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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. It's certainly in the conversation as one of the worst contracts. I think it's got a chance to be the worst when it's all said and done.
  2. Is this the worst contract in baseball history?
  3. Everything thrown at Davis is unhittable.
  4. He's lying to himself. He was plenty athletic back in the day. He bailed Manny out on a lot of throws because of it.
  5. This struck me as odd, too. When he was in his prime, I never thought of him as out of shape or fat. A big dude for sure and a good bit of muscle, but certainly not a Prince Fielder type. If I'm Davis, I'd have gone to Craig Wallenbrock last offseason. Then again I don't think Wallenbrock can fix a slow bat.
  6. I still have. Hoping this carries through and he's made some changes.
  7. @Can_of_corn dude, you think Sisco could be a Piazza type? You gotta chill.
  8. I'm actually not. I've got mixed feelings. I feel for the guy (a little, little bit) and I'd like to see him do well. On the flip side of that coin, any sign of life possibly gives the Orioles reasons to give him more and more chances, something I don't want to see. "Remember that week 3 months ago where he hit .350 with 5 homers? He can do it again! Never mind he's hit .176 since then!"
  9. I hope Pop and Flaa make the team at some point so we can make some Pop Flaa jokes.
  10. They already are swallowing 80 million if he's -3 WAR.
  11. I am not sure anyone would take him, even if we pay 100% of his salary. There's no value there if he continues to play at this level. He'd be a detriment to any team, even if that team was starved for 1B production. They'd be better off getting a AAAA guy up, most likely. Davis provides more value to the Orioles by NOT playing. From a roster flexibility standpoint, from a 1B production standpoint, he provides more value by being cut. I get letting Elias trying to iron him out, I'm cool with that. It makes sense, but up until a certain point.
  12. Yes, exactly. I'd actually be pretty happy with 2017 level Davis moving forward.
  13. Because he frees up roster flexibility. Do you want Davis striking out 600 times the next 3 or 4 years or however the hell much longer is left on that contract? Do you want Mancini in leftfield or at first base with LF open for a guy like Diaz or Mountcastle? Do you want our young guys getting a look in Baltimore if they're ready or Davis' anemic bat in the lineup? There's accepting losing for the greater good and then there's just being flat out stupid. And if Davis can't get it together, keeping him is flat out stupid.
  14. Oh no, we've got Davis for the length of the contract. Period.
  15. Cool, glad you're so certain about everything. Wonder how they're gonna analytic that molasses slow bat.
  16. Last year was all the suffering I could take. I mean, not that I have a choice in the matter, but seriously. They're better off without him on a few different levels.
  17. The Sox cut Sandoval real quick. They weren't messing around.
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