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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Grown men whining over neg rep is always hysterical to me.
  2. Enjoyed seeing Tampa lose and make 4 errors. Happy to see the Jays looking like the wet toilet paper that they are.
  3. And you like Kevin Brown?
  4. This is true, he did a lot of good. But we agree that he knows more than he was willing to share, hence his legal issue. I really don't mind the statue...that's what happens these days, great players get statues.
  5. I really don't want to keep going down the rabbit hole of socio/political agendas. And I'm not trying to duck this question but I'll explain it gently as I can: What Bauer allegedly did was wrong. Could the Dodgers have handled it differently? Probably, but that's not what we're talking about here. Assuming he actually did what he was accused of is something that everyone, everywhere should be repulsed by, no matter what someone's race, gender, sexual preference is. That's very different from an inclusivity night at a ballpark.
  6. Baseball clubs are businesses. NFL football teams are franchises. Michael Jackson, despite not playing a team sport, was very much a business unto himself. You used the world "profitable," which is the only thing that matters at the end of the day. I don't know who Mason Greenwood is or what he allegedly did.
  7. To be clear, this isn't political, it's social. But the two are tied too closely these days. That said, this is a bit of false equivalency and I don't really think there's much of a comparison here.
  8. Ah, Ray Lewis is always the exception for a Ravens fan. So if I understand you correctly, your morals have changed as you've gotten older but you're still sort of giving Ray Lewis a pass here. Baseball seasons are long, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. It's not like a football player has to pause his woman-beating proclivities during their shorter season. With social media today, any player in any sport can be a "raging unrepentant douche" at any time of the year. Comparing the length of a football season to the length of a baseball season here isn't a great arguing point, especially when the NFL has fashioned itself into a year round sport. Even if games aren't being played, there's the draft, free agency, training camps, etc. There's a reason why the NFL and the NBA are the first things that ESPN covers no matter what. But ultimately, you're right. Organizations have to decide whether or not it's worth it. And no, the calculus isn't always different with baseball and football. I mean, Marcell Ozuna is still playing. Julio Urias came back after his first domestic battery suspension, I would bet he'll come back again. Aroldis Chapman. Jimmy Cordero. Addison Russell. Roberto Osuna. This idea that the "calculus is different" is hilarious. Talent usually wins out. Not always, there are exceptions, but it usually does.
  9. Yesterday's was brutal, I gave up after about 20 minutes. Today's was cake. 9/9 292 rarity score. Just wanted to complete it.
  10. And yet millions watch the NFL each weekend despite cheering on players with legal battles. People line up for concerts to watch artists that have checkered pasts. There's a point where the talent or the performance surpasses whatever issues the talent or the performer has in their closet. Like, I'm 100% positive that if Michael Jackson were still alive that there's no way I'd let my kid spend the night at his house. But that doesn't mean I'm not putting Thriller on the record player every so often.
  11. Not surprising, her twitter is blocked at the moment. She will only apologize after she explains that her "source" was wrong.
  12. It’s also playoff week. There’s nothing better to discuss?
  13. If the guys in the clubhouse want him and think he can help the team win, yes. No one else’s opinion really matters.
  14. Texas. As @Sports Guypointed out, their bullpen is not good.
  15. No way Marcus Semien is in the Hall of Fame range. Anyway, I am hoping for a laborious series here between these two teams. I'd like to see lots of bullpen pieces used throughout, extra inning games, the whole enchilada. I'd prefer to see Texas win but I don't think that'll be the case. I am sure Tampa is itching for a shot at us and I believe they'll get it.
  16. But…you can get pitching in other ways. Why so reliant on the draft? For example, if Elias gets a great pitching prospect from his international program, are you upset?
  17. Felix was a DD pickup but when did his career start taking off? Cano? Wells? Who says the draft is the only way to acquire and develop pitching? Who cares where it comes from as long as it’s good?
  18. Happy that the Mariners are done.
  19. I can see why people would say a WS win would solidify him as an elite GM but as pointed out the playoffs are a crap shoot. Elias isn’t at fault if the pitching craps the bed or if the bats go cold. He already is elite. He’s stocked this franchise with more good young talent than we could have hoped. As long as the Orioles keep making the playoffs and as long as he keeps good talent coming through the system that’s what he’ll be judged on. In addition to being at the vanguard of how to pick up guys like O’Hearn, etc., that’s important too.
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