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Everything posted by scarey1999

  1. This thread title is inaccurate. At least as of this moment. It has not been determined if he needs TJS. The Angels said that imaging revealed a partial tear and it was unclear if surgery was required yet.
  2. I’m not sure if it’s been said here or in other threads yet, but Showalter was placed on the minor league IL recently after only pitching one inning in his Cards debut. No word on what the injury is other than the dreaded undisclosed.
  3. Thank you for these write ups. Always very well done. Outside of the few names mentioned, this was overall a very disappointing season developmentally. Of course, as a fan of the Orioles, I want everyone to do well and find success. Although the vast majority of the fan base do not follow these lower level prospects to the detail many of us do, there was some excitement coming into this season for the FCL (and DSL teams too) based on some of the international talent that was signed in recent years. Even taking the Orioles colored glasses off, you’d have to say overall that expectations were nowhere close to being met. I realize of course that not every player we draft or sign is going to become a MLB contributor, in fact the vast majority never advance beyond AA. Outside of Basallo and the few players mentioned here and in the DSL thread, not a lot to get excited about yet based on bonuses handed out vs on field performance thus far. These players are still very young, but for guys like Maikol Hernandez, the opportunity window closes if you’re not able to demonstrate results on the field. This is especially true with how well Elias has drafted. There is simply no longer the organizational roster space to foster these players for as long as we may have done in years past.
  4. I realize this is a Basallo thread but there’s been a lot of talk about Salas here due to his recent promotion to AA and the obvious comps between he and Sammy age and position wise. Just watched the last half of his AA debut game in San Antonio. Let me just say physically, he looks nothing like a kid who just turned 17 a couple of months ago. He’s extremely well put together. He handled the game behind the plate really well from my amateur eyes. Anyhoo… We’ll, wouldn’t you know it, game goes to extras. Salas hits a game winning walkoff double in the bottom of the 10th to send the home crowd home happy.
  5. Perhaps the word expect is too strong. I’m probably laying out a best case scenario here. But, I’m doing so in part for the reasons you outline re: options and the 40 man spot. I believe we have to burn one in ‘23 and he’d needs to be 40 manned. Let’s not forget, he’s still got 6 weeks of solid development time left in the minors this year and I suspect that he’s a guy they send to the AFL to get some additional innings in. Given his advanced age and roster status, I think they will be more inclined to push him along quickly to help the ML club - so long as he keeps himself healthy. Just a hunch I have. Nothing tangible or quantifiable to back up my theory with.
  6. I’m presuming that this list is comprised of only guys the Orioles actually signed and wholly developed. Just a hunch because several of the pitchers you mention were acquired by the Orioles and not originally signed by them. I was working under the same premise too. If you include these “outside” guys, Pinto and Rivera easily make the list.
  7. The ball was hit very hard and while tough to tell exactly from the video, it may have been cutting/slicing very rapidly. So, less than ideal route…or really good adjustment? I’d call it the latter.
  8. Although I don’t have their paid service presently, another vote for Nord. I used to travel abroad semi regularly (mostly Europe) for extended periods of time on business prior to 2019. Nord was the only one I could get to work consistently. As another posted pointed out, the other key was using the private browser session so that cookie/location tracking was limited.
  9. They want to get him exposure this year to catching advanced pitching and also have him be around a playoff environment. I can see the argument despite his lack of recent success at high A. “Our group feels he’s up to the challenge,” Padres President of Baseball Operations A.J. Preller told the Union-Tribune by phone Sunday afternoon. “We think there’s a benefit of playing against advanced competition and catching advanced pitchers and this is a group that will have chance to play together down the stretch and into the Double-A playoffs.”
  10. That’s probably because the DSL season is almost over (ends Tuesday). He’s a US citizen (dual citizen actually), so they probably have him in Sarasota working out aka developmental time.
  11. scarey1999

