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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. I'm gonna try to hit Crooked Crab tomorrow and hoped to see Kjerstad but he is not on the list. "Better payer than he was at AR" is all I could ask for at this point.
  2. Obviously the "other" season is crabbing lol.
  3. The way you phrased it, "higher ceilings", is at least supportable. However, you are implying all 5 will be functioning at those levels mid-season to enable trades. Means won't be back until July at the earliest and who knows what version of himself he will be post TJ. Hall will likely be a SP in AAA under innings limits or, failing that, being converted to RP. Grayson hasn't thrown 1 MLB inning. Kremer and Bradish have not yet proven themselves to be MLB average SPs, like Irwin has these last 2 years. I love your optimism but if you truly believe all 5 will be performing that well mid-season, please send me copious quantities of whatever you are drinking/smoking.
  4. Well these last 2 years he has been flush with cash flow surplus. We have no idea what other debts he has incurred during this time but Lou infers JA has been trying to buy up other shares. At a $1.375 B valuation that's $13.75 M per 1 % share. May be where the $26.5 M went, the first withdrawal from PA's checking account, the math works.
  5. I hope you are right but I have no faith in JA not to screw it up and PA isn't going to come in and fix it this time.
  6. Nope, but the article referenced a "manifesto" with a specific date so I presume there is a hard copy to wit. I presume the figures quoted refer to written word. Other Sun articles said JA stopped the sale negotiations, apparently on 2 occasions. I have no doubt these things are being presented from Lou's perspective, but that doesn't mean they are not factual. There is too much smoke here for there not to be something burning.
  7. John stopped the sale negotiations his mother had already started. He wants to stay in charge (majority owner) and have control of the revenue stream. The Guy is absolutely right. This from the latest lawsuit by Louis: "The new filing depicts John Angelos as an aggrieved son who felt underappreciated and underpaid by his father. It quotes from so-called manifestoes that John Angelos wrote, including one from March 3, 2015, in which he said he’s created hundreds of millions of dollars of cash flow and wealth for the family’s companies yet his salary never exceeded $175,000 at the Orioles or $225,000 at Mid-Atlantic Sports Network, also known as MASN." When the O's ST was still in Ft. Lauderdale and it was the worst facility in MLB, PA sent JA down to negotiate a lease extension and get the City to pay for facility improvements. He failed and PA had to step in to get an extension. The PA sent JA to the west coast to find a new ST site (Fort Meyers I believe) and he again played hard ball and failed. PA had to step in and eventually they got the deal they have now. PA put JA in charge of MASN from the beginning and JA did........????? Why do we have any faith that JA will successfully negotiate with MD Sports Authority???????
  8. I admit, as negative as I am about the Angelos clan, I never thought of that angle. Well done. I always figured PA was loaning MASN profits to the team so he could claim he was investing the RSN money into the team like he promised.
  9. Don't EVER confuse me with those who believe the Forbes-MLB numbers tell the whole story. There were years the NYY have a loss on paper lol. However, we have heard in the past that PA "loaned" money to the team so I assume they run the team like a business and try to make a profit. If they failed, PA would supplement but whether that money came from MASN or the law firm or real estate profits, who knows. I am sure that JA doesn't have that disposable income now.
  10. True but the Arbitrator proposed higher fees (equal to both teams) and a small profit.
  11. Absolutely but those years with salaries in the $140-$160 M range they lost money. PA was OK with that, IMHO JA will never do that. He is trying to show he is a successful businessman after failing at multiple ventures previously (Ft Lauderdale, Fort Meyers, MASN).
  12. I believe it includes rights fees to O's and Nats but not profits from MASN.
  13. A few pages back CoC said "You should have tons of room to add payroll. " I have posted a spreadsheet multiple times that disputes that "fact". Revenue has been about $250 M for awhile, Operating Costs are about $100 M, Expenses are about $20 M about Salaries so about $75 M, that leaves about $75 M which needs to Cover JA's profit whatever that may be. The leftover can be added to $75 M, ME ain't gonna go crazy unless JA accept less profit or Revenue increases.
  14. Haha, never said they weren't leaching. Son (turns 32 this month) just moved out a month ago, fingers crossed. Daughter (32) still in grad school for more 1.5 years. I signed up for the LOONG haul years ago lol. They think of it as a B-day present.
  15. Cmon Frobby, You get each of your kids to get 1-2 services and you combine them all for all participants. I have HBO Max thru cell and Amazon Prime but get Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, Pandora, Peacock thru the kids.
