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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 33 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

    Speed is fun to watch. He also dropped what was frankly a pretty routine line drive that helped the Rays take the lead. A MLB player needs to make that play. 


    Thx, was at dinner and honestly didn’t watch just saw the highlights.

  2. 57 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I don’t put Pop and Yaz in the same category at all.  Absolutely nobody thought Yaz was a serious prospect.  He’d been left unprotected in the Rule 5 draft multiple times and nobody claimed him.    I don’t think all the high tech equipment and analytics in the world would have forecast what Yaz has done, and Elias had very little time to evaluate him.   

    Pop is a different story.   IMO, Elias knew that Pop was more talented than the Mattsons of the world, and he was under no delusion that Pop wasn’t healthy.   But I think he just believed that no other team was going to select a guy coming off TJ surgery who barely had pitched in AA and missed almost the whole 2019 season.   Well, he was wrong about that, and paid the price.    It may also be that the O’s aren’t crazy about Pop’s delivery and think it will lead to inconsistency or other injuries, so they were willing to take what they thought was a small risk that he’d be chosen.   Either way, I think Elias has to wear that one.   

    The Giants clearly thought he was a prospect worth trading for…and if he had little time to evaluate him, why not do just that-evaluate him by letting him play?

  3. 2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    None of us had access to his EVs, bat speed, or any other metrics. No one here had the same information the Orioles had when it came to evaluating him so that's a flawed way of evaluating the move. Somehow the Giants saw something and somehow in a short amount a time he became an impact player.

    The end results is the only metric to derive the outcome of the move. Elias owned Yaz, he gave him away. Yaz became an impact player. You can continue to make all the excuses for him that you want but at the end of the day, the result is he chose Dwight Smith Jr. over Yaz.

    The Yaz family has always been u underestimated, that’s the great story. More relevant, Yaz could have at least been given a 30 day look. What was the harm? His scouts likely said no and there lies a red flag. In the scouting world, you often get it wrong but what was the downside. As you mentioned Smith (who I liked personally but defensively wasn’t going to improve, what was the downside in letting Yaz play?

    • Upvote 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    If those players get you excited, then have at it. I've said my piece and have learned long ago to never get into a disagreements with apologists.

    I will say good things about Elias when he does good things, and I will be critical of him when I think he deserves that as well. 

    As for the players you mentioned, how many will be a significant part of a future winning Orioles team or traded for parts that will? 

    You have an entire board of Elias apologists. Again, not anti-Elias, but it has a cult-like feel to it.

  5. 13 hours ago, Jammer7 said:

    Um, ok, did you just use the terms dazzle and waiver wire acquisitions? C’mon man, that is ridiculous. Waiver claims rarely do much at all, maybe become a borderline regular. No GM dazzles with waiver claims. 

    You’re anti-Elias rants are predictable and tiresome. 

    . I am not anti-Elias, just grounded in reality. When DD was GM, everyone defended his every move. Now they think he is the devil. Personally, I thought DD was more good than bad (and was against the Davis signing). Elias is not a savior and has made some really questionable decisions. The draft being the big one. Not giving Yaz 30 days to see what he had is also being moronic. He comes from a scouting background, I would think he would find a nugget or two from the waiver wire, no? DD certainty did.


    And it is funny, you are starting a fight with me over my post on here that is CHEERING this claim. I am actually applauding this pickup. 



  6. 48 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Yeah, I’m pretty underwhelmed.   Putting aside his SSS big league numbers, he’s been a .739 OPS hitter in the PCL.   No reason to expect him to post a .700.+ OPS in the majors.   


    PCL or not, speed & triples don’t lie, good pickup.

    “His 14 triples and 24 stolen bases were tops and seventh-best, respectively, in the Pacific Coast League last year. We also have the full scouting report on how fast this kid is.”




  7. 1 hour ago, Yardball85 said:

    Interestingly, Mateo was a top 100 prospect for a little while.  Seems he was the big piece acquired by Oakland in the Gray trade four years ago.  He's 26 now, put up solid numbers in AAA in 2019.  Worth a shot, especially over Valaika.


    Elias hasn't exactly dazzled anyone with this waiver wire acquisitions but this one I like a lot.

  8. 11 hours ago, foxfield said:

    Going to my first game since Covid with my oldest child and youngest (of 4).  Game is 7:05.  Am I safe to assume we can eat Phillps or somewhere near stadium or should we indulge in Boogs?  It has been awhile since I have been to a Saturday game and the last two times, my go to dining place, Sabatino's was...underwhelming.  I have great memories of eating there with an old friend from college who passed away years ago.  And when my 4 were younger and we had a season ticket package we loved Sabatino's. 

    Anyway, feel free to move or delete and I appreciate any suggestions.

    Axe Sabatinos: Italian Diner. Go to La Scala or Chipparellis 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 8 hours ago, SteveA said:

    Too bad the trips to Busch Stadium and Wrigley are middle of the week and not weekends.

    Been to a lot of stadiums, not Busch. I had a trip planned to Cinci before covid. That’s the highest ranked one I wanna see.

  10. 6 hours ago, Matt Bennett said:


    1. Tyler Wells replacing Alex Wells on the active roster

    2. Marcus Diplan and Dusten Knight replacing Shaun Anderson & Adam Plutko on both the active and the 40 man? 

    Seems like the transactions I would like the best. 

