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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. A little over halfway down after the "times 75" idiocy, he says " we should be measured by how much we drive all our profits back into the product on the field". The Forbes numbers say the profits were $150M the last 2 years, I would say "how much we drive all our profits" is likely to cause him more grief than opening up a set of doctored books that don't reveal anything. His profits the last 2 years are more than double total Team Salaries. A
  2. yes of course but that was a quote from a manifesto JA wrote, it is a written document apparently part of the legal record.
  3. Agreed, but the part I saw that set me off was: "...we should be judged by how much we drive all of our profits back into the product on the field." Apparently, the Forbes Operating Income data are off by close to $150M over the last 2 years!!! That statement should cause him huge grief, much more than opening books.
  4. He thinks he is a "player" or "playah" but his only accomplishment was being born an Angelos.
  5. The complaint depicts John Angelos as an aggrieved son who felt underappreciated and underpaid by his father. It quotes from so-called manifestoes that John Angelos wrote, including one from March 3, 2015, in which he says he’s created hundreds of millions of dollars of cash flow and wealth for family’s companies yet his salary never exceeded $175,000 at the Orioles or $225,000 at Mid-Atlantic Sports Network
  6. Technically, it was John AND Louis who hired him and PA was still involved. John has on several occasions stated that he hired ME but that's not true.
  7. We lived in Locust Point and my dad walked to HS at Poly to save 5 cents from the streetcar to buy a slice of pie. Supposedly a true story per Grandma!
  8. I think I could get into Margaritaville at Camden Yards, I would be a Cheeseburger in Paradise!
  9. As long as we are competitive all season and finish ahead of Boston, I'll be good just not happy. I'm looking for a 1982 season where we stumble around 1st half and then sync. I want whoever is in 3rd looking over their shoulder most of the 2nd half, trying to hold on, as we relentlessly close the gap.
  10. You missed Mussina and Teixiera I guess.
  11. I don't think those "hamstring" moves are even in his DNA, he is a draft and develop guy. Maybe he can grow into "significant FA acquisition" EVP but I don't think JA will give him that much rope.
  12. I'm sorry Tony, but I'm convinced ME simply doesn't have the budget to do that, even if he wanted to. Frazier's $8M doesn't get you there even if ME really wanted to splurge, which I don't believe. I think he believes he can build this thing through drafting mainly with judicious FA supplementation. JA is still trying to show the world he is a successful, underappreciated, and underpaid executive. His metric of choice IMHO. is Operating Income (profit). He won't spend like PA did.
  13. I expect us to slide several games (3-4) from last year just like HOU after they broke .500. BP, several will regress but we won't collapse, too many spare bullets to use. SP, the floor is higher, fewer Zimm, Watkins, et. al. innings balances out the BP. Offensively, Mounty, Adley, and Hays improve, but Hays is limited in ABs due to injuries. Gunnar, Mullins, and Santander hold serve but Santander looses time to injuries. So your hopes to improve are left with Mateo, Frazier, Urias, Stowers, and Vavra in some combination with more team IL time this year. I expect Stowers and Vavra to be underused due to Frazier's veteranosity, Urias to not repeat his defensive breakthrough, leaving Mateo as the wild card. If he can recapture his plate discipline from last summer's heater he can make up the difference and we could improve on last year. Place your bets.
  14. WC, I honestly do love your optimism but OMG "Its not hard for me to see why he was signed." If OBP was the metric driving this acquisition, then the answer should have been Vavra. If the ability to drive in runs was the metric then it should have been Westburg over Frazier every day, even on Sundays. If defense was the metric then Ortiz should have been the choice. I haven't even considered Urias and his supposedly bum knee carrying over from last season so we did an in case of fire break glass signing. If so, they don't cost $8M. This is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, there is no rational justification. Sorry
  15. The figures don't lie but liars figure! sorry, couldn't help myself.
  16. Agree, but what are they going to do with Tate if he is mid-May per Hyde? That's too long for a 15 day IL and too short for the 60 day list? Similar for Givens but a shorter window. Gillaspie, Krehbiel, Politi are just keeping a seat warm for these guys and Wells, when GRod is stretched out after 2-3 weeks. Then there is Hall, possibly Cano as well. Going to be interesting.
  17. Yes, Operating Income (profit) is overall income net of everything. I think you have to separate 2014-2018 from the recent years. PA had income from the law firm to help balance the year to year fluctuations. JA doesn't have that option, most likely. The thought that the O's "banked" profits to use in other years is what we tell ourselves to justify advocating for higher salaries, however it is likely fantasy.
  18. Found this so "wall cost" and reimbursement doesn't account for the Revenue or the Operating Cost increases. The stadium authority recommended the Orioles receive a discount of one-fifth of the wall’s total cost per fiscal year from 2022 to 2026, up to $700,000, depending on the project’s cost, provided the Orioles extend the lease or sign a new one. The Orioles will receive the $593,413 discount annually for the next four fiscal years, as long as a lease is agreed to.
  19. Was the actual wall cost spelled out anywhere?
  20. Yes I know that MSA will cover the wall cost thru reimbursement but I think the O's had to pay for the actual construction when done. If so, there is an upfront "cost" that would show up somewhere, that would be reimbursed by MSA. Maybe that is covered in the Revenue increase which is about the same as Op Cost increase???
  21. Sorry for the delay, having internet issues. Salaries are public, I think from Spotrac. Forbes gives Revenue, Payroll (salaries plus expenses), and Operating Income (profit). What I call Operating Cost is calculated. We don't know the breakout of what is included in Revenue by Forbes. Basically I take Revenue minus Payroll and Operating Income to generate Operating Cost. Op Cost began rising in 2021, likely the effect of ME changes. The $12M OP Cost jump in 2022 over the $7M jump in 2021 is surprising, maybe a one time thing due to the wall? Payroll includes salaries plus expenses (benefits) but in 2019 the delta over salaries was $42M and in 2022 it was $38M, whereas in other years it has been about $20M. In 2019 I guessed it could be related to the restructure of the Davis contract, I have no idea for 2022's increase.
  22. Took awhile to find but 32 voted against the Davis contract. about 22.5% of the total responses.
  23. OK folks, I have found the latest Forbes numbers for 2022. A few notable changes: Payroll had been about +$20M over Salaries but was +$38M in 2022, also Operating Costs had been about $95M, rose to $102 in 2021 but were up to $114M in 2023. Both those increases eat into profitability (Operating Income) and ultimately maximum Salaries. I have no explanation for those increases. Year Revenue Salaries Payroll + Expenses Revenue - Expenses Operating Income Operating Cost 2014 245 110 122 123 31.4 91.6 2015 239 118.9 137 102 8.8 93.2 2016 253 147.7 162 91 -2.1 93.1 2017 252 164.3 183 69 -26 95 2018 251 143 161 90 -6.5 96.5 2019 256 61.1 103 153 57 96 2020 115 23.9 43 72 -23 95 2021 251 45.7 66 185 83 102 2022 264 44.88 83 181 67 114
  24. If you are talking about OD roster then the BP will have 13 already and that's the max. Since they are still looking at the plethora of 1B/DH types I suppose they would pick on of them for the position player 13.
  25. Depends on who makes the 26, Vavra or one of the 1B/DH AAAA guys. If Vavra is here then no tp Westburg because they already have a Util IF. Westburg would also have to be added to the 40-man, although there should be slots available.
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