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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. I don’t see Hall in the majors that soon. 

    Not a fan of Odor.

    I think they wait on Stowers until there is an injury/trade. 

    I think pitching was way ahead of hitters this year with a short ST & the balls. I fully expect our pitching to regress pretty significantly. 

    • Upvote 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, interloper said:

    No I wasn't suggesting anything was imminent, just that he's putting himself in the conversation down the road if he doesn't turn it around. 

    Tonight he lowered his ERA with a 2.2 IP start allowing 2 ER and striking out 6 while walking 2. The catch? He threw SEVENTY SEVEN pitches.

    I agree, I think he is on borrowed time barring an injury. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, interloper said:

    Good post, I even learned something. I didn't know this was a rule!

    Agree he might make a mop-up appearance at best, but they'll try to pass him through to AAA as soon as they can. 

    Wildcard always on top of things! 

  4. 4 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

    That was one terrible post game interview.  Was messing up canned lines and acted like he was was annoyed to be doing an interview.  Doesn’t seem to have much going on upstairs.  He admitted he lost focus in the 4th and became a “fan” watching the offense put up runs.  Pretty frustrating inning.  Hope he bounces back in a big way. 

    Wow, missed that! Anyone have a link to the interview by chance?

  5. 12 hours ago, Jammer7 said:

    With two months to go, a lot can happen. I firmly believe that Druw Jones is special, and a clearly defined 1-1 type of pick. And after some reflection, I realize that Elias will pick who he believes has the best chance to achieve the most value for the Orioles. It doesn’t matter what I think, or any of the experts on Orioles Twitter. 

    I have seen a lot of video, and I see no holes in Jones’ game. I have no idea about his makeup, but I have been told he is an elite driven competitor. 

    He has a strong potential to be a superstar. I hope Elias doesn’t take the wrong pick for the third year in a row but sadly I think he will and most will defend him. Maddening. 

    • Haha 2
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  6. 1 hour ago, Brooks The Great said:

    Cowser fell out of Baseball America's Top 100 list in their most recent update. There are lots of posters on this board who will say that you can't evaluate draft picks for years, but the fact of the matter is that every MLB team has scouts and analysts who's job it is to evaluate players in real time. Same with publications like BA, BP, Fangraphs, MLB Pipeline, and many others. And I like keeping track of the O's and other teams' top prospects. 

    Cowser is not looking like a good pick right now. That can - and most likely will - change. But I really disliked the pick on draft night, and I like it even less today. Take the most talented player you can with your first round pick when you're rebuilding.  Hope CC can turn things around. 


  7. 15 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Yep.  That’s the thing.  The problem is, they have zero idea what Elias will do. They are assuming it based on the recent past.  I’m not saying there isn’t reason to believe it but we have no idea if Elias views Jones the way everyone else is and says, we need to draft this kid.

    We have so much money to spend, so spending big on that first pick isn’t going to hurt you.  You can still do overslots, etc…

    🎯🎯🎯 We have 2 comp balance picks, no?

  8. 8 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    Lee is in many mocks between one and 3.  If you can convince Jones or Lee that you are good with either one of them, you could probably get them signed somewhere in the middle of #1 slot and and #2 slot although I'm sure Jones is more confident he's going 1 or 2.  Lee could always slide a little bit as Green, Porada, and Holliday could potentially go before him.  Less likely that happens with Jones from the sounds of it.   There seems to be more consensus for Jones but it doesn't feel like Harper/Strasburg.

    Lee is in those mocks 1-3 bc they know Elias goes under slot. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

    It isn't as simple of trading guys that you know aren't going to pan out to teams that will give you good value for them.

    You don't see many prospect for prospect trades go down.

    You can get international slot money, pieces undervalued at major league level, no? No draft picks per cba.

  10. 15 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    Duquette traded draft choices for MLB talent because they were a contending team.    Elias is not there yet.  He is still building so he tries to develop prospects instead of trading them.   There will come a time in future years where I think that will happen if some prospect is blocked.


    17 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    Duquette traded draft choices for MLB talent because they were a contending team.    Elias is not there yet.  He is still building so he tries to develop prospects instead of trading them.   There will come a time in future years where I think that will happen if some prospect is blocked.

    Love your posts, but think your missing my point here. If you are the #1 ranked farm system and you think you have the inside track or who is overrated or who might fail in that system (Zac Lowther, Diaz, Nevin come to mind by whoever…). Why let them fail and their value go to zero?  Use the status as #1 farm system to your advantage! Elias is from a scouting background, no? 

  11. 1 hour ago, interloper said:

    Norfolk has 6 OF currently, I didn't realize guys were banged up but that makes sense I guess. Otherwise that's too damn many.

    Yep…something has to give…why doesn’t Elias ever trade the “prospects” he doesn’t value as highly for major league talent? When they fail, their value plummets to zero. Not a good model for long term success. 

  12. 2 hours ago, NCRaven said:

    Because they learned a lesson with Ruiz and didn't want to repeat it with Guttierez?  More likely, they just don't think that Guttierez could be part of the future.  Will Nevin?  Probably not, but why not take a look and see.

    I have been calling for them to recall Nevin for a while now so happy with that but don’t think KG was given a fair shake given his hot spring. And keeping Owings over him is absurd. Martin better than Owings.

  13. 3 hours ago, Just Regular said:

    Connaughton seems to have made it another year in the Bucks 8-man playoff rotation and helped them to a series-opening road win at Boston this afternoon.


    Yep! Many thought he was unwise but passion matters.

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