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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    Say what you want about Odor the players at this stage in his career, and you may be right, but he has to be one of the best all-time teammate locker-room guys. Would love to see them bring him back as a coach next year.

    I am just seeing this, for me it's 11 hours old, I am absolutely amazed you uttered this (electronically of course). I don't know what has happened to Odor over the last several years but he has hit 30 HR several times and has been in GG top 3 consideration. I know the 2B cavalry is coming and he has zero trade value BUT last night he stopped Vlad Jr. in his tracks and Mateo and Santander were out there protecting our guys from mayhem. His impact locker room has been discussed here ad infinatum.  What exactly is there broken in his swing and that can be improved??? I'm serious. Mateo was out there defending and his MLB career hangs by a thread; he made a significant effort this year to change. Santander has quietly tried to carve out a MLB career, beset with spotty performance and injuries. This year may be his best ever TBD. Urias has gone from a spotty @b at best (defensively) to an above average 3B who can still hit a lick, as he always has. Our infield of the future is rising rapidly but the tide isn't quite here yet. What if we encourage Rougned to go to a "Mateo-like" swing reconstruction off-season program in return for a MLB contract in 2023? Will he still be under his TX contract next year? What if we tell Urias he is the Utility IF and he will play 3-4 times per week? What if we tell Mateo he is the starting SS and Gunner is at 3B? Obviously I am attributing alot of influence to Rougned but he is the only significant change to the Latin contingent (prob forgot someone, 4th gin and tonic). All year Hyde and by extension the FO, have been echoing the Rougned factor, I think, after yesterday, we have some tangible evidence of his influence, albeit not baseball-performance related. IF he is anywhere as influential on the other Latin players as I believe he is, and in this Playoff drive you want to send a message to the team that you BELIEVE, then doing an :"extension of sorts" now would be blindingly clear. We have arrived, we are Not going away, and anyone who wants to "F" with us can deal with Rougie. Everyone STILL remembers the Bautista right hook. This is a guy people remember. Put Bautista (Omar) and Rougned in a marketing campaign, put Felix in Omar's long coat with a bat and Rougned in MMA gear with an angry O bird on his chest. Sell Tee shirts, promote the last 3 games with the BJs. Party like it's 1982, or 1989, or 2012. Lets revel in this moment.

  2. So relative to Urias and 2B, last year I believe the consensus was 2B was his best defensive position, this year he is playing above average at 3B so he must have a decent arm. I have seen posters say he is poor at 2B to justify Odor. Odor has a strong arm and can turn the DP well. Is Urias really a below average defensive 2B?

  3. 1 hour ago, RZNJ said:

    I would say on the whole, it's higher.    Looks at most college hitters.  Hodo is struggling.   Wagner is doing okay.    Most Division I college players don't even get drafted.   Is the Friday night starter better than your average Low A starter.   Probably.

    Good info to gauge against. Both Fabian and Beavers are hitting and not striking out (0.9 and 1.3 BB/K respectively) and are bracketed around Kjerstead for OPS. They were both reputed to have hit tool issues but not exposed so far. Fabian has 12 XBH in 44 AB which seems ridiculous, Beavers has 9 in 56 but no HRs yet after leading Cal. Wagner and Young are OK. I never paid much attention to Low A before but these 2 may bear watching along with Holiday. Fun times.

  4. Relative to "Gunnar type rising" for Beavers, when I look at Gunnar today the word that comes to mind is chiseled. When I look at Dylan I see lanky. If they can fix his hit tool and put some lean muscle on that frame I believe Gunnar type rising is possible. He seems to have all the other tools. Is the level of play at low A that much below what he saw at Cal? 

  5. "Entering this summer’s MLB draft, Dylan Beavers’ swing was the only thing that kept a skillset that features impressive raw power, elite plate discipline and tremendous athleticism out of the first round — and he knew it."

    This statement by Meoli, the comments by the Shorebird hitting coach on his swing adjustments and the opposition scout rating make me wonder if Beavers could be Gunnar 2.0??? Is he a 5 tool prospect?

  6. I assume Seattle has 1 spot. we need to finish ahead of one of the 2 ahead of us. Since we are 2 behind Tor and have 10 remaining with them our fate is in our own hands. The next 12 games include 4 with Tor and 8 games with Oakland, Bos, and Was. We are playing better than all of them and should win the majority in this stretch. If we go 8 and 4 we would likely be in the last WC spot. Then we have a 20 game sprint against the East and Houston, but NY and Hou "could" be coasting and setting up for the playoffs. The way this team has responded to every challenge this season is remarkable. I'm 73 and have been a fan since early 1960s when they got good. Until this year 1982 was my favorite year running down the Blue Crew on the last day. If we could drop Blue Jays on the last day it would be magical. Hang on for the ride

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  7. What Elias said was: Our plan for this offseason has always been to significantly escalate the payroll,” GM Mike Elias said .  “I think a lot of that’s going to come through our own guys going into arbitration, but also we plan to explore free agency much more aggressively.  We plan to maybe make some buy trades for some guys that are either on contracts or kind of in the tail-end of their arbitration.”  

