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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. One name I totally forgot... Dillon Tate. If he's healthy and can return to form, he helps the BP tremendously.
  2. The O's cannot go into next season status quo. Bradish, Means and GRod are a solid trio. Wells is great but will he be able to make it through the entire season in the rotation? Kremer is a great 5th starter IMO, but I'd love to acquire top flight starters to push him into a long man role. The O's have the prospects and the payroll room to add pitching. I have no idea what wheels Elias will turn, but my ideal offseason would be adding 2 starters who are at least #2-3 on ANY team, a slam dunk back end reliever, and a proven power bat/run producer. A Jagwar can dream.
  3. It happens. Maybe it's a 6-sigma event on the tail of the normal curve, but it happens. Honestly, the sample size of postseasons is to small to say what is an anomaly and what isn't. The Braves, Dodgers and the Orioles all had losing streaks of 4 games this year. None of them won every single series in the season. It's baseball. Embrace it, even when it breaks your heart.
  4. I can't help but thinking this is a silly sour grapes thread. If the 1996 Orioles had managed to beat the Yankees and then beat the Braves in the WS that was illegitimate? If the 2012 Orioles had squeaked by the Yankees and beaten the Giants it would have been illegitimate? If Britton actually pitches in the WC game against Toronto and somehow wins it all it's illegitimate? Preposterous. We all would have been dancing in the streets for days. Wild Card teams aren't in it just to lose to the teams with the best records. They are there because they have a chance to win the whole shebang.
  5. Interesting... I have a degree in Mathematics too. Nerds of the World Unite!
  6. I think the O's can "fix" him. I'm pretty sure they would think so too.
  7. I'm not sure you fully understand the meaning of random.
  8. Sometimes teams either outperform or underperform. Case in point (and I know I'm going back decades), were the 1969 Mets a better team than the 1969 O's? Absolutely not, but they played a great series, and sometimes the better teams lose.
  9. No tweaking necessary. It's baseball, weird things happen to the best teams. Seeing the Dodgers get swept, and the Braves on the brink of elimination, helps me understand that the O's getting swept isn't necessarily an outlier. It doesn't make me feel better about the O's getting swept, but it does give me context.
  10. I have no idea who is available, but if the O's could acquire a closer, and have Cano/Hall/Wells as the primary setup men, that would be a solid bullpen.
  11. I have no overarching plan. I've just reached peak McKenna, Mountcastle, Mateo and Urias.
  12. Where is Stevie Wilkerson when we need him!
  13. Licensing exam for becoming a financial advisor. Not a fun exam at all.
  14. Hey, I passed the Series 7 Exam today. At least that's some sort of victory.
  15. Game ain't over yet. Wells looks like he wants to go a few more innings
  16. Give me Bradish, Means, #2-3 sign/trade, GRod, and Wells. Kremer can be a part of a trade package.
  17. You clearly have no idea how I roll.
  18. If Kremer or Wells are still in the rotation, Elias isn't doing his job IMO
  19. I was replying to a post, trying to give context to TB having a 99 win season with nothing to show for it. But you go ahead and vent towards my post. .
  20. Baloney. Armchair Manager. He probably gets beat down too.
  21. Clearly he couldn't stretch his arm like Mr. Fantastic.
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