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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. Given the way our other bats have performed in Bowie and how focused he seems right now, that might be worth a few trips to see the fireworks.
  2. It has ben stated that it would stress the BP and I have disagreed with that. With the depth and flexibility we have on hand, I can't see that really being a problem early in the year. If it doesn't work out send Hall to AAA to start or let him convert to a RP up here. All I am trying to do keep him on a SP rotation in the MLB until we decide he needs to switch to RP. I really believe we have the luxury to do that early in the year and the flexibility to change course if it doesn't work, long before the BP gets stressed.
  3. The New "Oriole Way", we just need to come up with a NEW descriptor.
  4. Correct but if it worked then the tandem would likely pitch more innings reducing the BP load to the 4 backend guys. Then you have reinforcement when Tate comes back. If the tandem doesn't work the you have Akin, Wells, Voth to pickup the innings until Means is ready. For an experimental concept we have the backup parts in hand already just in case. If it works we have a 2-headed monster with TOR stuff coming from opposite sides. If Hall is working you let him go longer any given day. Why not try???
  5. I still don't understand why Hall and GRod can't be a tandem rotation piece. It allows you to manage GRod's innings early in the year so he has room to run late if we are in the playoffs. It allows you to keep Hall on a starter rotation in 2-3 inning increments focused of fewer pitches. Call it opener, tandem, piggyback, whatever. He had success in 1-2 inning appearances end of last year, build off that. He can work on secondary pitches up here. We have plenty of BP depth with 3 long guys if the starters stumble. Then we decide how it all is working when Tate comes back and later when Means comes back. Nothing is cast in concrete this way. Where is the negative, I just can't see it????
  6. Well Fort McHenry Park doesn't roll off the tongue but how about MSA buys the rights and calls it Star Spangled Banner Stadium or Betsy Ross Stadium or Babe Ruth Memorial Park. Draw attention to Baltimore history.
  7. He can play 2B, 3B, and COF at least as respectably as you need in a part time PH player. He doesn't need HR power to keep pitchers honest, just doubles power which he demonstrated at AAA. O'Hearn is just a backup 1B with more HR power. If Mounty gets hurt then Diaz is probably a better option. They can both DH but there aren't likely to be many ABs there.
  8. OK, I admit I am a HK homer. CF got a perfect carom but it didn't look like he was flat out hustling to the ball. I can't see the throw either. HK was clearly busting it around 2B, maybe went into slide a little early. He is clearly not as lean as the highlight videos from draft time but that speed should be good enough for RF, assuming good routes and reaction time. I am somewhat relieved as I was afraid he had bulked up too much in an effort to showcase the bat.
  9. Kjerstad for me, he appears to be back at least with the bat. Box score says he had a triple today, anyone see it that can comment on the wheels??
  10. Simple, call it National Premium Park at CY, I know a local guy had started brewing that in town some years back and it was apretty good beer.
  11. Agree 100%!! Question, he needs to be on OD roster for O's to potentially earn another pick but if he had a "tired arm" IL couple of weeks, does that stop the clock re: earning another year of control? I am assuming he has to do a Mil "rehab" stint. Does the Mil time count as time off the MLB roster???
  12. I am certainly not saying he is a lock NOT to get to 6 WAR, I was just reacting to the level of optimism from SG, which I took to be out of character for him. It is really all I was TRYING to say. There were only 14 players ( 2 pitchers) with over 6 WAS last year with Trout at #14 with 6.3 WAR, it's pretty rare. Do I believe AR can do it, absolutely!!! Do I think it will happen in his first full season, as the league adjusts to him and takes the O's more seriously, no I don't.
  13. I am aware, and Frobby has posted the projections assuming AR plays the same percentage of games at C as last year, but over the full season. IMO AR gets more rest to avoid burnout and fewer ABs at DH. Six WAR is certainly in range but I think Hyde will be cautious as he has another good option at C. My post was more about the optimism from SG which struck me as somewhat out of character.
  14. I'm not sure how or why I have missed this thread until now but I have to comment on this photo. This is my favorite from back in the day because it is one of the few Frank photos with a smile looking happy. The only other one I remember was with him wearing the mop wig running the Kangaroo court. This made me happy. Also, BR has kinda a JJ Hardy "yeah right" crooked smile which is also unusual for him. Thanks for the memories, I miss the Robinson brothers.
  15. Wow SG, that's pretty out of character optimistic for you IMHO, WC would be proud!!! lol But I think with McCann, about 120 games is Adley's max at C and we have lots of guys who need DH ABs. Absent a Pudge, Posey, Mauer breakout with the bat that much WAR might be a bridge too far.
  16. Agree with Moose, is brake-pumping even a thing anymore with ABS? I digress! lol For Jackson to be OD starter in 2024 he would have to out-Gunnar, Mr. Henderson. Gunnar had the COVID year to physically develop and had time at the alt site to learn and polish his skills. Late season 2023 (like GH in 2022) is almost best case scenario.
  17. I wonder what half-mound is in the Metric system? lol
  18. Isn't it a 20 second clock when there are runners on base?
  19. Hmmm, maybe I need more caffeine, I think the TTO approach leads to more HRs which I think fans want and therefore greater attendance and higher profits supporting higher salaries. Everybody wins. I'm not convinced that approach leads to more wins however, if that is the hypothetical I didn't answer?
  20. Me personally, I prefer sac flies, pitching to contact, doing the little things vs home run or SO. You are implying that doing the little things style leads to 100 losses vs TTO leads to 100 wins. Could you please point me to wher that analysis has been done?
  21. I don't know how to define "effective", is it scoring or attendance or??? I don't think I implied anyone was stupid. I think it comes down to perception, what does the fan want to see, what does the media glorify. In the end that is what drives salaries. I didn't imply slapping the ball the other way was easy but ME seems to be developing hitters that use the whole field approach.
  22. For the first part, the evolution created economic benefits. The long ball mentality being "rewarded" created the Davis/Gallo mindset. In talking about Eddie, setting aside superior physical skills, his mindset was to do whatever it took to win. My comment was based on that mindset not "evolving" to pander for profit.
  23. I'm not sure why this comment hasn't started a discussion but they have 15 or 20 seconds to pitch depending on runners. As long as the hitter is "set" at the 8 second mark, is there any restriction on a switch hitter changing sides. He could even do it between pitches further complicating things. Eight seconds seems like a long time but if the LF or RF has to take 3-4 seconds to recognize the change and then hustle across the outfield, he likely won't be optimally positioned.
  24. While that is absolutely true, we are comparing Davis/Gallo to HoF Murray. I am confident that Eddie, the guy who owned the GWRBI stat in the AL, would find a way to go opposite field even in today's environment.
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