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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. Wow, didn't see that take coming. Gunnar is #1 prospect and viewed as GG and All Star there. He is viewed as above average at SS but behind Ortiz defensively. By 2024 Holiday should be knocking on the door if he is all they say he is. Why would you mess with Gunnar's development at 3B? Are you envisioning doing this to improve Westburg's value in a trade? Are you displacing both 2022 GGs in 2023 with Gunnar and Westburg?
  2. Odds are this is an absolutely true statement. However Ortiz didn't hit until 3 months or so end of last season. We can build plausible explanations based on injury recovery and physical development, but we really don't know what we have yet. Mateo was blocked by a couple All Stars and only has like 770 MLB ABs. He never showed a glove like that before, is that lack of opportunity or what he is, IDK. His approach at the plate is poor but for 6+ weeks last year he worked with hitting coaches, adjusted and was a competent MLB hitter. Then he reverted to old form. Which version shows up this year, IDK. Urias spent 5 years in Minors, 5 years in Mexico before his 2 years here. He always hit but didn't last year. He never showed GG defense before, was kinda average Util IF until he wasn't last year. I see people wanting to put the #1 prospect and best 3 B prospect in MLB at SS this year in deference to Urias GG. We really don't know what we have in any of these 3 guys yet. That's why we have to play the games.
  3. OMG WC, while I love your optimism and the vigor with which you defend your opinions, you are out on the same island as your "play Adley 162 because he is young" stance. What happened to Holt's magic dust to turn fodder (Voth i.e.) into something? You even believe Holt will help Gibson be respectable. This guy will be in the starting 5 and will benefit from the new Oriole Way of pitching. Beyond Gibson, Irvin is the best bet to get to 150 inn out of your starting 7 guys.
  4. Spiritof66, I share your passion and anger but they apparently have a significant real estate portfolio as well, so that MIGHT allay some of the tax burden. Then there is the possible transfer to Georgia to postpone things as she is much younger than PA. JA may sell a portion but still maintain control, scary, maddening, but possible.
  5. Well that is a quite positive on the situation as the account was in Peter's name apparently. After a lawsuit was filed against the law firm a large portion was moved out of the account, we don't know where. John used funds to buy a house in NY and had another 7-figure amount moved to his account. Maybe Georgia did all these transactions, MAYBE, but we know what JA wants us to know which is NOTHING. The more I hear the more I believe Louis IMHO.
  6. Means, Hall, Johnson, Povich are more likely to prevent "inning-eater-syndrome" but your point is still valid. Maybe WC has some of Holt's magic fufu dust he can sprinkle on Irvin but since he has already declared Voth-Wells to be superior I doubt he can spare it. (jk, imagine green font, )
  7. I'm not trying to be funny, but how much worse could the PR be than the piss poor off season with the Angelos brother's legal shit show??? JA might even go for it to get the focus off him and the books we will never see.
  8. I would be happy if ME just offered it, regardless of if Means accepted. Part of me believes Means made himself into a #2-3 SP and part of me thinks that ME's new system and coaches played a significant role also. I can't weigh the impact of either but I want-need something positive to happen in this off season of discontent. I value guys who take the initiative to max out their natural abilities.
  9. I think it was Louis that said John wants the family to maintain controlling interest in the O's and didn't John stop the sale being driven by Georgia a while ago? If that assumption is right, then wouldn't the shares go to Georgia when PA passes? Does a spousal transfer delay the inheritance tax issue? If so, wouldn't that allow JA to continue to "suit his ability to make money and feel important"? I know that flies in the face of your belief that there is an agreement to sell with MLB after PA passes.
  10. Oh, I totally agree, I was just trying to figure a way MLB revenue was up over 2019 with 4 million fewer attendence
  11. Do we have any way to know if he went to one of the Performance Pitching places this off season?
  12. OK Semper Fi, I have tried to find the 2022 data to update the file but it isn't available yet. So, what we know is that Revenue for MLB increased from $9.56 B to $10.8 B in 2022. I took the O's revenue for 2021 out of the $9.56 B for MLB to create an "O's share" ratio and applied it to 2022. If I am right the O's OI rises to $113 M in 2022. Since MLB attendance overall was down 4 M from 2019 when the Revenue was $10.7 B and the new broadcast money doesn't hit until 2023, the only thing I can think of that boosted MLB Revenue to the new record is that the $30 M per team from Disney is counted in MLB Revenue. Estimates in bold, Year Revenue Salaries Payroll + Expenses Revenue - Expenses Operating Income Operating Cost 2014 245 110 122 123 31.4 91.6 2015 239 118.9 137 102 8.8 93.2 2016 253 147.7 162 91 -2.1 93.1 2017 252 164.3 183 69 -26 95 2018 251 143 161 90 -6.5 96.5 2019 256 61.1 103 153 57 96 2020 115 23.9 43 72 -23 95 2021 251 45.7 66 185 83 102 2022 283 44.88 65 218 113 105
  13. I wonder if there is any way to determine if that $10 M figure includes the current $5 M "pledge" to College Bound?????
