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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I'd consider that being less than honest.

    I wouldn't call that person a liar but I wouldn't trust what they said going forward.

    Less than honest, obtuse, attempting to obfuscate, or just covering himself with GM-speak, IDK. I only know that when he said it, that was my first thought. Also, he never said MOO but many here claimed he did along with their interpretation of "lift off". I don't trust anything he says that is not very specific. As for mid-season "blockbuster" I could see him doing a Bedard deal if a Kremer-Bradish explodes and somebody is desperate. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I'd rather they have him concentrate on one position, even if I'm sure he can handle both.

    I agree with this take but I think Interloper has it right, half of the time Urias plays will be at 3B. Gunnar plays fulltime. I expect Frazier, Urias and Mateo each to play about 2/3 time. Urias get 1/3 at 2B and 1/3 at 3B. Gunnar gets 2/3 at 3B and 1/3 at SS. Frazier 2/3 at 2B and Mateo 2/3 at SS. Unless someone goes off (Mateo's bat) or someone craps the bed.

  3. 2 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Unlikely.    The O's mgt are openly saying that they intend to make the playoffs.  In so doing they have making a bet.    They are betting they can:

    1) Take a veteran that had a 5.05 ERA in Gibson and  can turn him into a 3.75 ERA guy.   And do the same with Irvin you had a 5.29 ERA away from home and now he will play 29 or more games away from the Coliseum.     A 4.42 ERA like Lyles had will not do.   This time the O's need to have a rotation that is in the top 6 in the AL in ERA.   Holt better be as good as I hope he is.

    2)  Take two guys that has good halves in Wells and Bradish and make them pitch a whole season like they did in halves.

    3)  Get Kremer to repeat; get GRod to give them a good 100-120 innings.  Gets Means to come back  healthy and effectiveness for the 2nd half.   While hoping that Hall finds his command.   

    I think a team starter 3.75 ERA is required to make the playoffs.  That may be good enough for 6th in the AL.

    Its a aggressive task and they will be working hard on it from the first day of ST.   They have already did the planning of who needs to pitch vs what team.  Now they have to make it happen.

    1) Took Lyles from 5.15 to 4.43 ERA so the "Holt effect" is -0.72 ERA improvement so Gibson from 5.05 to 4.33 ERA and Irvin from 3.98 to 3.26 ERA 😃

    2) Wells won't be in the rotation all season baring injury, would be happy for him to repeat.

    3) Kremer and Bradish will be lucky to have 4.0 ERA, GRod maybe a little better 3.75 ERA, anything from Means will be gravy.

    With just the minor improvements above, fewer starts by cannon fodder, and the BP holding form you should get to 3.75 ERA fro, 3.p7 last year.

  4. Gibson gets the #1 spot based on veteran-osity, Irwin gets #3 as the only lefty to break things up, the other 3 can be in any spot except GRod gets skipped around off days as much as possible to manage innings.

  5. 30 minutes ago, CharmCityHokie said:

    and definitely not for cutters

    though that actually may have been Duq now that I think about it

    DD took the cutter from Bundy in the minors because it was too advanced, wanted him to develop his other pitches.

    • Upvote 2
  6. 21 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    I would extend Adley before anyone, even Gunnar.  I've never seen one player change a team like Adley did.  I wasn't born in 1966, I imagine Frank did the same for the O's then. 

    I will let Frobby weigh in on Frank's impact but from my perspective the O's were already a very good team. Frank taught them how to win. I agree with you about Adley's impact but catchers generally don't age well re: extending. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think it would be bad for them to plan his workload around the assumption the playoffs are a given.

    I think the plan is to get him thru the whole season healthy without having to shut him down and that he gets enough innings this year so there are no restrictions on innings next year. Whether that number is 120 or 140 is irrelevant because either is enough so that he won't be restricted next year.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Would be cool if they saved innings for the playoffs and then just missed the playoffs.

    Was that supposed to be in green font? 😁 If not we have very different definitions of cool. If you are implying that the "saved innings" might have been enough to make the playoffs but he would be shutdown, then I would prefer that outcome as well.

  9. I guess it depends on what is long term? If it's say the next 5 years I would say does Mateo revisit his discipline of 6 weeks last summer and maintain his defense in 2023. If yes then Ortiz can displace Frazier and we have 3 GGs in the infield even with Holiday eventually displacing Mateo., and GGs at C and CF. If no, then Ortiz to SS and Westburg/Norby fight it out until Holiday displaces Ortiz. All the rest will work itself out (Hays, Cowser, Stowers, Santander, Kjerstead, Beavers, Fabian). Someone will be converted to 1B. I would extend Gunnar above all else, given age and talent, he is a generational talent.

  10. For me it comes down to how do they manage his innings, do they plan for him to be available in playoffs. I think they do limit him early to have him late and hope he is a difference maker. So 10 starts @ 3 innings, 10 @ 4 innings, 10 @ 5 innings gets you around 120 innings. I think he could go maybe 140 innings so he is available end of season. That also means he could air it out early knowing he won't be going long and could dominate. I hope for 3.75 ERA boosted by early success before settling in at league average late.

  11. 45 minutes ago, SteveA said:

    You've just got to find the right job for him.

