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Posts posted by Jammer7

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Diaz has 343 major league plate appearances to show he can't hit major league pitching. His 5% sprint speed and 1% arm strength say he needs to stick at 1B unless you want worse than Mancini like outfield work. His EVs are average and his MAX EVs are ok, but not amazing. He's the kind of guy you can kick the tires on but if you need room, like the Orioles did, he's a guy you can DFA. 

    Now, the most interesting part in all of this is Diaz is the last position player tat I would shrug my shoulders if we lose. With him and Nevin gone, the guys on the bubble would now be pitchers in Krehbiel, Politi, Cano or Vallimont.


    What about Zimmermann? I think he goes before Cano or Vallimont, unless there is some big breakthrough in Zimm taking to the “secret sauce.” lol

  2. 1 minute ago, SteveA said:

    Obviously that's the conclusion law enforcement came to, at least based on the evidence they had available, they didn't feel they had enough to prove it.

    But I don't know about that blanket statement at the end of your sentence.   I'm not an expert on the law.   But I believe he has admitted to beating her about the face, but said she had given consent for roughness/pain.   Where is that line drawn?   If I tell you that I want to die and ask you to kill me, I believe you can still be convicted of murder or manslaughter or something if you honor my wishes.   If she gave consent for rough sex, does that mean that he can hit her until she has black eyes and a bruised face and that is not considered a crime?

    Obviously, he wasn't charged, so maybe the answer to that question is yes.   Or maybe he wasn't charged because they just didn't have enough evidence to move foward.

    Battery vs. Manslaughter or Murder, very different. So, if you and I decide to get into a boxing ring. We put gloves and head gear on, and we batter each other, is it a crime? I mean, we gave consent to each other by entering the ring and putting on gear. Even if it isn’t stated, which in this case it may or may not have been, is it implied by entering into some agreement where it is assumed that these things will happen. Did the alleged victim know, or should they have known? IDK, he needs Jesus though. That’s clear. 

  3. 1 minute ago, HakunaSakata said:

    For what it's worth, as it is written, Bauer did violate MLB's Domestic Abuse policy. See the bolded part of the below excerpt. Did the punishment fit the crime? That's up for debate, but there's absolutely no doubt that he violated the policy based on the facts that came out about the case. 

    "Sexual assault refers to a range of behaviors, including a completed nonconsensual sex act, an attempted nonconsensual sex act, and/or nonconsensual sexual contact. Lack of consent is inferred when a person uses force, harassment, threat of force, threat of adverse personnel or disciplinary action, or other coercion, or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated, unconscious or legally incapable of consent."


    The act(s) was alleged. These are difficult to prove actual or implied consent. Her word against his. Very difficult cases to prosecute. On the flip side, there are always cases of extortion too.

    Legality vs. morality, two different things. No one should want an actual rapist around. But there is a lot more kinky fetishized people out there than many might think. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    That just isn't true in a lot of municipalities.

    Some case law in the past 20 years has removed some of the more ancient laws from the books, making them unconstitutional. I do not know the Bauer case, intimately, but from what I know, if there was consent from adults involved, not a crime. 

  5. He should not talk about the cases, ever, in public. Not in any detail anyway. If probable cause was not found to try him in a court of law, so be it. He is supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. There could be civil suits that follow, and I assume there will be. 

    Why should he suffer any further? This is America, we have this thing called due process. That doesn’t mean we believe every news report, and judge anyone in that. If only, right?

    He is a huge personality. An “in your face” kind of guy. A great talent. I doubt the Orioles would even consider it. Another team, in another market will. Absent the off-field stuff, sure. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. He’s right there after Jose Bautista in Orioles villains. Heck no! Everything I’ve heard and read, a terrible teammate. Not the kind of veteran I think Elias would want to mentor his young guys.

    @Moose Milligan I have a big dog, he craps a lot. That’s just in case you need more for some of these guys at all in favor of this move. 🤣

    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    If they put Fried on the market, they are getting 2-3 top 100 guys for him and likely other stuff.

    And if the Braves are trading a guy like that, I worry that there is a bigger reason for it.

    I don’t disagree, just a hypothetical. Mateo fills a huge need though, and you add in DL Hall. That’s two major league ready guys to go with Bradish or Kremer.

    We have the capital to think big. Lopez isn’t thinking big, to your point a few pages ago. 

  8. 18 minutes ago, BRobinsonfan said:

    Ken Singleton had a lifetime OBA of .388.  Santander is no Ken Singleton.   

