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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Matusz just got red in the face. You know who looks like Alfred E. Newman? Rob Manfred.
  2. All suspensions are without pay. A player receiving a lifetime ban can apply for reinstatement after one year and be eligible for reinstatement after two. All things considered, I don't expect CD to "bulk up" extravagantly. Not much beyond three daily protein bars instead of two in fact.
  3. My take as well, but I think the debate is over at this point. I think we'll see universal DH within a couple of years at most.
  4. I think it's refreshing that the first question was not only asked, but followed up on. I would prefer that reporters (whether their credentials meet Roch's standard or not) err on the side of too tough rather than too soft. I'm not a fan of "gotcha" journalism, but the press has no obligation to respect MLB's instructions to teams about ongoing matters and that's the way it should be. It's also perfectly reasonable to try and get Elias on the record about this issue even though it looks like he had no involvement.
  5. Sorry, but the 2020 coping strategy I signed up for requires copious amounts of willful delusion on my part. All I'm asking for is a little cooperation.
  6. Isn't CD getting paid enough to lie through his teeth when he's asked questions on Hot Stove radio programs? Would it hurt to make up a bunch of complete crap about his "punishing" work ethic just for public consumption? Is that too much to ask? Apparently so.
  7. Every visiting team should expect elaborate, technology enhanced methods of eavesdropping as the norm in every stadium where they play? If that's not taking paranoia to an extreme level, then it should be made so.
  8. Modern communications technology has ushered in a magnificent new age of effortless outrage. Sounds to me like you just haven't adjusted yet. Give it time.
  9. No surprise here. But Spring Training just got about 1000% more interesting for me.
  10. When Titles Are Tarnished by Cheating but Not Taken Away A fairly short (by NY Times standards) think-piece on cheating in modern day sports. Featuring, but not exclusive to, the current Astros scandal. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/16/sports/astros-cheating-world-series.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article
  11. Fair enough. The way reaction to this is starting to snowball, I suspect Manfred isn’t going to have the option to consider the matter settled.
  12. Bullying is ingrained in elementary school. And junior high school. Especially junior high school. Sexual predation is ingrained in Hollywood. Too bad that nothing can be done about it. So sad.
  13. A "collective decision" resulted in a "mutual agreement", the result of which "beloved member of the Red Sox" Alex Cora and the team decided to part ways. No where in either side's statement was the need for an apology recognized much less acknowledged. This is pro forma public relations gibberish designed to minimize the scandal gaining momentum. Good luck with that (I'm looking at you, Rob Manfred).
  14. It was presented by both parties as a mutual decision to "part ways" not the firing it actually was. It would have been bizarre for him to say nothing.
  15. I have no doubt that he's being professionally advised both legally and from the public relations standpoint. I expect the absolute minimum at the last possible moment.
  16. Please start the same poll when Cora's fate is decided.
  17. Too much in life is genuinely repugnant. Offhand tweets about 84 year-old HOF pitchers in mildly questionable taste is very, very low on that list.
  18. I don't think too many people slapped a literal read on that tweet.
  19. Manslaughter? Gibson's control was better than that. 2 week hospital stay max.
  20. I expected considerably less. I hope this sends a clear message to the other 17 teams that didn't get caught.
  21. 24fps

    Farewell OH

    What a terrific opportunity. I'll certainly miss your posts and analysis. Enjoy every second. Congratulations!
  22. Hard to find anything to dislike about this signing. Good move ME.
  23. The Generals beat the Globetrotters once 100-99 on January 5, 1971 in Martin, TN. They lost over 16,000 times.
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