    I remembered it as "most" when he actually said "a lot" ,, my bad. Either way I think that caps how much he can spend around $20 M if SG's estimates of Arb costs are right. Coupled with pre-Arb and fixed costs (Davis etc) we are in the $40 M range so an increase to $60 M range. I suppose if we keep Lyles, he could be seen as part of the base so we could get to $70 M range. Either way Elias had enough qualifier words in there to cover frustrated expectations.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I think Elias’ statements have implied more aggressive action this winter than this.   I don’t think he would have volunteered those statements if he didn’t mean them.   But we’ll see.  

    He also said he expected the majority of the spending to be on Arbitration raises, now granted that was before he traded Mancini but Elias has a caveat attached to the more aggressive spending. We will see but I'm in the boat that that says John A won't give Elias that much of an increase until he proves e wrong.

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  9. 5 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Akin hasn’t been crisp for a while.  It’s not some recent thing.

    Baker and Kreihbel have been inconsistent because they just aren’t that good.

    I think sometimes people try too hard to find answers while ignoring the obvious one all along.

    In truth, Akin has not been used in the same multi-inning way recently (weeks if not 1-2 months w/o looking) IMHO. Does that mean he need reps to stay sharp, IDK but either way isn't sharp now. Is that because of usage, lack of talent vs repetition, injury, rust, who knows. IMO I think we need to get him on a more frequent schedule going multi-innings as a tandem guy to someone. I don't care who, just pick someone and limit them to 3-4 innings and throw Akin.

    On another note, again IMHO, Baker needs more innings in middle relief to see if increased velo and composure is real. Pulling him the other night after 5 pitches and 1 batter caused a domino effect requiring Mountain to get 5 outs after everyone crapped out. As for Joey, I agree with SG.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Just Regular said:

    BaseballTradeValues today is guessing the Surplus or Underwater values of Angels that the Moreno Family probably wants to be non-Angels to ready the franchise for market as: Trout -37.5mm

    Trout has ~~ $297 M over 8 years going forward and he is only underwater about 1 year's salary???????😟

  11. 1 hour ago, Sports Guy said:

    If all goes to plan, Holliday starting at SS in Baltimore on OD 2025 is very possible.

    Only if he opens on the IL for 15 days to get that extra year of control we would lose if he wins ROY (lol, JK or maybe only partly, ducking, etc.....)

  12. 59 minutes ago, NashLumber said:

    We’ll be coming around the mountain when he comes. 

    Between the above and "Can of Corn, Mountcastle and BenBOOm, that one, and the Spud in the Web(b) comment I think you may well still be under the influence of the the "Bromo" Manhattan, lol. Keep up the good work.

    • Haha 1
  13. Do we know if there are any performance clauses in the Odor contract, say for games played? Given his impact on team chemistry in Hyde's view maybe Hyde is trying to get him to a threshold before moving to the bench. Grasping at straws.

    In addition to Henderson playing a good SS defensively, we also have (hopefully) Mateo, Ortiz and just drafted Holliday. Having Henderson capable of backup 1B is a bonus. The need for Gunnar at 3rd in 2023 is greater than SS IMHO. Vavra-Urias share 2B and backup IF and COF gives alot of flexibility. I expect 1 of Hays-Santander to be moved in the offseason. The OF and 2B regulars rotate thru DH to rest and get ABs. Nevin and 1 of Hays-Santander gone; Henderson and Stowers added

  14. Why the skepticism? I don't doubt ME or his words, I don't trust John A to open the checkbook. Why? MASN litigation, years of mismanagement, "small market", and now the Angelos family feud. I think someone here estimated Arb could cost about $17M in 2023 and Lyles cost $7M in FA so IMO out significant FA acquisition will be over $7M but less than $20M and that satisfies the words ME used an likely leaves us with about a $50M payroll in 2023. Until John A says otherwise, IMO, that is the range for 2023.

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  15. “Our plan for this offseason has always been to significantly escalate the payroll, a lot of that’s going to come through our own guys going into arbitration but also we plan to explore free agency much more aggressively”

    So alot of the "significant" escalation will come thru Arb raises, can we ballpark what that round number might be? Also, "much more aggressively" re FAs really means more than Lyles $7M. We have the lowest payroll and have shed Mancini already and likely won't pickup Lyles $11M option. It sounds like a $40-50M payroll would be a significant escalation. Until John A says otherwise, I am going to temper my expectations.

  16. 2 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    I’d re-sign him. $11 million on a one year deal isn’t crazy.  At worst he’s Cashner. At best he’s what he is this year. We need depth. I don’t see us going crazy on long term deals for pitching. 

    I would do this as well and then sign someone better as a FA too. My reason is Means isn't likely to be up to ML before ASB or so, so Lyles for half year, trade for whatever at deadline, replaced by Means in second half

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