    I loved Singy, but he would not have had a .388 OBP in the modern era. With the shifts and the way pitching has evolved with stuff, velo and usage, no way. Santander is actually a better comp than you might think. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    They would and should laugh at that offer.

    They aren’t trading Fried.

    I laughed it off initially too. I thought this was his walk year, but it looks like he has two years left. So, yeah, back to laughing at my offer. We have the depth, and we need a guy to flip the switch as a #1. Lopez doesn’t do that for me. Maybe include Bradish or Kremer and some A ball prospect. Their system is not deep at all. Just a thought, not a likely one.

  10. I think Mateo is more likely to be dealt than Mullins in the near future. I am somewhat intrigued by Rogers, and I think there is much more there. 

    Although this thread is about possible deals with the Marlins, what do we add to Mateo to get Max Fried from the Braves? Would they be interested? Would you do a deal with Mateo, DL Hall and maybe a Hudson Haskin to Atlanta for Fried? 

    • Upvote 1
  11. 13 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    It doesn’t add up at all. It’s stupid. 

    There should be no plan, entering the season, that has him doing anything but catch. I have no issues with him as the back up C but not for 50 starts and certainly not playing elsewhere.

    Now, if he bounces back and is hitting well and you steal some at bats for him at DH, that’s fine. But if you are planning on that, that means you aren’t likely signing another bat.

    Well, he has played 9 games in his career, all with the Mets in the past two years, at 1B. So, there’s that. And to say he’ll DH, IDK. That’s a bit of a head scratcher really. Maybe a little to get some at bats to stay fresh somewhat, ok. A nine year career with a .676 OPS, not what I’d want to DH, ideally. If he can get back to around an .800 OPS like he did in Chicago, cool. But to expect him to do that at Camden Yards, yikes.

    He looked to have turned some corners offensively in Chicago in 2019-2020, after a fairly unremarkable four years in Detroit. The past two with the Mets were his worst years. He reportedly had a broken hamate bone and an abdominal injury, oblique strain, in 2022. Two injuries that take a while to come back from. I can give a pass on 2022. But 2021 was below his career numbers. He did well in Chicago, so New York should not have bothered him with the whole “big city, bright lights” thing.

    I remember him as a strong durable average receiver. I guess they see more there that they can unlock. I don’t love this move. It seems solid. 

  12. My guess is we are not giving up much at all. He underperformed and we took him off their hands after they signed Narvaez. They have Nido and top prospect Alvarez too. They got to save $5 million for a guy who underperformed badly with injuries. Seems like a good deal, depends on his health. 

    • Upvote 2
  13. 12 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I want to address the point about Frazier’s foot speed, which I believe could be a legitimate concern.  The drop was drastic enough (0.3 ft/sec after holding steady from 2020 to 2021) that it almost makes me wonder if Frazier was playing hurt part of the year.   But I haven’t heard that he was.  

    Anyway, it made me wonder if it impacted Frazier’s ability to beat out ground balls.  The answer is yes, but beating out grounders wasn’t a big part of his game.  He had 10 infield hits in 2021, 5 in 2022.   That’s maybe 8 points on his BA.  So, it’s not the main cause of his drop in hitting performance in 2022, but certainly could have been a contributing factor. 

    I thought the same thing about his loss of a step. I too have not heard or read about an injury, but not all all reported. Just like Hays, Mullins and Santander being dinged up most of the year. He was never a speedster, but if he has lost a step and cannot get it back, it causes issue for me on the defensive end. 

    Fly ball rate went up by 5% since, and line drive rate went down the same 5%. Not really a huge thing. Hard hit % went down, and it seems to correspond to his change in mechanics that got rid of a step or toe tap in his swing. He widened out and lost his lower half in doing so. I would be trying to flatten him out more, no need for him to lift the ball unless it’s a middle-in FB waist high. 

  14. They likely aren’t “shopping” him, but I bet they are listening closely. Nimmo is the better player, and the sustainable OBP is mainly why. Very proud of Cedric for what he has become. He worked his butt off. Nimmo had kind of a long road too. Ced is a high character guy from all reports. I am not in a hurry to see him go, but I do think it will come before he is a free agent. I do not see an extension unless it is remarkably team friendly. 

    I don’t see Cowser in CF. I don’t see the fluidity in his hips or the range. I mean, you can put him there I guess, but Fabian is much much better. He is the CF of our future, IMO. I do not think he is far away either. Maybe June of 2024 or maybe sooner. 

