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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. Assuming only$315K of Showalter's $440K counts against the bonus pool, they have $1,218.9K left now. If #3 pick goes for slot, they have $425.3K left. If ME leaves that $425K on the table unspent, does that imply that John A has told him all the Round 11 to Round 20 signings (125K) come out of the pot even if they don't count against the bonus pool?????

  2. 5 minutes ago, George Zuverink said:

    My guess would be Gus Triandos, who made Matt Weiters look like Usaian Bolt.  I was listening to the game on radio; we did that back then. There would have been time for a commercial break.

    OMG, TY for the memories. My mother's fav and the reason I'm an O's fan. Homerun or strikeout, my father would say. Obviously sided with Mom. lol

  3. 3 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    Now, this might all be wrong since maybe Hyde is just given his lineup and he's making excuses, but him burying Vavra for the awful Odor is not a good sign in my opinion. In fact, whoever or whatever is deciding that Odor should be playing everyday on a team that is actually competing despite him being replacement level or below replacement player makes me question the decision makers.

    This!!! I think ME would trade anyone for what he deems an appropriate package. He signed Odor in the offseason, he isn't dumping him, regardless of bad production, he won't admit a mistake as a junior GM-Exec VP. He wants to include him in a package for a bag of balls.

  4. I think no because alone neither Mancini nor Santander would bring near ready or controlled pitching. That is why Santander plus Tate for Snell made sense. Mancini to Mets for Buck reunion and playoffs sounds great but what do the Mets have to offer that Elias is going to value for the near term, I have no idea. You want pitching nearly ready then Mullins to Marlins is the way to get that. not Mets. With the way Cowser is going now, this time next year he can play CF. IMO Snell won't happen because John A won't take on salary, eats into his profits. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Just Regular said:

    Quick question.    From BW Parkway northbound, any recommendations for best parking move?

    Today is really my first time as an ex-Marylander heading for the stadium complex from the Virginia side.    My usual lot on Pratt Street probably not my best move anymore.

    BW Parkyway at 695 is where the N. Linthicum Light Rail station is, free parking, ride to OPACY is about 30 minutes and stops behind the Warehouse

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I would love to sign up for 3-4 over our next 7 against the NYY and TB.  I no that's loser talk, but I think that prevents a sell off, and we'll have a fighting chance for Aug and Sept.  

    As would I as well because after these 7 games we have 9 against lesser teams to rebound.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    But you aren’t paying him like an ace, so who cares.

    I suspect (as I'm sure you do) that John Angelos cares, cuts into his profit margin. Does he care more about the product on the field or the bottom line? We may see.

  8. Agree re: Voth & Watkins but if Santander and Tate gets you Snell the scale tips. Lyles, Snell, Kremer, Wells-Hall (each on 3 inning limit) might be enough. The 5th slot, when you need it is whatever combo of Bradish, Zimm, Voth, Watkins that is on the 26 until roster expands. Replace Santander with Stowers. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. Boston got hot against weaker teams, have the worst win % against the East, and have the most games against the East remaining of the WC teams. Their next 10 are against the East. If they stumble and fall back to fighting the BJs for 4th, would they sell? Eovaldi, Wacha, Hill are all FAs and Sale isn't back. JDM is also a FA, I'm not sure about Devers. If they sell the bar for WC 6 is alot lower.

  10. 6 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    I believe that Westburg and Henderson should be brought up before the end of the year.  Several players on the 40 man roster are just utility players.  How many utility players does one team need.  I wouldn't be surprised if Westburg and Henderson are kept down long enough to retain rookie status for 2023.  Would be good to start their acclimation to ML pitching this year.  Maybe they could be hitting out of the gate next year, instead of having a month or more of .500-.600 OPS.  Which would be just like keeping Odor, Nevin and Mateo as starters for the 1st month. 

    There are several payers on the 40 we don't have to be concerned about related to Westburg and his "clock", Henderson is a whole nuther matter. I don't give a flying F*** about ANY Rule 5 guy vs Henderson's clock starting. We are at the point of the rebuild that Rule 5 guys and the management of the 40 shouldn't impact any current "good to great" prosepect.

  11. 15 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    So after Wells is shut down for the year, the O's are going to find 4th, 5th and 6th starters?

    I think he has shown he can go about 5 innings for about half a year, to get thru this year IMHO, they will begin limiting him to 3-4 innings and pair him with an Atkins-like tandem to get thru 6-7.

  12. 3 hours ago, SteveA said:

    ...But I had been watching a nationally televised Yankees/Red Sox game that summer and feeling I had to root for the Yankees if the Orioles were to have any chance to get back into the race (remember, under Earl Weaver the Orioles were known for playing great in August and September so as a kid I believed anything was possible).

    Then the  Yankees actually came back and caught the Red Sox, the Boston Massacre in September, the Bucky Dent game, etc, and won the World Series again.   I felt tremendous guilt for having rooted for the Yankees back in July, like if I had intentionally stepped on a crack and then my grandmother had broken her back.

    I absolutely concur, if that is the right word aftere 25 years, but I always harken back to 1982 when they played over 0.600 ball afer he AS break and ran down the BJs on the next to last game pf the season. I lost $200 bucks on that last game guaranteeing JP would win. Not to be but 1983 was redemption. They were not to be denied. I knd of have a similar feeling right now about this bunch. They are playing better than they are, but hey may have a 1982 run in them to setup for 2023, John Angelos not withstanding.

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