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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I don't think a team is going to use that data if they're going to try to offer less salary. But that's just me.
  2. You'd be pissed, too, if balls that would have gone over the wall in years prior are coming up short now. That's not just a decrease in his stats, that's literal money off the table for him. For argument's sake (and I'm exaggerating a bit here, but bear with me here) say the new LF configuration takes away 15 homes from Trey and he winds up with 15 total this year. In years prior, he'd have had 30 homers, this year he has 15. When he goes to negotiate a new salary with the Orioles or with another team, he can't say he's a 30 homer guy and demand to be paid like one. And no one's going to care that the new LF configuration took away a lot of homers from him. Too bad. Yeah, I'd be pissed about it, too.
  3. I dunno how you coach up a pitcher in order to increase fastball movement. I've always felt that fastball movement is either something a pitcher has or doesn't. Kind of like a fingerprint, each pitcher's fastball movement is unique to them. I feel like his velocity is decent but the fastball is straight as an arrow and that's going to be a problem if it can't get fixed.
  4. Tampa playing like the 2018 Orioles.
  5. Where's SG to remind everyone that it shouldn't take this long to do a rebuild? That Elias has sold the fanbase a pack of lies and that anyone who thinks that it's acceptable for the rebuild to take this long is stupid? I will agree with @Tony-OH, the starting pitching prospects leave a lot to be desired. But overall, I'm happy with this team so far this year. There's a lot of baseball to be played and they could crater but if they reach 71 wins which they're on pace to do, that would be good.
  6. That was incredibly lucky that RMC didn’t get gunned at the plate.
  7. Is anyone concerned about Adley’s burgeoning pube-stache?
  8. Sure. A 7 hour baseball game might suck but a bad baseball game is still better than most anything else.
  9. Don't like it. IMO, MLB teams should be able to construct their rosters however they see fit. If a team wants 25 pitchers and have the guys who have a planned off day to play the field, fine. Anyway, I'm sure the debate here about who we'll have to shave off the roster to comply will be enthralling.
  10. I think this is the best way to describe him. IMO, I don't know what we'd have in Wells until this time next year. He's already thrown more innings this year than he had in all of last year and we're not even at the halfway mark. It remains to be seen if they shut him down at some point or keep letting him go out there until the end of the season. The most innings he's thrown at any professional level were the 119.1 he threw across A+ and AA in 2018. IMO, he's entering uncharted waters for himself here as it'll be the most amount of innings he's thrown at the highest professional level. It remains to be seen how he'll handle the rest of the workload this year. And if he can achieve similar results next year, too. But the early returns are encouraging. I do believe that he does give us the best chance to win out of our current starters.
  11. Hey. We love small sample sizes when guys are cooking and dismiss them when they don't fit our arguments or other convenient reasons.
  12. I don't care if he doesn't hit for power. Especially if the lineup has other guys who can thump. If he hits for a high average and has a good separation between his batting average and on base percentage, that's all I really care about. The other day we were talking about Mountcastle and what a slow starter he is. Would you rather have a guy like that or a guy who can hit consistently throughout the summer and have an on base percentage that hovers around .400 for a whole year but might hit 15-18 homers? For me, it's a no-brainer. And while Cowser has a lot of work to do to become that consistent, I really don't care if the power never comes. I'm perfectly fine with a guy who can hit .280-.300 and get on base at a .380-.400 clip.
  13. Would you give up any good pitching for him if you were on the other side?
  14. He’s looked better in recent weeks. I know he won’t be the player he was last year but still trying to determine who he is.
  15. Yeah I’m happy with the split. Especially with how they knocked Gausman around to end it. Wonder if they could have had 3/4 if they were at full strength.
  16. That is cool. Hope he can get 450 more or so.
  17. I didn't get MLB TV this year so I haven't seen other productions for awhile (although I might cause now it's half off) but all I know is that Apple Friday night game from a few weeks ago was off the charts with the production.
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