    • Upvote 1
  15. 16 minutes ago, btdart20 said:

    I'm not sure they are betting on a mechanical adjustment to bump the EV.  I bet it's more about quality of contact (in the Jeff McNeil mold) vs. loud contact.  If Frazier can square up the ball consistently (even without the added umph), he'll likely get on base more often (i.e. the Babip will rebound). 

    I've been digging for pitches per PA, but haven't been able to find it.  I suspect it's better than average.  Combined with low K% and (potentially) rebounding Babip, he's a good candidate to be a .260/.330/.370 type hitter.

    @Can_of_corn - I saw that EV piece too.  It was well done.  That seems to be the cutting edge of the unknowns.  Interesting that Vavra was called out specifically in that article as well.

    In his interviews, he has talked about the mechanics adjustments. I went and looked at video and saw what he was talking about. Take a look at his fly ball to ground ball ratios. That is maybe the biggest reason he has struggled. I don’t see the value in trying to make him hit 350 foot fly balls. Let him get back to a line drive approach. I know, gasp, such an old school thought. lol

  16. 51 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    The go select yes, because you haven't voted yet. ;)

    BTW, what makes you think Elias will bench an $8 million player. He wouldn't bench Odor and he was making the bare minimum. At the end of the day, buckle up for at least 475 PAs of Frazier next year regardless of his output.

    I will not be categorized or pigeon-holed into an opinion. I will be content to sit here on this fence. 🤣

    Did anyone really beat out Odor defensively in 2022? They tried Vavra, and he was well below average at 2B. They wanted him to work out, but it’s just not good. They tried Gunnar, and that was just a thing where he was not prepared at 2B. Made a few costly errors. Hyde admitted he put Gunnar is a bad position there.

    I think Odor had a role in the clubhouse that made them “ride or die” with Rougie. Kind of a play the ones who got you here. Managerial loyalty, especially after the failures of prospects to unseat him. I would have liked to have seen Urias at 2B more with Gunnar at 3B, personally. I will say that like Urias at 3B better than 2B.

    I firmly believe that there is a trade coming involving an infielder, and maybe a reliever. Mateo makes sense. Gunnar to SS, maybe Westburg to 3B and Frazier to 2B for now. If Ortiz or Norby checks the boxes at Norfolk after 200 at bats or so by June and Frazier is still hitting weak fly balls, then yes, I think he gets sat much more. But he’ll have to be beaten out. Competition is what drives a team in this position to be better. 

  17. This argument comes down to people who are sure that players cannot statistically improve vs. those who believe mechanically adjustments can help a player produce more than they have recently. Some believe that EV’s and other data/metrics cannot be improved somewhat by adjusting the approach and mechanics. Some do. The Orioles must think so. I’m not talking about huge improvements, though. Reconnecting the lower half can certainly add more power to his swing. Being more selective of what pitches he swings at will help as well. 

    No one that I have read on this topic has written that his numbers were good since he left Pitt in 2021. We all agree. It was a sudden drop. Why? Is it fixable? After listening to Frazier speak in a few interviews, he thinks it is. The Orioles must also. They bet $8 million on him and their coaches.

    If this was a RH pull hitter, looking for a bounce back year, it would be a strange move. Frazier’s profile is interesting to me. I’m not expecting a career year out of him. Maybe somewhere between his average and his best years would be great. Or, maybe he plays his way into a bench role by June and gets beaten out by Ortiz, Norby or Westburg. I’m willing to see it play out. 

  18. I cannot vote in this poll. It’s too simplistic. Should be a “meh” option. It can be decent, it can be a waste. At best, I think he is an average 2B. Solid and reliable, if all goes well. But that is what $8 million buys on the FA market. Who else would have rather they signed for that figure? I have seen no one offer any other names for the same money and year. 

    Are Westburg and Ortiz better long-term? Most-likely, when they are ready. It makes sense that there is a trade coming. Whether now or before the deadline. 

    Honestly, the polarity of this signing is unhinged upon the disappointment that “this is it, so far.” If they had signed Rodon and Nimmo, this signing would have gotten two pages. To read comments that this is bad, no matter how it turns out is befuddling. Frazier is an Oriole. I’ll be cheering for him to be that solid veteran piece, a contact hitter who gets on base. I do wish speed was more of his game, but it never was a big tool. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Frobby said:

    So who gets booted off the 40-man roster to make room for Givens?  I figure it’s Lewin Diaz or Tyler Nevin.  

    I hope it’s Nevin or Zimmermann, but it could be Diaz. Diaz intrigues me some. The other two are excess baggage at this point. 

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