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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. I'm guessing with Henderson, O'Hearn and Cowser in the top six batters, they felt a Lefty could maybe get through them and turn it over.
  2. Yeah, it's just weird that he was just thrown in there. I like Devo, but he just seems like he's more of a one or two inning guest vs a 3rd guy in the booth. Rather have Brian Roberts if they want to add in a 3rd guy.
  3. I think the Marlins may have a position player pitching by the 8th inning.
  4. Haha, pretty sure when you get these meat pitches you don't wait.
  5. Yeah, not sure how the heck someone would think this was a good idea.
  6. 12 pitches.. 4-for-4 for the Orioles.
  7. Crap, dude has thrown 10 pitches and given up 3 runs already!! Go O's.
  8. Uggh, don't get me started. I don't know what the heck they are doing now. Devo is a good guy but he's not ready to be in the booth. Can't take Lacanfora voice and his screaming on the radio makes me turn it off even if his points aren't awful all the time.
  9. I will happy when we don't see Arraez again. Good Lord this guy is good. Got him this time though!
  10. He's been putting up pretty good numbers over the last few months and is a bit of a grinder. I agree that he's not too far away from those guys overall, but I'm not super high on either one of them either though I still like Haskins as a potential 4th outfielder type if he can stay healthy. Rhodes probably has the most upside because of his age. Cook struggles a bit against more mature pitching so I'd need to see him in AAA before anointing him "one the prospect scene." Saying that, he's a bit of a grinder and his power, speed combo could get him into that 4th outfielder category if he can prove he can hit upper level AAA/AAAA pitching.
  11. Nice to see him on the way back. I liked him a bit pre injury. Looking forward to seeing what he looks like post injury.
  12. I don't know if I'd call Cook a prospect, but he is a good draft pick for a 10th rounder. He's versatile, has occasional pop, is ok defensively in the outfield, and has shown the ability to hit a little despite having too much swing and miss. Good org guy overall for me.
  13. Quite the night for Rhodes. Would be nice to see some continual pop from him.
  14. What in the heck did Frazier do this offseason to come up with this pop. Weird how he's not getting on base much, but damn he's hitting some bombs.
  15. Nice job by Kremer to pitch himself out of that. Wasn't his best command that inning but he kept the damage to a minimum by not panicking.
  16. I don't think Elias has any intention of starting his clock, adding him to a 40-man prematurely, nor is there a place for him to play right now. This is a his first full season, let him have success. Next year he can play in AAA, have success, and be up in the big leagues if his play warrants. There is just no need for him right now even if he tears up AA which I thin is going to be a little bit of adjustment for him. He still hits too many ground balls so that is something he needs to work on.
  17. He had a good spring and there was some buzz about him then, but he has not had a great year overall. He hasn't been able to defend himself very well against lefties which will make or break him since you can't no longer use these kinds of guys for one or two right-handed batters coming up.
  18. Dan sticking it to Angelos is awesome!
  19. I like taking college bats and arms early in the draft, but once you get into that 3rd round and past, the upside of the college bats usually start to twindle. The problem is, not a ton of high school kids with upside tools are going to sign out of high school unless they are taken in those first couple of rounds or can get a 7-figure bonus. A lot rather go get the college experience and see if they can increase their value and get redrafted for more money in 3 years. With a lack of rookie league teams, colleges can say that they will get just as many PAs and will get playing time vs going to the pros and if they struggle and don't have a big bonus behind them, will get buried in a professional organization. Each draft class is different too. Not every draft class will have signable 5th round talents like Hernaiz (though the book has still not really been written with him, he does look like a good selection). This past year the org definitely took toolsey pitches and players with the hope of developing in their system vs guys with real good college numbers. I like taking some high ceiling arms because even if some blow out, if you take enough, a few diamonds will come through.
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