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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. If the O's are going to continue to pinch pennies, that draft pick is really valuable, yes?
  2. "We were active bidders on multiple FAs. But apparently they weren't interested in fewer years and less dollars."
  3. Elias' drafting was intentional, showing that he felt the value was in positional prospects instead of pitching. It might be that in the next 5 years he flips the script. Who knows? I love the talent in the system, but I'm hoping we eventually see 3-4 pitchers in top 100 lists.
  4. For me it all comes back to pitching. So far in Elias' tenure, he hasn't seemed to stock the system with top notch arms. Maybe the international market can be a place where he over allocates to pitching, because it doesn't seem like the draft is his preferred place.
  5. I think I would be on board... IF I thought Cowser could bring back more in a trade. I just have this feeling Coswer is going to turn into Kyle Tucker.
  6. Nothing is crazy if it has merit. What's your thinking?
  7. I'd start with Beavers and Norby... and let them counter.
  8. and who might those players be if they WERE available?
  9. I seem to remember you saying last summer that Mayo should be untouchable. Without me looking that up and verifying, do you still feel that way? And who would be worth adding Mayo to a trade package?
  10. Will I out-snark @Can_of_corn? It's really un-knowable
  11. I'd say that qualifies as a need and a want.
  12. An odd analogy, but I'll play along. Would Mayo be able to meet a need and a want?
  13. I think I see a need for a power bat, but there is no guarantee that Mayo will be that guy
  14. That's exactly what I was wondering. If Mayo's bat is going to be special, and his 3B skills aren't there, and his arm would be wasted at 1B... and the O's didn't want to have a pure DH on the team... Then why not try the outfield? He could play RF in Camden Yards, but what about other ballparks? For example, would he move to LF at Fenway?
  15. What was Trumbo's run speed? (ducks)
  16. Can Mayo be moved to RF? Has he had any reps there in the minors?
  17. Ramon Urias - 2M. Tendered Jorge Mateo - 2.9M. Bye Bye (Hello Joey Ortiz) McKenna McKenna - 740K. Bye Bye Cole Irvin - 1.8M Bye Bye Dillon Tate - 1.5M Bye Bye Jacob Webb - 1.2M. Bye Bye Keegan Akin - 800K Tendered
  18. This. Mateo for sure. Urias at least can OPS above 700 (barely)
  19. I suppose I mean that I don't feel he should be an option for the O's outfield in 2024. I reached peak McKenna long ago.
  20. I'd add in McKenna to that list, yes?
  21. The way it happens IMO is if 1) Hicks and McKenna are gone, and 2) Santander and Coswer each serve as DH a good number of games.
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