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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. I don't think Mayo has the foot speed to be a COF although he surely has the arm for RF. With his experience on the dirt wouldn't it make more sense to groom him for 1B and Heston for RF/DH??
  2. AnythingO's

    Coby Mayo 2023

    Heston was 0.17 on is 3B at AAA. Is that percentage of a minute?
  3. Heston moves very well for a big man. I don't kow what his routes or reaction times are like as a COF but he runs hard. He had 3 triples at AA and now this one at AAA. Who was it with the inside the park HR a week or so ago Beavers maybe who was gassed and stumbling around 3B. HK just pops up and sheds gear. At AA per Fangraphs, his speed on the base paths was 5.2 where 6.0 is great. Prieto (3.7) and Mayo (3.5) for comparison. At AAA Cowser (5.9) and Ortiz(5.8) are not much ahead of HK.
  4. C'mom, don't ruin a perfectly good opportunity to rant/vent at the ........ lol Yes, I am aware of that trend but I try to NEVER miss the chance to take a shot.
  5. Honestly, I would think JA had something to do with this :change on format". Remember PA's fights with the Sun. Apple, Tree, rotten core.
  6. Absolutely agree, the team is short a COF and Hyde has been using that to play Vavra, Frazier, O'Hearn there. Cowser can't get better and promoted fast enough
  7. Even if they are producing, you still have Diaz at AAA who is producing and has a plus glove. He is unlikely a future piece and he is blocking either Kjerstad or Mayo getting reps at 1B in Norfolk. Use all the rehab time and an option on Mounty, it's time to know if he can make the adjustment or not, the next wave will be here soon enough.
  8. OK, I will bite. First, I like O'Hearn, he seems to be the rare beast that can sit the bench and still produce offense-ably, in sporadic doses. Those doses, IMHO, need to be as the 26th man who fills in at 1B and DH and PH, NEVER setting foot in RF. However, we have the "Hyde effect", again IMHO, who loves his scrappy guys willing to do anything to land in MLB and hang on, which he was never able to do (Vavra, Frazier, O'Hearn, Lester). I am sure the other teams have a book on O'Hearn but he is hardly worth focusing on in their pre-game planning. He is a limited role player we should take advantage of (Ayala, Crowley, etc.), not someone we should bench Mountcastle over. Truly, I would use an option and send Mounty to AAA and burn Diaz (possibly), at least Diaz is a plus glove. MAYBE that would get thru Mounty's head (this time) that walks matter and driving low and away sliders at COFs is a loosing game that someone with his bat-to-ball skills SHOULD BE ABLE TO CONTROL. There is big money to be made if he can fix his propensity and be selective. Bats like his don't grow on trees, his bat-to-ball skills are special. His approach is not.
  9. The MAIN difference in this analogy is that Mateo actually has great talent that has not yet been harnessed, IF, and its a GREAT IFFFFFFFF, he could reprogram himself to lay off the "Adam Jones Slider obsession", just partially, he is a Gold Glove caliber SS with a .700 to .750 OPS player that is a bridge to Jackson sometime next year and then a trade chip as an SS or possibly a CF, given his top of the charts speed and past experience in the MiLB and SD as CF. He could be the bridge to Fabian as well (in my dreams).
  10. Or the same Ryan O'Hearn who in 2017-2018 at AAA who had in 766 ABs a line of approx. : .240 .325 .425 ?????? (Westburg "gently weeps") Who is already 29 years old with 4 years of MLB experience and is NOT some Gold Glove 1B, God forbid COF ???????
  11. You mean this Ryan O'Hearn, who spent 5 years in KC with max 328 ABs (2019), with PT declining over the 5 years, who we got for nothing and some here want to START on a team with playoff aspirations who has this career line??????? Regression to mean as pitchers catch up tp him seems most likely. .226 .299 .403 .702
  12. IMO that's what Akin is best at, multi-innings in the middle of the game when your SP only goes 5ish. He is not a matchup guy or just a loogy.
  13. Akin, Baumann, Zimmer all need to be on the Norfolk shuttle as long men as Voth has no options. Then ME needs to TELL Hyde to use the long men in middle innings for more than 1 inning. Let the setup guys (Cano, Baker, Perez, Columbe, and Givens when he is back) work 7th-8th innings. Voth should never be brought in the 9th inning or 10th inning with a runner on. Akin is more than a loogy, use him 1-2 innings like first half last year before Hyde burned him out, he is more than a loogy. Stop the matchup crap when the starter does a 5 and dive. These pitchers are better when they know their job. It's not good for setup guys to be used haphazardly by Hyde in middle innings. Baker, Perez, Tate were mostly good last year setting up Bautista after the Lopez trade and then Cano comes outta nowhere and they are "demoted" to middle inning matchup guys and Akin is a loogy. Akin, Baumann, Zimmerman, Voth need to go 2 innings unless they melt down,.