    Plutko is a no brainer to be nontendered anyway in a couple months and there is nothing there.


    He was a stud in the cleanup role until they spot started him.

  11. On 7/31/2021 at 12:37 PM, Frobby said:

    What the F is your problem?  I’m perfectly aware of the Orioles problems. Nobody could read my posts and think I don’t know that the O’s have been a terrible team the last four years and still have a ways to go to be competitive.  

    You can’t judge a draft for 4-5 years.  I’m not talking about the Orioles draft this year. I’m talking about any team’s draft in any year.   Let’s take the 2018 draft.  Only 15 players drafted in the 1st/1st supplemental have reached the majors yet, none of whom have accumulated more than 2.5 rWAR.   Drop to the 2nd round, three guys have reached the majors.   But we know from past experience that eventually, probably 64-75% of the first rounders will reach the majors and 35-50% of the second rounders will.   So tell me, who won the 2018 draft?

    I’m sick of your condescending, know it all attitude.   Go to Omniscience Hangout and you can knowingly discuss baseball with higher beings like yourself.   


    Listen Frobby, people look up to you on here. In my opinion, you give the Os too many benefits of the doubts. You certainly are an intelligent, thoughtful man. And I do know & hear things from personal relationships I have made throughout my life. I was told from multiple sources, Os won’t be sold until Peter passes. Timetable tbd so hedging bets perhaps? Why would a franchise that is trying to close the gap in the AL East take a second corner OFer when 2 franchise Ss’s were there for the taking? Sure, risk is less but you got to take chances when so much of a gap exists. It’s not judging the draft, it’s judging bad logic.

  12. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    On the other hand, their major league team has gone from mediocre to very bad.  And, they pretty much emptied their team of tradeable assets, with Soto being the obvious exception.   It’s going to be interesting to see which direction Rizzo goes this offseason.   I doubt he’ll be in teardown mode, with Soto to build around.   

    Lol. They won a championship in 2019, the Os roughly 40 years prior to that but your concern is with the Nationals? Hilarious. Os fans never grounded in reality. They just rebuilt with a few trades and likely are around 15th or so. Plus their first rounder in 2020… at like 20? I think?…. Cade Cavelli is tearing it up. We took Kjerstad that year….I know, I know….nobody could have predicted that…


    This board just makes excuses for ineptitude and poor management like I have never seen anywhere else. “You can’t judge this draft for 4-5 years…Yada yada”. “Nobody knew Yaz would be a star” says the org with a GM from a scouting background….


    At some point Bro, it’s not her, it’s you. 

    • Downvote 4
  13. Never. The Nationals can draft competently and rebuild competently unlike the Os. They take BPA and don’t wait for values of players to fall to nil before trading. At least the O’s likely got more for Armstrong than they did current All Star Yaz. But I am told daily that Elias is a genius…funny. Os will be “rebuilding” until Angelos passes. I have stated that several times and I am not just pulling that out of arse. Most people around the team understand that, but there’s your hope window. 

  14. 30 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    You do realize I graded the draft a D, right?   There’s a difference between having an opinion, and thinking your opinion is a fact.   That’s my problem with your statements about Lawlar and Cowser.  

    And you are missing my larger point as well. Why are you skipping on a potential franchise SS to go for a college corner OFer? More likely to succeed but how is that closing the gap with the Sox and Yankees and Rays and Jays? It’s a head scratching approach.


    and for the record the my scout friends didn’t like Hobgood pick, DJ Stewart pick or Kerstad pick. Pretty darn good track record. They also questioned not giving Yaz a longer look given how little talent we had in the org. 

    • Haha 1
  15. 9 hours ago, Frobby said:

    You have a very high opinion of your ability to evaluate talent.   I don’t have as high an opinion of mine (or frankly, yours).  It will be a very long time before we know if Lawler is a franchise SS and what kind of player Cowser is.   Not to mention whether the overslot guys we got with the dollars saved are any good or not.   Come back in 5-7 years and we can discuss it.   In the meantime I’m just going to wait to see what happens, because I’m not going to pretend that I know.  

    I know many professional scouts. I talk to them, I listen. I am not a Homer ungrounded from reality, that twists like a pretzel to defend an org that hasn’t been in a World Series since almost 40 years ago.

    My favorite response on here: You can’t judge for x of years. You are just being too critical. Same nonsense was spewed during Joe Jordan’s awful picks year after year.

    Guess what: you can be critical. You know why? It was a bad pick, again! We don’t need more corner OFers! We need a franchise SS and pitching, or maybe a CFer! 

    Why do victims frequently defend their abusers? 

    • Downvote 3
  16. 3 hours ago, Jbwest31 said:

    I’m just joining the site so forgive me if this has been discussed ad nauseam, but do you guys think we should get whatever we can for Means? His stock won’t get any higher, he’ll be 30 by the time we’re ready to compete, and there’s all the illegal substances talk around him. I say we trade him for whatever we can get. Some team will pay a premium for him.

    First off, if he is using spider tack,  which seems to be fact for Means in the speculation rumor mill from most I talk to, did he do that on his own? I am sure the GM that came from an org of sign stealing had zero to do with that, right? It’s just Means? Unlikely. 

    The Orioles are an embarrassing franchise on so many levels, broken from dysfunctional ownership & management. One symptom is fans thinking you have to sell anyone that is good. We haven’t had a good home grown sp since Mussina, yet fans want to ship off Means? Geesh. 

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