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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 3.2 innings, 10 runs an ERA of over 10 at AAA….and drum roll….on 40 man
  2. Just chatted about his new stance. I thought I was the only one that noticed how much it helped him.
  3. Martin had two great games and they sat him. Did the same with Guterriez early in the season. I like Hyde but that’s my biggest beef with him: you gotta ride the hot hand.
  4. Just saw this…what in the world?
  5. Good point. Def big injury history too, ouch. At least they got the championship but could have had both: championship and not awful contract on frequently injured pitcher
  6. Like the Joe Flacco situation really lol
  7. Stowers gets first rbi …in one game.
  8. Sell the team Angelo’s family. You are a rancid curse on this great town. Shame on you.
  9. Hey corn, he was in the minors then. Not major leagues so no clue what you are talking about.
  10. He played 2nd in his debut for the first time ever. Seriously? Agree at SS but perhaps his .667 average and 2 RBI’s made up for that?
  11. I and RZNJ have discussed this in multiple threads. Go Richie Martin!!! It amazes me how few watch games on milb.tv.
  12. It sucks but rushing him won’t help any parties involved. All depends.
  13. Yep! New stance, new bat. People seem surprised. Been saying for a while now he looks better: milb.tv
  14. And a second triple with 2 more RBI’s….
  15. It’s a personal thing with Frobby. He irritates me. Got on me for posting criticism of Elias drafts (likely because he defends Elias at all costs).
  16. 2 more hits so far today including a triple and a couple nice plays at SS. note: his debut at 2b yesterday was his first at the major league level in
  17. Surprised this isn’t bigger news in Birdand…..https://twitter.com/connornewcomb_/status/1535823584966451200?s=21&t=pQFW4D913yk2fPynPKycMA
  18. Lol great story bruh And saved the game with a great a defensive play but failed to mention that. You just love to hate on this guy, stay classy. Maybe I should count all the times you make hate posts about Martin. You seem to have a bizarre fascination with him.
  19. Great play and liking the new stance
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