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Everything posted by clapdiddy

  1. Amen. What would us getting back a decent position player now do? That player will likely be gone by the time the O's are relevant again.
  2. I'm guessing there aren't going to be any luxury tax signings?
  3. Oh...so we're getting an upgrade to the OF defense? :)
  4. You gotta feel for the fan on the second homer who had the ball hit him right in the glove and pop out. Poor guy!
  5. Goes to show you how amazing the Orioles defense was during Palmer's peak years. I'm hopeful that the Orioles will focus on defense in the very near future.
  6. Agree with you on this. He's a nice player, but definitely one we should have saved some cash on. I was thinking he could get around 1.5 and we'd be able to go after some of these HS guys we drafted.
  7. I'm a little (ok...a lot!) ignorant on the draft dollars. If Knight and the O's don't come to terms, can they use his slot money to sign any other players, or is it only dollars you save that can be used for bonus money?
  8. I'm bored with the subject and I'm bored with Davis in the lineup. So...I guess I'm doubly bored!
  9. I'm wondering if they would have offered this same deal to Manny when they gave it to Davis if he would have taken it? They probably would have needed to give him more money during the life of the contract, but the total dollars would seem to be in the ballpark.
  10. It's hard for guys to lower the bat-head on it.
  11. Unfortunately, one of them will have to stay.
  12. Despite his obvious over-achievement this season thus far, I'd still rather have Flaherty over Vielma, Sardinas, or anyone else we could currently have in the "utility guy" role.
  13. Have you watched him hit in the last season and a half?
  14. Agreed. His apparent athleticism (for a big guy) was one reason why I said that he'd last longer than Ryan Howard, who never struck me as being athletic. I don't know what happened to him, but he's definitely lost a lot of that athleticism.
  15. I think he's likely to hit between .200 and .230 this season. I see him around a .215/.300/.415 season. I truly hope I'm wrong. I just don't see how he's going to do anything with the bat speed. It's just not there any more.
  16. Now...if we could just find someone/anyone to take Trumbo.
  17. I can see that argument, but I hope the Orioles look more at the big picture. I'd rather throw money at another "innings-eater" than trade Givens at this point.
  18. Would have to be Brach. 4 years of Givens> 2 years of McHugh.
  19. As reluctant as I was about Cashner, I have to agree with you. If Cashner is a viable #3, I have no problem with us bringing Tillman back in the fold, preferably on a MiLB deal.
  20. Now, if we could pull one off with Mr. Machado...
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