  16. But for luddites like my parents? I can't wait to get the inevitable phonecall where they're wondering where the Orioles are, how come they're not on MASN and "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO DOWNLOAD THE APP?" That's just a delight. Anyway, two big middle fingers and a Roseanne Barr National Anthem crotch grab to MLB for continuing to be idiots. I'm sure whoever stumbles across an Orioles/Cubs game on Peacock will be absolutely riveted and become a baseball fan for life because of your genius marketing. Well Moose, I probably qualify as a LUDDITE (age wise), but I want to substitute a cut and paste of JA's oblivious face smiling for the media after his latest toe stub (had to clean it up, I am a LUDDITE after all) in the general area of RB's crotch to appropriately register my disgust.
  17. This!! Westburg isn't pushing Mateo, Ortiz, Gunnar off SS, especially with Jackson in the picture. He isn't pushing Gunnar off 3B and probably not Urias either. So that leaves 2B and they brought in Frazier. If Mateo hits enough to stay at SS then Ortiz is ahead of Westburg at 2B as well. Either they don't see Westburg there defensively or they don't think he is fully baked yet. What they do with Westburg and Norby this year position wise should be interesting.
  18. I will go with Mateo. After being blocked by all stars he got his chance last year. His defense is highlight reel stuff. For 6-8 weeks last summer he resembled a MLB hitter before reverting to old habits. Old habits die hard but if you have spent your entire life to make it in MLB and you have a taste of success, I think he will do everything he can to stick, including going back to working with the hitting coaches.
  19. He stood her up for a track meet, she dumped him for the quarterback, lol.
  20. I don't disagree but we have no idea what they think. Tony has Mateo and Ortiz as nearly equal with Gunnar behind but able to play very good D until he outgrows the position. Heck, Westburg can play SS, maybe better than Urias. To me it comes down to folks believing Urias is a better bet to repeat defensively than Mateo and the delta between Urias's bat and Mateo's will offset the drop in defense from Mateo to Gunnar. I just think Mateo has a better chance to repeat than Urias defensively and I'm willing to risk his bat for 3 months with Ortiz in the wings to find out.
  21. Well is very good Gunnar at SS worth more than GG Gunnar at 3B? If Holiday is everything the pundits say, as in a strong candidate for our 3rd straight #1 prospect, then he will arrive long before 2027, baring injury.
  22. I don't know if you were referring to me but I'm not trying to set the table for Holiday, or Ortiz, or Mateo. I just fail to see the benefit of moving Gunnar around for lesser players, IMO he is your 3B of the future so let him settle in and work hard to extend him. I'm fine with Mateo getting the chance to repeat last years defense and possibly revisit his plate discipline from last summer. He gets a few months, if he doesn't work out, Ortiz is next man up. Urias has never played defense at that level before and doesn't have a strong arm. Yeah, never played 3B before but why not? He has been trying to break thru for more than a decade. I believe his defense is more at risk than the toolsy Mateo and Urias has shown the ability to play all 3 IF positions adequately, Mateo has been only SS. If Mateo holds serve then Urias/Ortiz can push for time at 2B. Westburg isn't the better prospect at the 3 IF positions than any of them defensively. Find a home for his bat elsewhere.
  23. Wow, didn't see that take coming. Gunnar is #1 prospect and viewed as GG and All Star there. He is viewed as above average at SS but behind Ortiz defensively. By 2024 Holiday should be knocking on the door if he is all they say he is. Why would you mess with Gunnar's development at 3B? Are you envisioning doing this to improve Westburg's value in a trade? Are you displacing both 2022 GGs in 2023 with Gunnar and Westburg?
  24. Odds are this is an absolutely true statement. However Ortiz didn't hit until 3 months or so end of last season. We can build plausible explanations based on injury recovery and physical development, but we really don't know what we have yet. Mateo was blocked by a couple All Stars and only has like 770 MLB ABs. He never showed a glove like that before, is that lack of opportunity or what he is, IDK. His approach at the plate is poor but for 6+ weeks last year he worked with hitting coaches, adjusted and was a competent MLB hitter. Then he reverted to old form. Which version shows up this year, IDK. Urias spent 5 years in Minors, 5 years in Mexico before his 2 years here. He always hit but didn't last year. He never showed GG defense before, was kinda average Util IF until he wasn't last year. I see people wanting to put the #1 prospect and best 3 B prospect in MLB at SS this year in deference to Urias GG. We really don't know what we have in any of these 3 guys yet. That's why we have to play the games.
  25. OMG WC, while I love your optimism and the vigor with which you defend your opinions, you are out on the same island as your "play Adley 162 because he is young" stance. What happened to Holt's magic dust to turn fodder (Voth i.e.) into something? You even believe Holt will help Gibson be respectable. This guy will be in the starting 5 and will benefit from the new Oriole Way of pitching. Beyond Gibson, Irvin is the best bet to get to 150 inn out of your starting 7 guys.
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