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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. Somehow... I don't feel any pity whatsoever for him. Hmm.
  2. Do do this at home for a full 3 game series... honestly, at the very least, the O's should offer a full refund to everyone who bought a ticket.
  3. Lol, it didn't take much brains not to swing at the slop Fry threw up there.
  4. Jeebus, throw him a strike! He's a 20 year old rookie!
  5. Only slightly better chance than me winning the lottery.
  6. Remember when Fry seemed so dependable. Oh well, might be for the best that he walked Cruz.
  7. Fwiw, I'm looking forward to the bottom of order coming up next inning - Mateo, Martin, and Wynns. Mateo's such a wild card, and both Martin and Wynns have 2 hits, so far.
  8. I think both Santander and Franco have spent a significant amount of games playing injured this season.
  9. Is there anything Mullins isn't leading the O's in? Even his 2 outs today were crushed.
  10. I think so. It's definitely 2nd guessing in hindsight, but I wish they took a look at him the pitch before - when the ball got away from him.
  11. Man, that looked bad. Hopefully he's ok. Note - the pitch before that was also wild.
  12. Gotta believe the O's bullpen will come through today - after the last 2 debacles.
  13. Nah, you gave him the motivation he needed. Thanks for taking one for the team.
  14. Lopez threw 106 pitches last game. No reason he can't pitch the 6th today.
  15. He really does. Getting through that 5th inning was big. If he can do the 6th, I'll start thinking there's hope for him.
  16. If Martin hadn't been thrown out, I would have let him join the group and rename it the 4M Express - and avoid the copywrite violation.
  17. And he's struck out both times since the base-running blunder. Threw his bat and helmet down in anger. Methinks Trey could use a few days off.
  18. Mullins hitting into a double play... bench him!
  19. I didn't realize how many M's we have - Mountcastle, Mancini...
  20. Even faster than Mullins and McKenna. Call em the 3M Express. It's fun to watch him make things happen.
  21. Ruzious

    Drew Rom 2021

    Yeah, we'll just have to live with the wins when he pitches. Sigh. Rom may not be dominant, but consistency goes a long way, and he provides that. At age 21 in Bowie, he's one of the few O's prospects that's ahead of schedule.
  22. We had to wait all of 1 pitch to find out if he'd extend it!
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