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jerios55 last won the day on November 17 2020

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About jerios55

  • Birthday April 23

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    Durham, NC
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  1. I was born in 1981 and didn't see it (or remember anything from that age really). I can at least say they've won in my lifetime though...
  2. So I usually see square peg round hole. Are you suggesting he fits, but poorly with a clever proverb twist or are you like the bartender in Boondock Saints with a unintentional twist?
  3. I just want him to play well enough to stick this time. Then progress from there.
  4. After starting the thread that this series would be difficult, yet he expected a sweep? I'm shocked his thread starting ability hasn't been revoked.
  5. One of the steals last night (Gunnar I think), he was halfway to 3rd when the pitcher threw it. I didn't see them all, but may not all be on him if that's how they've been holding runners.
  6. The fact that the ump got between Gunnar and the pitcher makes it seem clear he thought it was intentional. Issuing no bench warnings or any other response is also really weak.
  7. So far they have only given up 3 earned runs today. Kind of crazy really.
  8. So you're saying trade Hays for Verlander?
  9. In fairness, I doubt many had 7 innings of shutout baseball.
  10. As the season went on, it was fun to go back and re read. So many times people predicted we were at the ultimate high mark and were wrong. A grest reminder of just how well they broke all expectations.
  11. At 34 I can't imagine he has any options. So any AAA talk would be exposing him to waivers. I feel like whether as a long man, bullpen, spot starter, that losing him for nothing isn't high on the teams to do list. Hopefully he can be a solid addition to the MLB roster, no matter the role they give him.
  12. Seems like a Frazier like deal that didn't cost 8 million and make anyone feel obligated to play him. If we need to fill this "hole" this is the way to do it.
  13. This was my first thought. New options for fried Oreos at the park!
  14. There seemed to be some bad feelings/ vibes with the Brewers and the arbitration process. I think he was basically done with them. He may still want to test free agency, but wouldn't be surprised if his extension went from 0% to even 5% with a fresh start. Like you say, not expecting based on a lot of stuff out there, but wonder if he considers just a little bit more.
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