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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. In the thread about a potential Orioles move to Nashville, I saw good conversation about retirement plans  particularly living in FL and OH.  I thought that was really cool.

    I know this board ranges from those already retired and those who haven’t started their career.  

    I was hoping this thread could be a place where people can share their strategies and planning techniques for retirement.  I’m about 15 to 25 years away (if I have control over it) and have an outline of a plan that I’m executing, but as I’ve seen, it’s hard to hold assumptions. 

  2. Rivera signs with Washington.

    Carolina, Cleveland, NYG are open.

    Dallas and Jacksonville are in limbo.

    Roman, Richard, Martindale, Bienemy, Saleh, and the Pats OC seem to be the coordinators receiving most interest.

    McCarthy interviewed with Carolina.

  3. I tried to get back into reading more this year and set out a goal to read 15 books.  I’m going to fall a little short as I’m on my 15th, but likely won’t finish until the weekend.  Below is my 2019 reading list with the omission of one politically charged book.  One of these is a movie and three others are going to be movies with A-listers.  I’ll probably end up reading more fiction in 2020.


    - John Lingan

    Killers of the Flower Moon - David Grant

    The Glass Castle - Jeannette Walls

    Political Tribes - Amy Chua

    Squeezed -Alissa Quart

    Janesville - Amy Goldstein 

    The Reckoning — John Grisham

    Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis - Robert Putnam

    The Sound and the Fury — William Faulkner 

    The Woman in the Window - AJ 


    Bad Blood - John Carreyrou

    The Line Becomes a River-Francisco Cantu

    The Unwinding - George Packer

  4. 7 minutes ago, Wish said:

    Someone who is not just a guy.  The difference between Rivera and Gruden is Rivera had Cam Newton.  Can you win with Jay or Ron?  Sure, with the right personnel and the right QB.   But that's not going to happen as long as Snyder is calling the shots.  

    Someone like Lincoln Riley would have been interesting because there is upside there.  I don't see the upside with Ron.  

    A good GM hire would change my mind but what good GM would want to play under Dan?  Especially if he can't even pick his coach.

    I think you are underselling Rivera as “just a guy”.  In what way is he like Gruden?  Those two run their teams in a totally different manner. One is known for being a disciplinarian, the other runs light practices and was dubbed club-Jay.

    If Rivera is “just a guy”, wouldn’t more guys win multiple NFL coach of the year awards? Not many guys win 15 games in a season.

    As far as college coaches making a jump to the NFL, it gives me pause because those guys end up having a larger talent discrepancy than they ever will in the NFL.  When they do play teams with better talent, they give up seven first half touchdowns—zing!  There have been some successes but a lot of big time failures too.  If they did go the college route, I could get behind the Baylor guy.  He would have been intriguing.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wish said:

    Chase Young should be a beast in burgundy and gold.  

    Ron Rivera is just a guy.  Not sure how you can get excited about him.  

    Would have been better to get the GM first.  

    I’m excited about Rivera.  This team needs discipline and a culture change.

    Who would you rather see them hire?

  6. Finally, this season has mercifully come to a close.  Of all bad seasons, this has to be the lowest point in the Snyder era.  The Williams saga and the Gruden leaked video were low class.  Hopefully the root of these is fired tonight/tomorrow.

    As bad as things were this season, and they were awful, I do think they are in a better position than they were at the end of the Zorn and Shanahan eras.

    Their WR core, as a whole, may be the best it’s been in a long time.  There is a lot of potential there on rookie/UFA deals.

    Haskins showed improvement each game.  There is a lot of work to be done, but they may have someone there.  At least I’d go through the next two seasons with him and evaluate. 

    The defense is not talentless, just poorly schemed.  I hope Snyder spent this season with defensive minds like Lewis to determine if there is a core with Allen, Payne, Ioanidis, and Sweat, or if they need to completely rebuild.  Add Young and Foster and you may see quick turnaround there.

