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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 3 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I feel like McKenna is underrated here. He’s only 25. We jumped him straight from Bowie. In his 35 career AAA games, he has 14 HR. What if we would’ve just left him alone and not had him just sit on the bench the last two seasons?  

    I think it’s unfair to just dub him an org guy. He’s only 1 year older than AR, and in 11 less career AAA games, has 8 more HR. 

    He could be a good 4th OF but he can’t hit the plus heat. I haven’t given up but would love to see Diaz. McKenna better defensively of course.

  2. Just now, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    Why are you putting so much blind faith in Elias? It’s absurd. Being better doesn’t mean great. He’s got a ton to prove.

    And when I say you, I mean many Os fans.

  3. 29 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    As you like to say, why can't it be both. I have confidence in their ability to evaluate amateur players but I'm also nervous about the amount of swing and miss from Cowser.

    Why are you putting so much blind faith in Elias? It’s absurd. Being better doesn’t mean great. He’s got a ton to prove.

  4. 33 minutes ago, btdart20 said:

    All the trades that have previously been floated have been more trading away proven talent to get prospective talent.  (Mullins, Mancini, Santander, Means...)

    Sounds like you're suggesting trading away prospective talent to get proven talent?  Is that correct?  What top ranked ammo are you trading away?  Who are you trying to get to supplement the team?

    Yes Sir. You don’t need to give up the Hall’s and Rodriquez’s to get good talent, sometime salary dumps. I would be looking for a stopgap 3b, starter and 2b if Urias is going to miss extended time. 

  5. 47 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    If you believe in Cowsers hit tool and Elias' ability to rate players, there is zero reason to be nervous about him imo.

    He's in a bad slump and you always look terrible when you are in bad slumps.  He could do this for another month and I wouldn't be worried.  He will eventually settle in and be fine.

    I tend to agree on Cowser but he’s been struggling mightily & we both know Lawlar was the pick. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Some questions for Elias,

    While Mountcastle is sidelined, why isn’t Diaz up play instead of Nevin/Bannon?  Diaz can play LF/RF and give Hays and Santander some DH time. 

    Can we target another 3B option in a small trade?  I can live with Odor and Urias playing 2B and both occasionally starting at 2B and 3B, but Nevin and Bannon don’t do it for me. 

    Diaz looks good. Just got back though so I bet they give him more time but agree 100%.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    To be a buyer during the year, most of the time, you have to be a contender.  The Os aren’t a contender.

    Doesn’t need to be a top guy. Just a piece that makes sense. But agreed of course but only 3 games back in the wc 😂😂😂

  8. 4 hours ago, wildcard said:

    I know, I know.  You are going to say there he goes again but  ............ Look at the facts.

    O's are 7-4 in May,  3 games behind the Blue Jays for the last Wild Card spot.

    The O's play  three with the Tigers this weekend who are  2-10 in May. 

    The Blue Jays are 3-7 in May.  They play the Rays who are  7-4 in May and they are playing in Tampa.

    Conclusion:  The O's are 3 back in the Wild Card Race.   O's are playing a weaker team.  Blue  Jays are playing a team that is playing better than them at the moment.   O's have a decent chance to pick up ground this weekend.

    O's are surging without Adley, Grayson, DL and Gunnar.   Just think about when those guys are added.

    Maybe Elias should be BUYERS at the deadline. Top farm system amo, use it. Doesn’t need to be a huge trade but would send a positive message. Also quite curious if Elias can pull off a competent addition trade. 

  9. 2 hours ago, celery said:

    Even if that was the best strategy, BPA is subjective. It's such an over simplification to say that.

    Jones is the consensus number 1. Martin or Lacy weren’t. Lawlar was and he is tearing it up. Always go bpa, hire the Ravens for help.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I’d say the pitching hasn’t been awful.  That’s a big step up.  There are a few signs in your numbers that there could be tougher times ahead.  I pretty much expect that.  But when you look at how putrid our pitching has been the last several years, just being somewhat below average would be a huge improvement.   

    🎯🎯🎯and at least worthy of watching, big improvement. But my question is this: will Elias be a BUYER at the deadline? Sure would send the right message and plenty of amo with a top ranked system. 

    • Confused 1
  11. Just now, Can_of_corn said:

    Minor leauge free agent from the Red Sox.

    Only has 12 career innings at AAA with an ERA over 8.

    I am shocked that Elias promoted a guy to the majors that hasn't dominated at his last level, also twelve innings at AAA seems very aggressive.


    Anyway, yea he's a warm body that will throw a few low impact innings and will probably end up off the 40 before the month is out.


    Thanks Corn. Agreed, that does seem strange. They needed to cut someone…so…better than being cut direct? 

  12. Just now, RZNJ said:

    I know this may sound silly to some but why try to make a super utility guy out of Mateo when he's beginning to look like a perfectly fine ML starting SS.    He turns 27 next month.   He's got less than a season of AB's and defense under his belt.    He looks really good on defense.  He runs like the wind.    He's not a black hole in the lineup.    If the bat comes around a little bit more, we've got something.   He's biggest flaw as a hitter is the plate discipline but he's actually been striking out less.   

    Love this! Yes. At the very least, hopefully he stays healthy and let him play there permanently. He was a good grab bc teams didn’t give him time to develop, the potential is there. High ceiling too imo. 

  13. 41 minutes ago, NCRaven said:

    If you view Lopez as a trade deadline option, keep having him close.  If you want to keep them both, I'd still have Lopez close for now.  🙂


    Def, my guess is they want to build up value for Lopez but who knows, maybe he actually adds at the deadline, that would be pleasant 

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