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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. Yup. I thought he actually pitched pretty well for a nice stretch and was actually showing increased velocity out of the bullpen.
  2. Totally agree about the Rangers. They are a different kind of team than KC, but they look like they can beat anyone right now. I also agree about Irvin. He should have been on the playoff roster instead of Bryan Baker. Baker goes through too many stretches where he can't throw strikes. Elias should have beefed up the bullpen at the break. It was nice to take a chance on Fuji, but you needed someone with more experience.
  3. Of course...not even close...but what would we have given up for them?
  4. Wow...15 Ks on a 109 pitch CG. He had it working that night! Pretty lousy lineup for TX, but still impressive.
  5. Totally agree. To me, these guys will always be Orioles...regardless if they stay here their whole careers or move on to another team.
  6. I could see one or more of Hays, Mullins, and Santander being dealt. Need to make room for Cowser, Hjerstad, and possibly Norby.
  7. I am all for the idea of a "matchup" bullpen with Bautista down in the playoffs, with no designated closer.
  8. Hopefully, the first of many MVO's for Gunnar!!
  9. clapdiddy

    Coby Mayo 2023

    If Mayo produces like Riley....sign me up!
  10. I'm guessing Ken will now be asking for the Orioles to give back their Competitive Balance pick since they won the division. We also should not get the pick if Gunnar wins ROY...because...you know..."tanking".
  11. So awesome! Nice that Wells got the save tonight!
  12. I can't understand why Hyde is still batting Santander so high in the order?
  13. What a kind, wonderful man. I got to meet him at a book signing back in 1976...I was 10 and in awe. He was just as friendly in person as he was on television. Pure class.
  14. I don't really fear any team...but I picked Toronto. We owned them during the season...those things seem to find a way to even out.
  15. clapdiddy

    Coby Mayo 2023

    It also seems like he has the power to hit it out in LF at OPACY.
  16. My problem with this series is the ineffectiveness of the starters.
  17. EXACTLY! Just shut up and let the people that know what they are doing run the team. Even if they do the "restock" thing to a certain extent, you CAN still lock up some of your key players.
  18. Yup...part of the "negotiations" with the Stadium Authority (or whatever entity is involved) in beefing up the Camden Yards area and letting Angelos profit from it.
  19. It's almost like he's telling Elias to go find another job.
  20. Demoting Irvin was a horrible move. It would have been nice to bring him in after Grod goes 5 tonight. I'd rather have him in the bullpen than Lopez or Fuji right now.
  21. Tampa's bullpen is nails. Armstrong...who knew?
  22. I sure hope they realize what they have in Elias and team. They should do whatever they need to do to keep him and his team in place for a nice, long time.
  23. I am more than OK with a split in this series.
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