  7. 3 hours ago, hoosiers said:

    So if GrayRod and DHall both have to undergo TJ surgery and AR has a degenerative hip condition and retires in two years, are you still going to fire current management in 2023 if the major league team is not winning?  What if we still have a top 5 farm system?  What if Elias has pulled off some good trades and the team looks poised to compete in 2025? 

    You will let him go based on your 2019 'line in the sand' regardless of extenuating circumstances?

    Are there publications that say we have a top 5 farm system?  I can’t access the subscription based sites, but from what I can see, we are in the 10-15 range.  

    Sincere question, as it relates to your point about firing an unsuccessful GM (in terms MLB w/l) after five years if it looks like they may be competitive in year seven: do you believe that the Orioles let go of MacPhail too early?

  8. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    You are assuming Elias’ contact runs through 2023.     So far as I know, the length and terms of his contract (and Brandon Hyde’s) never have been disclosed.    But if you’re aware of a source saying otherwise, let me know.    

    In the meantime, I generally agree with the idea that ownership should try to avoid having a GM operating in the last year of his contract without any assurance of returning.     

    That assumption would come from what I’ve read here as I don’t read too much Orioles news that isn’t filtered through here.  But I can’t find anything.  Cots has GM/manager contract info for the other teams I sampled.  I wonder what the reasoning is behind being so vague.  While searching, I read that Elias was the highest paid first-year GM.  But I didn’t see what that salary was.

  9. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    How’s this one:

    2019: 54 wins

    2020: 54 wins

    2021: 67 wins

    2022: 77 wins 

    2023: 87 wins (misses playoffs)

    2024: 90 wins (misses playoffs)

    2025: 93 wins (misses playoffs)

    Before you say it’s unrealistic for a 93-win team to miss the playoffs, that’s exactly what happened to Cleveland this season.

    I highly doubt Elias would get fired in this scenario.    

    There are infinite variations on how this team will progress (or not) over the next several years, so I’m not making any blanket statements about when the O’s have to make the playoffs for Elias to keep his job.     It’s really kind of a silly conversation to be having right now anyway.     



    After 2022 in this scenario, what are you doing with Elias’ contract?  Do you let him go into 2023 without an extension?  What they shouldn’t do, is repeat the mistake they made with Duquette and let him go into his final year without being fired or an extension.  We can’t have a guy make a bunch of win-now moves at the expense of the future and we can’t have a lame duck executive trading off assets.

  10. I was looking to put this in the moving to Nashville thread, but maybe that was locked—didn’t see it in the search results.


    I saw comments from Indians fans on Mlbtraderumors, in a Clevenger thread.

    Seems like there is concern about the Dolans being “cash poor” and the new Royals owner who was the one to keep payroll afloat during their WS run.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 10 minutes ago, OrioleDog said:

    Happy to see them hop in and buy now versus having them buy fresher talent in a year or two.

    Now comes the moment in the offseason when someone like John Means bubbles towards the top of the list of options (at least compared to Mancini waiting on Castellanos/Ozuna, Givens waiting on Betances/Harris).  I guess whoever wants to pay most of David Price's contract can fill a spot that way, and I've already seen hints Tampa may try to arbitrage their Charlie Morton, but FA now down to the Rich Hill/Homer Bailey/Ivan Nova level.  I don't think we will move Means, but I do think he's at a Sell High point (will be happy to be proven wrong).

    The 3B market feels constricted some pending the Bryant grievance outcome - Twins/Nationals reported Donaldson finalists, but they may also want clarity on Bryant situation before locking in.

    Clevenger may end up being a SP chip.  LAA seems to be in on him.

  12. Was watching mlb highlights today and there was this one play against Boston.  Runners on 1st and 2nd, ground ball to Manny’s left. He tries to tag the runner, but he puts on the breaks, and moves back toward second.  Manny makes a quick throw to Schoop at 2nd on the force.  Then Schoop throws to Hardy covering third who makes the DP tag.

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