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Everything posted by osfan83

  1. I think 18 is about right.....but as bad as the pitching is, 10 is not out of the question.
  2. Great that means I'll get to see about 4 innings each night.
  3. True but that same player could also be seriously injured driving to the ballpark. Most of these players probably engage in some risk behavior at some point in their careers that put them more at risk than Covid.
  4. I dont know......most people root for the uniform and not the player. 10 years from now most of the "major leaguers" will have names most people are now unfamiliar with. I'm much more likely to watch the Baltimore Orioles, with a bunch of young new talent, than watch the Annapolis Seaman featuring Chris Davis, John Means, Austin Hayes, and 23 other guys from around the league.
  5. I think we have to resolve ourselves to the fact that baseball will probably mainly be an older persons sport for now. Maybe it's something that you age into like appreciating expensive wine or watching Wheel of Fortune. Maybe 100 years from now there will be no such thing as baseball, and that's probably okay. I'm sure many things that passed for entertainment in 1782 no longer exist.
  6. I might be one of the few Americans that stayed up till 4AM to watch the USA win the gold last Olympics live!
  7. So you are saying there's a chance?!
  8. 6 defensive replacements when leading after 7.
  9. Have always liked the Reds.....Don't follow them close, but if the O's are more than 10 games under sometimes I will watch the Reds to get my baseball fix.
  10. I was born into being an O's fan, but at the age of 8 in 1973 my family moved to Cleveland. So I was a Tribe fan (and O's) from 1973 until 1978 when we moved to NJ (then I dropped Cleveland and stayed with Baltimore). I was a big John Lowenstein fan when he was in Cleveland...and was thrilled when Brother Low ended up in Baltimore!
  11. It's turning out that ventilators are very little help. Latest numbers show 50-80% of the people put on ventilators don't survive. South Korea is the model on how to handle this.
  12. Remember Danny White of the Cowboys? Oh I see SteveA did!
  13. Exactly! What if we learn tomorrow that Delmon Young was tipped off on the pitch he hit to help beat the Tigers...does that feeling you got when Hardy beat the throw go away?
  14. Right and wrong are subjective......Is eating meat on Friday right or wrong? Is using electricity to make your life easier right or wrong?
  15. I think you are setting up for some disappointment. Money still makes a difference. I can't imagine Yankee fans are growing concerned about losing Judge when he gets too expensive. I think our upside is to have 4 or 5 years a decade where we are a contender, a couple of years of .500 ball, and 2-3 years a decade of 65-70 win seasons.
  16. I suspect the '20's will be similar to the teens. A few tough years, hopefully a few playoff run years, and then another tear down and rebuild.
  17. Please distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Type 2 is often associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. Type 1 is an inherited auto immune disease triggered by unknown environmental factors. I sit on the Central PA JDRF board and my son is a type 1 diabetic. Type 2 the pancreas, in most cases, still makes insulin, but your body can't absorb it....type 1 your body attacks the beta cells that create insulin and kills them. Type 1 diabetics have no control over the progress of the disease and can't reverse it.
  18. This is kind of where I'm at. Yes we need to rebuild, but you have to at least pretend to want to be competitive during the rebuild. At this point I see no reason to go to or watch a game next year. Just wake me up when they are done rebuilding.
  19. My first game was in 1972 vs the RedSox....don't remember a lot but I have the program somewhere.
  20. I'm thrilled about the early start....now I can see the end of the games!
  21. I have no problem changing rules to improve play......for those against...why shouldn't managers be allowed to change pitchers mid-at bat? Strike one from a 100 MPH flame thrower, then change pitchers and get strike two from a knuckle baller. Why can't you pull your starter after 3 innings, then bring him back in for the 9th? I'm all for eliminating down time.....no more reviews, just let the eye in the sky ump radio down when a call is blown...no more mid inning pitching changes....and while we are at it, raise all HR walls by 40 feet, lets get more balls in play.
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