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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. There is no dilemma. The definition of dilemma is: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. There's no difficult decision here. He's gotta go. He provides no value. He provides LESS than no value.
  2. True, but he also didn't help himself out too much, he walked two batters.
  3. The Jimenez deal is interesting because I think the Other Sox were getting a lot of flak for starting him in the minors this year.
  4. Yeah, actually I would. And I might have bid on Cisco while he was low last year if I had access to advanced metrics and analytics to see if he was really that bad or if there was room for improvement. I'd rather do that then spend money on a Davis type (not that we're in a position to do that anytime soon, thankfully). I understand being cautious with Hays, waiting to see if he can stay healthy. IIRC, his injuries last year were a little off base and I don't think there should be any concern for the long term with him. But as the Phillies showed with the Harper contract, the Kingery deal didn't get in the way of anything. Hays - if extended now or after this year - shouldn't prohibit the Orioles from doing anything they'd want to do from a key FA acquisition perspective, which, to me, is the whole point of it all. I understand where you're coming from, I don't necessarily disagree about seeing him play this year to know if you want to make that deal. I am hoping that the Orioles and the new regime take to this approach, like the Other Sox are doing with Jimenez. Of course Hays isn't in that caliber but I think we're going to see a run on of teams doing what the Other Sox just did.
  5. Bregman, 6/100. Could have been us, Orioles...could have been us. It's a 4 million dollar a year gamble, if you're gonna give him the Kingery deal. It wouldn't prohibit the Orioles from doing anything else. That's the thing, it's a buy low situation....if he has a fantastic year and costs more after the end of this year, hopefully it's not more than 5 million a year.
  6. Big difference between your buddy's back and an MLB pitching arm. I've done yoga to get rid of back pain, too. There are a few different ways to get rid of back pain without surgery, weight loss and yoga amongst them. But the title of this thread is what it is for a reason...they all break. Most of these guys are going to have to get TJ at one point or another.
  7. No one cares. Except us. And we're not surprised.
  8. Fulmer, going to doctor after doctor to hear what he wants to hear. Dunno, I'd trust Dr. Andrews but whatever.
  9. Curious, too. But even if we'd signed him for a 4 million a year deal, it wouldn't be so bad if he was playing this poorly for us.
  10. Should have done it for Manny. IIRC, I wanted them to do for Manny what the Rays did for Longoria. Longoria was a little different, IIRC he was up for like 2 or 3 weeks before the Rays gave him a sizable deal. But still, they locked him up early.
  11. I would. Even if Hays doesn't pan out, 4 million a year isn't much and won't hamstring this franchise from doing other things to spend money.
  12. I'm good if he makes himself into a singles hitter with 18 homers.
  13. Has there been a bigger turnaround in baseball history? I know Dunn came back to respectability after his terrible year but it's not like he had back to back awful years like Davis has. He had .800 OPS seasons sandwiched around his terrible one.
  14. I always thought that was the most weirdest, random thing. Like, what are the chances of you hitting a person on a beach and that person turning out to be a judge? You'd have a better chance of hitting the Powerball.
  15. Maybe. But if he lost weight, he might have lost muscle, too. And his bat was already slow enough last year. If he doesn't have the strength to speed that bat up...well, that's not good.
  16. I'd be cool with it if his OBP cracked .350. The thing I will give Davis credit for is that his OBP is usually around .100 points better than his batting average. If Davis becomes a singles hitter and hits .250, he'll be in that .350 range.
  17. Just curious what that's based on. Not trying to be a smartass (for once, i know).
  18. I agree. I hope for that, at least. I was just more wondering like...if he's hitting .180 with a few bombs, is that enough? I believe FO understands the situation you outlined. The brothers haven't done anything to make me think they're dunces, yet. Hopefully they aren't afraid to make a change.
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