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    Jim Palmer

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  1. Exactly , there pulling one number out of a whole career, at some point he is who he is. Number 3 starter in the playoffs? 80 million for 3.0 WAR since 2019. Imagine if he was here at those prices
  2. I wrote in another thread Hes a lateral move, If youre giving up on Fabian sure, but he does not upgrade anything.
  3. Should cost next to nothing as he statistically a lateral move. Is he better than irvin? right now probably yes, go back to April and May not so much. Since 2019 career ERA of 4.69, whip of 1.37, FIP of 4.64, and WAR of 3.0, and all of that for 79 Million. Must be nice to have a good agent, Wonder how popular he would be if he was here the last couple of years at those prices.
  4. Just needs to continue to develop. O's are in a good spot with this one.
  5. How would Holliday not be enough? NO.
  6. Only five days, maybe too many buyers
  7. Cowser will be fine. with practically everyone on this team in a funk right now, what makes you think Luis Robert wont slump. IT happens to all players. We have the bats and they will turn around. We need pitching.Lets get to next Tuesday and reevaluate
  8. Great example of how great MILB numbers can turn into MLB busts very quickly, I hope it does not happen
  9. Manny's defense at 3rd flipped the script on that seaon. It also allowed Reynolds to go to First and play very surprisinigly good (Had poeple talking GG caliber) Some of his streches for the ball were ridiculous. Get him up here, lets see his 3b, not like it's our only option with him.
  10. Maybe we can get lucky (Hot at the right time to). I think Kjerstad will be around after the deadline as well.
  11. That would put him at or close to the top. we sure have some guys in slumps that need to snap out of it
  12. Our WS run this year began to sink last year. Felix, continued with Bradish, Means Wells and Coloumbe. Thats 5 pretty nice pitchers right there. Only so much you can put together at the deadline. That coupled with Holliday's rough start and Mayo not even getting a chance. We need a couple of nice Pitchers, the guys to break out of slumps and a spark from the youngster (Kjerstad, Mayo and Holliday) And getting Danny Back would be nice too.
  13. Cant find it anywhere but they were done at Miami Stadium Before Andrew ( I lived only a couple of blocks from it) City of Miami used as a dump for Andrew debris cleanup. But I think they were in Homestead Before Andrew, but cant find it.
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