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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I will take Burnes, Bradish, and Grayson in a playoff series. I know Grayson hasn’t been perfect but I predict the second half of the season he does what Bradish did the second half last year.
  2. Forget the Roy reverse jinx. The TONY one works.
  3. Yes. This is they guy you do that for.
  4. No doubt. Winning probably helps but this team seems full of good people.
  5. Too late, no one else wanted the job!
  6. I agree he will stay a Yankee if they are highest bidder. We will see.
  7. I would bet that Soto doesn’t end up with the Yankees. He will go to the highest bidder and it seems to me this Yankee ownership is more reluctant to pay the most for a player. I think they felt they had to pay Judge because he was home grown.
  8. Please don’t speak for this fan. I don’t care if we win 11-0 or 11-3.
  9. I think some people around here forget what “irresponsible” management was around here. Drafting Billy Rowell pops in my mind. Mike Elias in my eyes has done nothing “irresponsible.” Also I will say I am not embarrassed by his pickup or use in yesterday’s game either.
  10. Because you make the assumption that if Stowers and Kjersted were getting the same at bats as Mullins and Santander they would definitely be getting better results. You don’t know that. Santander is a switch hitter who is a proven steady run producer. The defense would not be as good with a Cowser, Stowers, and Kjersted outfield. If the Orioles were losing than there is a better argument to switch up players. The Orioles are not losing. Let the baseball people run the team as long as they continue to be successful. Hayes is a part time player and I don’t see that changing.
  11. Sorry for your loss as well. He was a great broadcaster but he was a greater basketball player. What he could do at over 7 feet tall was amazing.
  12. Thanks, I followed your advice on both of them
  13. Despite Mike Elias horrible decisions!
  14. There are some posters @Brooks The Great and @oriolediehard that just jump on ANYTHING that doesn’t go 100% well with Mike Elias. I guess they are trying to get under everyone’s skin and it works. Still pisses me off.
  15. When his teams start to lose. He traded for this guy for the A ball arm they received. You don’t mention his getting Bautista, Cano, Perez or Columbe do you?
  16. I think they took this guy because of the 20 year old they also received in this deal. I wouldn’t be shocked if he gets DFA’d tomorrow.
  17. We are going to BLOW this lead. (sorry filling in for Roy)
  18. Not a good start to walk someone with a 11-0 lead.
  19. Don't tell Phil Beckett. He is just a cheap billionaire.
  20. They are good together but no better than Kevin Brown with either Palmer or Mc Donald. We have a lot of good broadcasters. Gregg Olsen and when Brad Brach fill in have been very good. Brian Roberts was also very good.
  21. Cowser, Mullins, and Santander are still going to get the majority of the starts in the outfield at least through the all star break.
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