    At the Birdland Caravan event at Crooked Crab Brewing, he was not doing a good job pouring beers.   Certain of the higher alcohol beers are supposed to go in smaller glasses and he was having trouble keeping that straight.

    So they sent him out to bus tables and return empty beer glasses to the bar, and he did a fantastic job there.

    Actually, I was at the bar when this happened and he was right in front of me. When one of the managers told him what he was doing wrong,  Sid suggested going around with a tray to pick up empty glasses. He realized his limitations and found his own new job. lol

    • Upvote 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, Just Regular said:

    I bet the Orioles would work the schedule to avoid it, but it would be such fantastic baseball theater if the MLB debut in Game 4 or 5 was G-Rod v. deGrom. What if he just plain outpitched that guy that day?

    You are talking some serious 1966 stuff here: Kofax vs Palmer

  13. 2 hours ago, tntoriole said:

    Are you DD’s press agent? Lol. That is an interesting take but I suspect DD knew full well what Angelos reaction would be (who wouldn’t) but went forward anyway.   

    This from the Toronto Star

    Rumours of the Blue Jays’ pursuit of Baltimore Orioles GM Dan Duquette as a replacement for team president and CEO Paul Beeston re-emerged Wednesday with a series of conflicting reports from a variety of sources.

    Angelos admitted to the paper that Jays’ ownership, Rogers Communications, has expressed interest in Duquette.

    An accountant who was the first employee ever hired by the Blue Jays in 1976, Beeston rose to become team president in 1989, staying on until 1997, when he was tapped by outgoing MLB commissioner Bud Selig to serve a five-year term as MLB president. He returned to the role of Jays president in 2008 and hired Anthopoulos a year later.

    His contract technically expired at the end of October but Beeston — who turns 70 in June — has said on multiple occasions he has often worked without a contract and will stay on for as long as Rogers wants him.

    The persistent rumours suggest either that a faction within Rogers is looking to nudge Beeston out, or that the company is simply preparing for life after the long-time president and its early recruiting efforts were clumsy rather than spiteful. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 2 hours ago, tntoriole said:

    Are you DD’s press agent? Lol. That is an interesting take but I suspect DD knew full well what Angelos reaction would be (who wouldn’t) but went forward anyway.   

    This from the Toronto Sun and correction it was Eddie Rogers, I said Mike (going from memory)

    Eddie Rogers, deputy chairman of Rogers Communications, with his sports consultant Roger Rai, have been head-over-heels, in full bloom with Duquette since early November. Rogers and Rai want to bring Duquette to town to replace president Paul Beeston.

    ESPN broke the news on Dec. 7 about Rogers having interest in Duquette as the winter meetings began in San Diego.

  15. 2 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    If DD knew full well what Angelos would do, then why did DD pursue the job and ask Angelos permission?

    I have no idea what DD knew or not. What I said about Mike Rogers is true and out there on the web because that's where I found it. Someone associated with the NYY recommended that Mike Rogers talk to DD. Why would DD do it, well it was a huge promotion both in authority and 2-3X more money. Until this situation no MLB team has stood in the way of an executive getting a promotion to go to another organization.  DD was not approached by the BJs, he was approached by Mike Rogers.

  16. Why not keep Al and NL just make each have East and West Divisions. Al East is our current group plus Chicago WS and Cleveland plus an expansion in Charlotte-Nashville. AL west gets the rest NL east is that current group plus Chicago Cubs, Pittsburg, and Cincinnati. the west gets the rest plus an expansion in Vegas or wherever. You play your division 15 times (105 games) and the other division say 6 times (48 games). That gets you to 153, add a 3 game inter league to a close geographic rival (Gnats) you are at 156. Expand Playoffs so top 4 in each Division in. the top 2 advance to face the other geographic Division. league winners in WS

  17. 3 hours ago, tntoriole said:

    Yes Dan was hamstrung and yes he did make some very good moves, but his abysmal failure in the post 2014 season to improve the team at all while letting 3 key performers leave while he was actively seeking the Toronto job ruined my opinion of him as GM.  He will not ever get another GM job imho. 

    The bolded statement gets repeated here frequently but it is wrong. Mike Rogers, the deposed head of Rogers Communication, approached DD about being head of baseball operations which includes managing the Rogers Center. DD had just been named GM or Exec of the year and an executive VP of the NYY (friend of Rogers) recommended that Mike R contact DD (collusion). The job was a huge promotion. Rogers had just been deposed by his family from running Rogers Comm. so it was a power play to get "his guy" over MLB operations even though the position wasn't going to be vacant for another year. DD told PA about it, as he should have, and PA turned it into a circus. DD was done as an effective GM after that

  18. 20 minutes ago, spiritof66 said:

    We should know how the Orioles have reserved against this $100-million plus as soon as John Angelos . . . 

    Cute 😁. Is there a way that this MASN lawsuit "resolution" could only be directed toward MASN itself and its separate ownership group? Could such "resolution" perhaps lead to the dissolution of the O's-Nats partnership? In my non-lawyer brain I'm imagining a bill coming due that JA hasn't adequately prepared to pay so he might be forced to "sell" half of the RSN to the Nats. I get they already own probably 25% but Frobby would know exactly. Also, I realize PA is a large part of both ownership groups so indirect cost to the Angelos family fortunes. 

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