  14. I remember reading specifically that PA was the only partner back then. Louis says he put the firm in his name because he is the only attorney in the family and the "partner" needed to be an attorney. The drop in # of attorneys lends credence to the firm shrinking and possibly being a financial drain. It doesn't mean Louis can't make a go of it going forward but the firm certainly won't be a revenue stream for JA and the family like it was under PA.
  15. IMO the law firm is living off the declining revenue of their past lawsuit victories and their business is declining without PA to bring in new work. Maybe Louis can make a go of it, have partners who manage different practices, etc. My understanding was PA was the only partner before. I believe John wants the law firm sold/closed as he views it as a drain on family finances. JA sees himself as a successful businessman but other than the last few years, helped by the teardown, has never shown himself to be successful. I picked $50 M as it is about 5% of a $1 B asset, as a ROI, maybe he is OK with $25 M, maybe Revenue rises to $275-300 M. I don't see JA running a deficit like PA because he has no other revenue stream like PA had with the law firm.
  16. Agreed but in the beginning Clancy owned 24% and another 10 or so folks owned 1% each with Pam S at 2 % so about 36% with PA owning about 64%. We believe anecdotally that PA bought some shares back from the Group of 10 but not who or when. Including the Clancy ex, who got 12%, in this filing is a new wrinkle and $65 M is a nice down payment on about 10% of a $1.375 B asset.
  17. We "believe" that but the only data I have found doesn't support that unless Revenue significantly increases. The new MLB media deal will help but I have not seen estimates of how much, and increased attendance would help but again by how much. Look at the numbers below, they only have about $130 M to play with and that includes salaries and Operating Income (profit) I can't see JA agreeing to less than a $50 M profit so without additional Revenue, Salaries are $80 M. I'm assuming Op Cost rises to $105 M and Payroll+Expenses is $20 M over Salaries. Use a Revenue of $255 M. I can't tell what is included in the Revenue figure but absent any other data this is what we have to work with. Year Revenue Salaries Payroll + Expenses Revenue - Expenses Operating Income Operating Cost 2014 245 110 122 123 31.4 91.6 2015 239 118.9 137 102 8.8 93.2 2016 253 147.7 162 91 -2.1 93.1 2017 252 164.3 183 69 -26 95 2018 251 143 161 90 -6.5 96.5 2019 256 61.1 103 153 57 96 2020 115 23.9 43 72 -23 95 2021 251 45.7 66 185 83 102
  18. In the same vein as Urias, Gunner, Vavra "could" play 1B sure, but Adley is probably already a better 1B than they are. If Mounty crashes or is hurt, a replacement will be needed for the long term IMHO.
  19. Even if we graduate 3-4 of those this year we still have our share remaining. Then with the next wave of Kjerstad, Mayo, Fabian, Beavers, Wagner, Baumlier, Johnson, Povich some will step forward. Then there are the International guys advancing and next years draft to supplement. Mayo replaces Ortiz in this list so that's the top 9. Good time to be O's.
  20. Gosh, it kinda sound like you are asking for "transparency", lol, ROFL, when pigs fly over the warehouse, etc.....
  21. The new media deal increased MLB revenue in 2022 so I expect the O's revenue to rise in 2022 somewhat plus there was the attendance increase. With the low payroll in 2022 I think you are correct that OI (profit) will likely be in that range. I expect some enterprising accountant will find a way to associate the one-time Disney money with MASN versus the MLB franchise.
  22. If John wants to open the books then I give him permission to use the following. Data for 2022 not yet available: ME's changes are increasing Operating Costs, Payroll + Expenses is about $15-20 M above Salaries (2019 outlier). If we assume Revenue of $255 M, Operating Cost of $105 M and Payroll+ about $20 M above salaries, that leaves about $130 M for Salaries plus Operating Income (profit). What OI (profit) does John consider acceptable for a $1.375 B franchise????? Year Revenue Salaries Payroll + Expenses Revenue - Expenses Operating Income Operating Cost 2014 245 110 122 123 31.4 91.6 2015 239 118.9 137 102 8.8 93.2 2016 253 147.7 162 91 -2.1 93.1 2017 252 164.3 183 69 -26 95 2018 251 143 161 90 -6.5 96.5 2019 256 61.1 103 153 57 96 2020 115 23.9 43 72 -23 95 2021 251 45.7 66 185 83 102
  23. With the Frazier signing, Westburg is destined for Norfolk unless there is a trade of Urias so Westburg gets to be the Util Inf.
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