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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I figured he'd be like this for the last two years of his contract.
  2. I don't often feel bad for pro athletes, but I do feel bad for him. Seems like a good guy. As evidenced by breaking his bat over his leg tonight, he's not happy about not being able to produce. I don't think anyone likes to struggle at their job no matter what their profession is, especially when you were once great at it.
  3. That ain't true. If you hit .215 for an entire year, you're as bad as you seem.
  4. Palmer can do what he wants, as far as I'm concerned. Manny's hair looks stupid. But when you're from Miami, I don't expect much.
  5. Well, this is positive. Hopefully he continues to shine and has a good season. If he could somehow OPS .800+ that'd be a surprising season.
  6. Lighten up man, it was a joke.
  7. Where else would you hit the ball? If you try to hit it where it's not pitched, you'll swing and miss.
  8. What's your point? Cashner is pretty average. Maybe he should try some different things for some different results.
  9. Sounds like Kenny Powers to me.
  10. "Spring Training is all about getting my work in. For me, it's not so much about what the hitter is doing. It's what I need to do, which is commanding my stuff on both sides of the plate, up [and] down," Cashner said. "[I'm] still getting acclimated with all the plays. I think the 'A' games are to show something or prove something. I'll prove my stuff during the season." Thinks mighty highly of himself.
  11. You or I could go out there and probably fare just as well.
  12. Makes sense, the further you get on top of it the more downward trajectory you get and the harder it is to elevate. Still, very "meh" on this one. Should be better than Ubaldo but I don't expect much better than Miley. Did the Orioles just get better? Nope.
  13. I don't think we'll ever be able to trade him. Maybe if we eat a lot of the salary. But while Davis is capable of such highs his lows are too low.
  14. There's a lot of reason to be down on the big guy after the year he had. I have a hunch that he's in for a big year, though. I don't think he's one to not work hard in an offseason. I predict 35 bombs, a .250 average with a .350 on base. One thing I like about Davis is that his on base percentage isn't propped up by his batting average.
  15. I was being sarcastic. I know he has a live arm. Doesn't really matter though, he is terrible. I'd argue that without the command, he doesn't have an MLB pitch.
  16. Too bad we don't have a way to Frankenstein players.
  17. I've never seen it. The same pitch that helps him to a 5.86 ERA? Wilson and Wright are like this decades Kline and DeJean for me.
  18. Appreciate him leaving the organization, sure.
  19. Does he need a ride to the airport? I'm down. I'll even carry his bags for him.
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