    Coby Mayo 2023

    This is good to see. He struggled with a couple of these plays in ML ST earlier this year when I saw him up close and also a couple times a Bowie on TV. He’s got the arm strength of course, it’s just his footwork that was a bit off. Seems to be coming to him more naturally now based off this play. Also still a firm believer that if he moves positions, RF is the better option over 1B. He’s not a burner with foot speed but he’s more than athletic enough to handle RF IMO.
  12. This was great to see. I would expect to have him ready for the show after 2/3 months of working up through minor league game action next year. It is good Elias, Sig and co. are getting some data on him as we close out this season, so they know what they’re working with and can have him focus on certain areas in the offseason. Health being the priority, of course.
  13. Good list. Mostly agree. I’d have Sosa at 3. Pretty good production for an 18 yo in FCL. That’s a tough place to hit. I like his projectable frame too. He started to show it, but I think there is a lot more power in there. Pretty good K/BB tho the K rate is fairly high - as is with most of these guys. Estrada (pretty sure he’s been a fav or yours?) takes a hit and drops some for me. Still top 10 but below guys like Arias and Sosa. Had high hopes for him myself but seems like injuries have taken a toll and stalled his development. The one noticeable missing name is Mordan. I’d have him in there at 7/8 (flip a coin between he and Estrada). Curious to see what he does at Delmarva to start next season. We’ll have a good idea about him by June. I’d also have to add Fernando Peguero in there too at the back end. Realize he’s 18 and still in the DSL but those numbers are really nice. He should at least be in the conversation. Almeyda - Sheesh. For such a highly touted, big bonus guy, he’s someone I’m watching closely coming into next spring as he presumably repeats DSL. I realize, he young and there’s plenty of time, but pretty disappointing output from him.
  14. Bottom 7 tonight. Gamel hits fly ball to deep out toward LCF. KB: “and that’s where balls go to die in this park, especially at night” (maybe not a direct quote but basically that) Next batter up, Grisham, promptly hits a HR to…you guessed it…left center field. It is a thing with him and I’m sorry but you cannot tell me otherwise. I’ve watched a ton of sports games across my almost 50 years of life on this earth and I’ve never seen (heard?) anything like it.
  15. That and the blink 182 topic, both pretty cringe, but had me laughing at the same time.
  16. I mean, yes they can hear us taking to them through the TVs…players included! How do you not know this?!? Kidding, of course. Those of us that believe in it to whatever extent, being superstitious while watching sports (or playing them) is a real thing. Does this particular one about what is said in game have any bearing on the outcome of games in either direction? Hard to definitively answer of course, but there are firm believers in them, so they must have some sort of merit. Again, whether that’s real or completely intangible, you could debate for eternity. So to folks like me, and seemingly many others from the comments, there are certain things that you just don’t say…or maybe should say…depending on the situation. Whether correlated or just blind luck, I’ll be darned if KB’s “success” rate isn’t pretty high. And just to say it, I really enjoy him and all his awkward quirkiness outside of the this one thing. I truly hope this whole mess JA created just goes away and he sticks around for a long time. Just keep those unspeakables to yourself please, KB. (I’m sure he’s reading this)
  17. I’ve said this in other threads. He speaks things into existence for the other team waaaaay to frequently. And not the good kinds of things either. It’s like the opposite of the goal of using reverse psychology tactics. There’s just certain things you don’t say as an announcer, and he hasn’t figured that out yet. Drives me nuts!
  18. Looks like he didn’t pitch at Liberty in ‘23. Injury or something? That stat line in the Cape this year…yikes.
  19. He’s got to be one of the callups when rosters expand in a couple weeks.
  20. Creed has really tailed off since his promotion to ABD and a pretty good start there. His AVG is creeping toward the Mendoza line and OPS is now in the 600s. He was out of the lineup today. I know he’s had a couple of injuries this year, including the shoulder in July. I hope he’s not hurt and just trying to play through it. If so, could explain why his numbers are dropping.
  21. From the games I’ve watched (probably about 20 of them total), he seems to have excellent plate coverage to the other side. He takes the ball the other way with natural ability and ease, and on several occasions with authority. I’ve seen several hard hit balls off the left or left center wall and a couple of oppo taco shots on balls that were on the outer half of the plate.
  22. He has definitely been talked about on the national scene as a CY candidate. Fangraphs mentioned him in a recent write up and also MLB network had a couple segments on him being in the conversation this week prior to the Houston series. I mean he’s won the reliever of the month award 3 of the 4 months thus far. That alone warrants him being in the conversation.
  23. He wasn’t in the Bowie lineup tonight so all signs point to him being with the team in Seattle and presumably in the starting lineup Friday.
  24. I’ve seen that! I don’t really follow or know much about them, just watch to a few games a year when the Os aren’t playing. I have been to handful of games at Minute Maid. Pretty unique place. I know way more about the Rangers since they’re local and I go to several games each year as a baseball fan - for instance when the Angels are in town so I can watch Ohtani/Trout. I got to see Gunnar hit his 1st HR this year and Grayson make his debut too. Even was able to get down to the locker room area post game and meet him afterwards, which was pretty cool.
  25. I watched the Astros TV broadcast tonight in my market (TX/DFW area). The Houston announcer duo of Kalas and ex/MLer Geoff Blum are really a joy to listen to. Fantastic at their jobs. Very complementary of the Os and the young core, even mentioning Elias and Sig a couple of times. The nerve of them, right? Anyhow, late in the game, Kalas made mention of the lack of being swept over the last 75 series since Adley was called up. Blum took that and ran with it and said, “Oh, I thought you were gonna say they haven’t lost a series since Kevin Brown started announcing for them.” HILARIOUS!!
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