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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. I think Cowser is going to figure it out. He definitely looked a little deer-headlights in his debut, but I'm wondering if that changes with an opening day call up. Watching his minor league videos, he has a smooth swing and easy power gap to gap. Give him consistent ABs and playing time and I think he is going to do well, like 800+ OPS
  2. Pretty much. I think Wildcard has a jar with possible thread titles written on tiny strips of paper. Once the O's have played their last game he randomly selects at least 1 a week from the jar.
  3. Here is the difference. You pretty much know what you get with Hays and Santander. There is still a huge amount of uncertainty with what you get with Cowser and Kjerstad.
  4. It's all going to depend on who is dealt. For example, I don't think Ortiz has anything left to prove at AAA. He should be on a major league roster, either with the O's or someone else. If Urias is no longer on the roster, then Ortiz is next man up. Same thing with Santander. If he is dealt it opens the door for Cowser or Kjerstad. If he stays it is much more difficult for them to be on the opening day roster.
  5. How is a Bieber for prospects a "blockbuster"?
  6. So... if the O's had somehow squeaked into the playoffs last year, and somehow made it to the WS, we should have questioned it?
  7. I wonder if these changes mean more pitching will automatically be injected in the farm system.
  8. One tidbit from me... my dad had box seats for Game 6. I'm pretty sure that Game 5 is the only time I ever hoped that the O's lost a game. (ducks)
  9. Just wondering if they mortgaged the future to acquire talent at the deadline. Apparently not.
  10. I'm right there with you. In a way it seems like the mid-90s O's did exactly what Texas did. We didn't develop Bonilla, Alomar, Palmeiro, Key, Wells, Baines, Surhoff, Orosco, Erickson, Myers, E. Davis, etc. They spent like crazy and never restocked the farm system with talent for 14-15 years.
  11. What is the state of the Texas farm system after this year's trade deadline?
  12. True... but to be honest I'm not sure how I would feel/react if the O's did the same thing and made it to the WS.
  13. Isn't that also what Akin was doing in 2022? Seemed like he was very effective in that role during that season.
  14. I just want better, deeper pitching. Really wish Elias had drafted more pitching.
  15. I have this sinking feeling that no matter what trades happen we are going to think they are a huge overpay
  16. Why? What board rules are being broken? It may seem inane, but it's harmless and fun.
  17. I suppose my math was a little flawed, at least the logic. Perhaps the way to address it is to say that I'm not yet assuming Means is a full go?
  18. I would actually want the O's to acquire two #2-3 starters and have Wells and Kremer compete for 5th starter.
  19. I think the O's need to acquire a true #2-3, and Kremer should be our "Gibson". He went from 125.1 IP to 172.2 IP this season. Perhaps he can take a step forward and show more consistency (he laid turds in Apr and Jun).
  20. Yeah you know what they say about blind squirrels and their nuts.
  21. Seems to me like they filled that section every night. They might keep it just for the revenue on that block of tickets.
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