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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Nah, it has nothing to do with that. I've always just kind of liked Texas, going back to the 90s where they had Raffy, Sierra, Gonzalez, Pudge, etc. Tettleton. They've always seemed to have been a team that's just wanted to build a team around sluggers, which is kind of fun. And a very Texas thing to do...just MOOOORE POWER!!!1 Honestly, now that we're out and Tampa and Toronto are, too, there aren't many teams I'm actively rooting against. I'd be happy seeing the Twins go all the way, too. I've never minded the Astros, even throughout the whole cheating scandal...they'd be the last team I'd want to see go to the WS but even if they did I wouldn't be upset about it.
  2. If now is the time to make some moves, it was also the time at the trade deadline.
  3. Well, being the strong capitalist, individualist, rugged, alpha male that you are, I am always surprised that you're upset with anyone wanting to make money. That seems antithetical to your beliefs. John Angelos is an idiot, but he should have the sense to know that the more the Orioles win, the more money he stands to make.
  4. I don't think Elias is ready to give up prospects yet. For whatever reason.
  5. Okay. Do we know for a fact that he wasn't allowed to spend enough for a multi-year deal, or is it possible that Elias didn't think a multi-year deal for any of the starters on the market weren't worth what they were asking? Like, I wouldn't have wanted Gibson for a multi-year deal at a lower annual salary, for example. We do know JA's thoughts on extensions. That doesn't mean extensions won't get done. But, like you, I have my doubts. So the evidence that JA is being a tightwad aren't really that concrete, despite what we'd all like to believe. Trust me, I don't like him either, but before @Tony-OH labels me a JA apologist, I just want to deal with facts. There's a quote from Giants/Angels trade a few years ago where Elias said that ownership wasn't interested in doing a deal like that (yet ownership has spent practically every dollar of draft pools (cue @Can_of_corn) and spent money in the Dominican programs for guys like Basallo) but if we're being honest -and you're an honest guy, SG- that's not much to go on. I agree that Elias isn't going to spend a lot in free agency based off where he's come from. I would not be surprised if John Angelos (and again, this is speculation) wanted to know Elias' thoughts on spending in free agency during the interview process and made the hire partially based on that. That is to say that I believe these two are in simpatico when it comes to their thoughts and philosophies on spending in free agency. All in all, what you've listed isn't hard evidence. A quote here, a quote there. To borrow a phrase, it's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove. So while I think (just like you do!) that John Angelos doesn't want to spend big bucks in free agency and I don't think Elias does either, I'll wait until there's a hard hitting investigative article that comes out that'll confirm all this before crucifying one or the other or both.
  6. Where's the proof? Like, hard evidence. Not your opinion. I get it, I don't like him either. But I'm also tired of the pearl clutching in regards to the fear that he might do something to ruin the team, drive Elias out, etc. Yeah, he might. But until he actually does, there's not much to talk about when it comes to him, other than his semi-regular PR gaffes.
  7. Welp, I wanted Texas, certainly got what I asked for. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing them win it all.
  8. 9/9 today, 163 rarity score. This was one of the easier ones in the last week or so, took a few minutes.
  9. Yep, I miss the gimmes all the time. For some reason I always immediately think back to players I grew up watching. 80s and 90s. I rarely think about whoever's playing right now.
  10. I’m gonna keep watching but I don’t know if I’ll be back here. I can’t stand the armchair psychologists and everyone who wants to just simply blame things on Hyde. The Orioles have been cold for weeks. They haven’t been hitting and they ran into a buzzsaw of an offense. It’s as simple as that.
  11. I don’t know why I thought we had a chance tonight.
  12. That’s an out, but it still feels like a victory for Texas.
  13. O’Hearn is missing stuff he should crush.
  14. Evan Carter is going to be very good for a long time.
  15. See that look?!?!? The moment is just too big for him!!!!!!1111
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