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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. OK quick - and no cheating - this is important. Based on these tweets, which consciousness is the more frightening? Remember, your future depends on your answer.
  2. Wives are famously sympathetic to husbands walking away from millions of guaranteed dollars. Remember also that Boras is entitled to a percentage of the entire negotiated contract whether Davis fulfills it or not. I think it’s worthwhile to keep in mind that there is a lot of pressure for Davis to stick it out as well.
  3. You are certainly consistent. No one questions that.
  4. So far the Angelos brothers have been note-perfect when it comes to doing the right things, hiring Elias chief among them. That being said, I will be a lot more comfortable about the future once the Orioles and MLB find a way to put their differences behind them.
  5. Is Tonya Harding's ex-boyfriend out of jail yet?
  6. I really hope Sig gets out in front of this pending revolution in defensive analysis. His comments make sense and Lord knows Orioles pitching could use all the help it can get.
  7. Well crap. I was looking forward to finally becoming a season ticket holder. The Baltimore Orioles of Nashville has a nice ring to it, don't you think?
  8. What if you only had to put up with the boos for another three and a half years then you would get another +/- $100 million and people would forget you 15 minutes later and you still had half your life ahead of you? Would that be worth it?
  9. $4 million is what Elias is dreaming of paying one-quarter of the whole team next year. I suspect he's very warm to the trade idea though and will consider it a failure if that doesn't happen.
  10. Thanks. Clearly I have to take a couple of posters off ignore so I can get back in shape. All those winning seasons have taken me off my game.
  11. Terrific news. We're getting what we've wished for. I'm not quite sure how to act at the moment.
  12. Where does the $130 million figure come from? BBRef has him at just under $90 million.
  13. Turning into a Smith, Jr. fan myself, and I like watching Villar.
  14. It's been almost a full year since this thread's been bumped. Speaks volumes.
  15. 56-60 is my optimistic take. As long as 63 seems a reasonable possibility, I'll be paying attention. I wouldn't be surprised with 50 but I never expect the team to win less than that ever again.
  16. I second pdiddy on every point. The prospect content is making the thought of the next few seasons a lot more palatable than it would be otherwise.
  17. I like it! How about five bases in an asymmetrical layout with a 10th man on the field - a 4th baseman. The union would certainly go for that and there's nothing like an element of confusion to keep the fans on their toes. But maybe that idea's just not radical enough. Maybe Rob's ahead of all of us and has already hired Japanese game show experts as consultants. I wonder if all of this couldn't be resolved by Rob Manfred no longer trying to satisfy everyone - owners and players - who have no intention of sacrificing anything tangible for the good of the game anyway. Just a crazy thought on my part.
  18. The same union that signs off on outlawing home runs.
  19. Shoot off one of your feet. No more people pointing out what a lousy dancer you are.
  20. Probably already covered during the interview process. I would be very, very surprised if a variety of options concerning CD haven't already been at least loosely discussed. I don't think Davis gets cut after spring training even if he dogs it during the offseason. At the 2019 trade deadline might be another story, but I think he gets a pass for as long as it takes Elias to put everything in motion. I don't think he stays after 2019 unless is improves considerably which I don't expect. I wish he were gone now.
  21. Two years. More if he doesn't sign FA's like Garret Atkins and call it a "swing for the fences". Oh and refraining from starting his third full year on the job by saying "this year the wins matter" would go a long way too. ME, don't pee on my shoes and tell me it's raining, OK?
  22. Perhaps, but I think modeling his career after someone like Ken Griffey, Jr. or Derek Jeter would be a lot more sustaining not to mention lucrative. The selfish jerk demographic can be fickle given the abundance of selfish jerks screaming for their attention.
  23. No, I didn't see that before I posted. I pulled $50 million out of thin air because I don't think anybody can pinpoint a number a this stage, but I firmly believe that his bad boy act coupled with his disappearing act in the WS is going to cost him something significant. I predict it will be a story we'll all be sick of by opening day regardless of the outcome.
  24. Big congratulations to Steve Pearce - I always liked him when he was an Oriole. Still do except for that ugly uniform he's taken to wearing half the year... And Manny comes up small with the bat and the attitude. I really wish I felt more about that but I just don't care. What do you reckon he's cost himself in the last few weeks, $50 million?
  25. It's going to be hard to root for the Red Sox, but I think ass clown is a good description of what Manny's turned into. This might be the first World Series in my lifetime as a fan where I can't generate even a small rooting interest for either team.
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