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Everything posted by Cheetos

  1. The Yankees are a bunch of hyped up highly paid alpha bullies and they reacted as such. That formula for assembling a team rarely wins in the long run because their attention oftentimes goes from fighting the other team to blow ups with each other. It’s just a matter of time. They are losers.
  2. 44-22 and still #1 in runs scored per game. How are the doom, gloom and interloper’s feeling now?
  3. I started following the O’s in the early 80s. The game has changed for sure, but I don’t miss how the game is played as much as I miss the way you enjoy the game. I miss This Week In Baseball with Mel Allen, the excitement of the O’s playing on Saturday’s NBC game of the Week, Brother Low’s and Mel Poctor in HTS, staying up late listening to west coast games through the static of the broadcast on AM radio and Rex Barney giving a fan a contract.
  4. Well, now that we’ve established the hitting sucks, is it a good time to complain that this pitching is obviously over performing and will crash and burn any day now?
  5. We won 101 games last year and are 21-11 this year. What’s our record both years with a manager who manages to win every game. Provide reasoning how managing to win every game that gets us better results doesn’t destroy our bullpen and wear out starting players without providing no days off.
  6. Was pulling Irvin there the right choice? None of us know. What we do know is the no hit 2+ innings the BP gave us could not have been pitched better by Irvin. Hyde manages each day to win that day. WIN TODAY and let tomorrow worry about itself. He didn’t have to use Suarez (who could be sick complement to follow Means today) and Akin and Webb should be available today. Not exactly scrubs.
  7. I’ve been an all world player is 8 sports - Toe Wrestling, Lumberjacking, Hot Dog Eating, Gaga Ball, Pumpkin Chucking, Tuna Tossing, Pillow Fighting and Bog Snorkling and I wouldn’t be anywhere close to being as good as I am if my super hot mom wasn’t there cheering me every time I play.
  8. I hope Holliday is more excited about his promotion than Oriole fans are.
  9. “I thought with the ownership change that Elias would change his approach. It doesn’t seem that way.” I don’t think you do! This is your quote that @24fps and I responded to. Ownership has not changed so you don’t know if Elias will change his approach, but you mourn and wail as if he has had the chance and ownership has prevented a change.
  10. I don’t think it’s fair to make that judgement this early. The new owners aren’t even approved yet. As to the points you make of locking up young players and service time manipulation. I agree I hope the new owners will make it a priority to lock up our core. That is something if the players/agents are open to, new money can definitely help. But because it takes two to tango and there is only so many dollars to go around - I totally understand from an organizational philosophy you consider maximizing the number of years you keep players under control. The longer you have them, the more time you have to buy out arbitration years and sign to long term contracts.
  11. Good grief. How many accounts is Jason La Canfora allowed on this site? Comments like this are almost as outrageous as JLT’s Wikipedia page bio. Jason La Canforaborn April 14, 1974) is an American sportswriter, radio host, television sports analyst and health advocate.
  12. Wouldn’t the most important thing be to have the BEST 26 players playing at their BEST at the end of the season when it counts the most?
  13. You didn’t just pick up McCann as a backup bat or glove only. You picked him up because you have budding top gun catcher who has a strong desire to learn. He doesn’t need and couldn’t learn from an up and coming hot shot Maverick.
  14. Sure! Sign, covert him back to starter and give him the ball opening day!
  15. I was going to say this same thing. The fact they targeted Gibson early in the process makes me think; 1 - They can get Lyles+ production at a lower cost. Very few teams are so deep that their 4/5 spots are filled with 1/2. Spend the extra money on your 2/3 starter. 2 - They see something they can tweak to make Gibson more effective which could start with simply having a better D playing behind him. I’ve seen post about blocking the young guys. Well, it’s seems to be foolish not to have an older vet who takes the ball every 5 days and can help the Graysons and Halls. Lyles is the best example of that. And with Gibson, it sounds like you just got yourself a true one year stopgap. If he fails to live up to his contract, you send him to the bullpen.
  16. Yup. Wonder how well Aaron Judge frames a pitch?
  17. Good leaders instinctively know when to personally intervene in a situation. It’s a good sign that Elias took action and went to Texas - especially considering he could have waited until tomorrow and talked to them at home.
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