate every family should have one, regardless if anybody in their family has any conditions.
  18. didnt know the womens softball games were spitting now.
  19. and quite a few fans did turn on him, some of those, admitted they were wrong, later when he came back.
  20. Certain reporters, from what I remember reading.
  21. Doctors are treating some patients, my brother took my mom in yesterday. She could only sit in one chair in the waiting room, and only one person with her was allowed, most people were told to wait in their car, but at her age, they allowed her inside. They are making the patients glove up on entering and of course mask up. My dentist has been seeing emergencies, if you call him, he comes in and opens up for you, treats you and closing up after.
  22. What about your cell phone? I did that last week with my heart doctor.
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