  14. I agree completely, especially since Mayo isn't too far behind HK, doesn't have his wheels, and will need a position change off 3B because of Gunnar.
  15. Also, by the time they retrieved the ball he was crossing home plate, he has some wheels too. On the Bowie page for HK is a triple where he was digging hard toward 2b and standing on 3B taking off his protectors. They didn't even throw to the base. I don't know what his routes are like or how fast he reacts, but IMO he has plenty of Run skill to play RF.
  16. I thought the OP was going for something related to marine species wit "Something is mightily fishy here." They are the "Rays:
  17. I really was asking SG an honest question, I have no basis to "evaluate" those data. I was more worried that F'ed up the short hand for your handle that would invoke some snark lol. I agree that the data may be noise but I have been dealing with mountain's of data for over 4 decades and if I have a "skillset" at all, it's that I m drawn to the anomalies and I have to know why. There is much to be learned there in my experience.
  18. I don't think I have ever disagreed with your take in almost 20 years here on OH, but Roy, Gunnar's future is 3B IMHO and just like his bat, we need to let his glove grow as well at the position he will man at his HOF induction as an O 20+ yeas from now. I'm 73 and I intend to see that, wanna join me in Cooperstown, I'll pay??????? lol Get better soon!
  19. Sooo, is .202 vs .184 "significant", I honestly have no idea? C_O_C's post about 1 GRod start makes sense but I assume every team has a few rotten egg starts so hopefully that stuff largely balances out. Six of 10 are NL so BAL is 2nd but a good bit behind OAK and not that far above MNI and CWS who both have SP pitching staffs expected to be good. Learn me something, really,
  20. That's the thing IMO, ME and Sigbot give him data, input, suggestions but Hyde makes the lineup decisions. Some like Adley, Hays, Mullins are obvious, maybe some matchups vs lefties, but others are on Hyde. I refuse to believe the Sigbot says put Stowers in LF and Vavra in RF, or McCann at DH, or O'Hearn and Frazier in RF. That is Hyde trying to keep everyone happy and play his gut hunches. I don't believe ME is going to give Hyde any significant prospect like Cowser unless he is assured by Hyde he will be properly deployed. Obviously, I have a bad case of Hyde heartburn so I admit my bias.
  21. Well at least he didn't have to burn both Cano AND Bautista today lol.
  22. I agree but is that "take" because that's what they think due to winning games or because they agree with the ME-Sigbot decision making due to outcome? I still believe most of the decisions to NOT give ABs to Ortiz, Stowers were made by Hyde to play his vets. I refuse to believe the Sigbot would recommend Frazier, O'Hearn, Vavra in RF over a qualified COF. I don't think ME will give Hyde a prospect the stature of Cowser unless he is certain to play regularly. ME cares less about Vavra, Stowers, Norby rank prospects, not sure about Ortiz but he is hurt and regular PT would require moving Frazier-Urias cause Hyde won't do it.
  23. To me Hyde manages with his gut feelings, I would offer "reactionary" as a softer term than panic. Last year when Akin was effective, first half, he was working 1-2 innings but was used too often so he wore down. Then Hyde looses confidence in him and usage changes. effectiveness drops. Last year Perez and Baker were setup men to Bautista after the Lopez trade. This year, Cano comes outta nowhere (kinda like Bautista last year), and suddenly we have 2 potential closers. Hyde makes Cano setup man and Perez, Baker get demoted to earlier innings, less defined roles, and their performance suffers. IMO BP guys function better when they have defined roles and now only 2 of 8 have those roles defined. Why not use Cano to close and have 3-4 setup guys to feed 2 closers. Only need 1-2 long man so Akin, Baumann, Zimm can man the Norfolk shuttle.
  24. I was on the Bowie site looking at Kjerstad's game logs, he finished May 4 for 24 but is 4 for 14 in June so some SSS improvement. Anyway, not my point. There are 9 videos at the bottom of the page. The one in the middle from May 11 he hit a triple to right center. Good shot of him running the bases. The big guy can motor.
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