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More Sordid Clemens Rumors....


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Gumar I learned from the Sopranos.:D Means a long term girlfriend while you are married.

The rest is my personal opinions. I think as science learns more and more about the human mind and sexuality affairs will take on less importance for women.

At the moment, science states that true emotional consent is not really possible until you are about 25. Intellectual consent is about age 17. Biological capability is about age 13. So, yeah, in terms of science . . . those are your relative boundaries and Clemens broke two of them.

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No offense, but I don't understand why this stuff is news.

Other than the celebrity nature of Clemens, Clemens has sued McNamee for defamation.

"If true, it's just another example of Roger's pervasive prevarications which will be at the core of any defamation case," said McNamee's attorney, Richard Emery, in an e-mail to The Associated Press.


"The issue in Roger's suit against McNamee is Roger's reputation and how it has been damaged," Emery said, according to the Daily News. "If it's proved that he's a philanderer, his reputation is already damaged. When you sue for defamation, you put your whole reputation in the community at issue. Anything is fair game, including his claim of sanctimonious purity. We would cross-examine him and other witnesses who might impact on his alleged behavior. We would probably subpoena her and witnesses who knew [of the relationship]. He's a 'family man' -- he implies that. It's about what his damages are. All is fair game."


The first paragraph means we will use it to to show Clemens is a liar - he lied about an affair, just as he lied about using steroids.

The second paragraph is a little trickier and of more questionable evidentiary merit, but its basically "even if McNamee is found to have defamed you, people already knew you were kinda scummy anyway, so its not like it really hurt your otherwise 'clean' reputation" - thus being a bar to huge damages.


More practically, this likely may have been leaked by McNamee's associates, or with their knowledge (see how quickly the McNamee defense team had email statements out to the press about this), but either way its part of a bigger intimidation strategy. The idea being "if you want to go to court Roger, we will do all we can to drag you further through the mud."

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A MLB Star having an "affair" with a 15 yr old girl will always make the news.

This defamation case will certainly go nowhere if he has preyed on underage girls. I'm not sure if a pedophile can have much of a good reputation.

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Sweet jeebus! Do Not Want.

(ps - too many "http://"s in the link)

How 'bout this one?

<img src ="http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/72/c6/942e9833e7a07933e6de1110.L.jpg">

Hard to believe that's the same girl, huh? She really fell on some hard times -- been in jail a couple of times, drunk and disorderly, etc.

I think at some point, she was romantically linked with Superman Dean Cain (not that that has anything to do with this Clemens situation).

Ironically, there's a song on her Ten Thousand Angels album called "Guys do it all the time." Not to mention "A girl's gotta do (what a girl's gotta do)." ;)


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Back in the day (and I do mean back in the day) one of the reasons polygamy was so ruthlessly suppressed in this country was to prevent the rich from getting all the women. (Where populations of men and women are roughly equal, every time a man takes an extra wife, somebody's going to have to do without.)

Remember, the rich have always lived by different laws. That's one of the many reasons we all want to become rich.

"Men are as loyal as their options." --Bill Maher

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Hard to believe that's the same girl, huh? She really fell on some hard times -- been in jail a couple of times, drunk and disorderly, etc.

Yeah, Mindy McCready was pretty cute back in the day, but she's had a really rough time the last few years. I feel bad for her getting dragged into all this mess.

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Back in the day (and I do mean back in the day) one of the reasons polygamy was so ruthlessly suppressed in this country was to prevent the rich from getting all the women. (Where populations of men and women are roughly equal, every time a man takes an extra wife, somebody's going to have to do without.)

Remember, the rich have always lived by different laws. That's one of the many reasons we all want to become rich.

"Men are as loyal as their options." --Bill Maher

Eh, I think it predates this country with respect to that. From a US history standpoint . . . it was religious. You need to go back before that for that to be a deciding factor.

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Her being 15 at the time makes him a pedifile (is that spelled right ?). If any of you, a 28 y/o teacher or I was found to be having an "affair" with someone underage they'd throw the book at us, even if it were found out 20 years later.

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Her being 15 at the time makes him a pedifile (is that spelled right ?). If any of you, a 28 y/o teacher or I was found to be having an "affair" with someone underage they'd throw the book at us, even if it were found out 20 years later.

Statutes of limitations on this I think.

If it was a 28 year old multimillionaire woman having sex with a 15 year old boy we would call him lucky. I think our ideas of why a man doing it with a young girl is worse is the risk of pregnacy issues.

That and we think women are less capable of thinking for themselves.

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Her being 15 at the time makes him a pedifile (is that spelled right ?). If any of you, a 28 y/o teacher or I was found to be having an "affair" with someone underage they'd throw the book at us, even if it were found out 20 years later.

Well, they are claiming that there was no sex when she was 15.

The allegations, according to the Daily News, claim Clemens was 28 when he first had contact with McCready. She was 15 when he noticed her at a Fort Myers, Fla., bar while out with his Red Sox teammates, according to the Daily News.

In its story Monday night, sources told the Daily News that McCready went with Clemens to his hotel room in Fort Myers, Fla., after their first meeting but that they did not have sex. The relationship turned intimate after she later moved to Nashville and became a country star, the paper said.


I don't believe it. If you've already crossed the line of taking a 15-yr old girl to your hotel room, I can't imagine anything is stopping you from crossing further lines.

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