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Can_of_corn last won the day on July 24

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Hangout Grand Counsel

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  1. And the really sad part is that they were trying to win. You can do stuff like that if the owner is just collecting the profits and ignoring the team.
  2. I am continually confused by the Cal fetish. Why Cal and not Palmer? Who has more rings? Who has been the more active member of the Oriole family?
  3. Might not be Hyde, he might be under orders. Elias is super conservative when it comes to pitcher usage.
  4. I'm sure it's happened but it isn't something that's going to be tracked, particularly if it happened 40 years ago. Luck is great and maybe it continues and maybe it doesn't. Those numbers aren't based off of skill.
  5. He's been on a pretty tight pitch pitch count/innings limit.
  6. I'm just saying that it's easier and more informative to point at the run differential than to talk about a 15 point spread in batting average.
  7. You could have just said that KC has a run differential of +93 while Detroit is at +45. Saved you some typing.
  8. I'm more of a Prime Number guy, I'm happy enough with 89. Round numbers are for suckers. Pretty disheartening they haven't managed to reach that relatively meager goal in 40 years.
  9. That's a well done scene, those are actual fencing schools referenced.
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