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Posts posted by backwardsk

  1. 42 minutes ago, OrioleDog said:

    1/18 for Hamels, and the breaking reports of >$100M for Wheeler have to help here.

    After putting Hamels in ATL-04 and Wheeler in PHI-02, I now show 21 Open Chairs (Top 4 SP roles on 2020 aspirants) Bundy might occupy.  We're down to five FA SP obviously better (Cole/Stras/Ryu/MadBum/Keuchel), and Pineda/Porcello/Roark who are maybe about the same for next year.  Four of those are squishy Toronto roles - that's a club I'm curious to see which fork in the road they take.

    I think Danny Duffy's all washed up, so Tigers Matt Boyd probably only rival as medium-good, medium-term SP among our deep rebuild cohort.

    Minor quibble, but you have him as a top 3 for Washington.  I don’t think they would place him above Sanchez, Corbin, and Scherzer.  Or at least give up assets to acquire him.  They also have Ross, Voth, and Fedde who are out of options.  Maybe at the deadline, but I just don’t see the interest there this offseason.

  2. 5 minutes ago, atomic said:

    I am not sure what they hypocrisy comments come from.  My former boss once told me we couldn't hire a potential employee because the background check determined that the guy had gotten into a fight in Ocean City 20 years ago.  She told the guy and he said he was drunk and he was in college at the time but she told it there was nothing she could do as it was company policy as the arrest was on his criminal report..  Even as current employees they check our credit records periodically and our of course our criminal records to see if anything new comes up.  Even If I just became overly in-debt I would lose my job.  




    Yeah, but what if he could play middle infield?

    Does your company define overly in-debt?

  3. 5 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    You don't know if you have the whole story, but yet you are willing to throw away a human beings ability to work because he lacks human decency because of a perceived mistake? How high is that horse you are up on?

    No one is glorifying a domestic abuser, nor is anyone ignoring the serious issue that domestic battery is in this world. But at the say time, he was never arrested or convicted of anything and it appears that he is trying to right his wrongs through counseling and his actions. 


    We might not have the whole story, but MLB did investigate and handed down a 40 game suspension.  So I think it’s safe to say there was some there there.

    I’m not against him playing baseball, just don’t want him on the team I root for.  I’m okay with a second chance.  It’s not like he threw bleach on her and the child.

    Ball so hard.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 38 minutes ago, interloper said:

    I think Elias values "good guys" more than we may assume. He's made it a point to call out Mancini and Davis and Rutschman and others who are considered "good guys". And I think the owners care about that, too.

    I think pegging Elias as some cold mathematician is doing him a bit of a disservice. Not that I'm saying you're doing that here, exactly. But he's been a scout, he's been out there with the players. He may run things very new school, but that doesn't mean he wants bad seeds on his club. 

    A player LIKE Russell (age, talent, needing a change of scenery) makes a lot of sense, but I see no reason to gamble on guys with questionable character. 

    He was still in Houston when they traded for Osuna, no?

  5. 49 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Anything simple enough for players to remember won't take long to break down using video footage.

    You keep mixing it up and don’t develop tendencies.

    When nobody is on base and the catcher puts down one finger, Houston relays the fastball signal.  But if you throw a curveball in that situation for one batter, a fastball for another, and a change up for a different hitter, then they’ll start to lose confidence in their system and the hitter will be guessing.

    They do this when a guy is on second and they flash a series of signs.  When I pitched, our base system was to do outs + one.  For example, if a guy is on second with no outs, you go with the first sign.  If there are two outs you go with the third.  This can be changed up throughout the game.

  6. 7 hours ago, atomic said:

    Yankees accused Astros of using blinking lights, whistling, and hand claps to relay pitches in their series.  It will be interesting how well the Astros hitters do next year without knowing what pitch is coming.  

    You’ll see teams do what the Nationals did and mix up their signs.  Similar to what teams do when guys are on second, but for every pitch.

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