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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Natural talent is natural talent. I wouldn't know where to begin to try to identify it in a prospective umpire. All my suggestion targets is that part of umpiring that is a learned skill and incentivizing each individual to be as consistent as it is possible to be. In what way is playing professional baseball analogous to umpiring it? Why are you trying to introduce that connection? Are you suggesting that umpires should be at least as skilled at playing the game as the worst third of the players?
  2. My crackpot proposal is a relegation system. Called balls and strikes are compared to actual balls and strikes as measured electronically and certified by an outside agency. At the end of each season the bottom 33% of ML umpires in measured accuracy are reassigned to AAA and replaced by the top AAA 33%. Pay and benefits are adjusted accordingly. I think we would see a marked improvement in accuracy.
  3. But I'll take those home-road splits for the rest of the year, thankyouverymuch.
  4. Toronto 2-4 with four straight losses. Gotta love that.
  5. There is no player in baseball I despise more than Bautista. Not, ARod, not Ortiz, not even Papelbon. Very satisfying to watch that video.
  6. After decades in the entertainment business I have become very cynical at public demonstrations of remorse. I reflexively question motives and I question the motives of a man who felt it necessary not only to re-open, even if only briefly, Mr. Horton's wound, but then write a pseudo-Posnanskian essay on his journey from callow ballpark lout to someone who in his mind has achieved some rueful state of grace through painful self-reflection. His remorse would ring truer to me if he had just tracked down Tony Horton at whatever expense necessary, offered his sincere apology and left it at that. I strongly suspect that Tony Horton didn't care for the sign when he learned about it and doesn't care for the story being resurrected by it's author, who may or may not be self-serving but who's to know. My post wasn't directed at you, but at the author of the article. I should have put a comma after publish. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding.
  7. You lost me at the urge to publish Mr. Raab. Repentance is sometimes a learned skill. Keep at it.
  8. Tsyoshi Wada Heading Back to Japan I'll bet he feels like he just spent four years wandering in the wilderness. http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2015/11/tsuyoshi-wada-returns-japan-softbank-hawks.html
  9. Milwaukee made a good trade. Very disappointing.
  10. <p><p><p>Are we talking about islandecho or Birdland?</p></p></p>

  11. This always happens to me as well. mlb.tv is clearly on a delay. I suspect we're experiencing a spike in bandwidth demand at that moment although I don't know what the exact cause is.
  12. And Miller gets the save. After tonights performance, I'd almost rather face him than Boxberger.
  13. <p><p><p>I should have checked the Sturgill Simpson video you posted before responding to your PM. Music City Roots who produced the video has their control room about a hundred yards away from my office. LOL</p></p></p>

  14. He's just a little shy of having pulled $100 million out of the sport. I wonder if that's his target?
  15. Miguel Tejada signed by the Marlins to a minor league deal. He's currently serving a drug suspension for amphetamines. http://hardballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/05/19/marlins-sign-miguel-tejada/
  16. Which main board? The minor league main board or the MLB main board?
  17. <p><p><p>I was born at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Lived in Annapolis for a short while when my dad was teaching at the Naval Academy and then lived outside of London until I was six. Arlington, VA for most of elementary school through HS. Tuckahoe, Swanson, W-L. Then off to TCU and a steady migration west. I'm a Virginian though. I've been in contact with a lot of relatives recently and it's amazing the roots I have in Virginia. I had no idea.</p></p></p>

    <p><p><p>Interesting coincidence about Waynesboro. Reminds me of a Springsteen song...<grin></p></p></p>

  18. <p><p><p>Not exactly. I cut the trailers for the DVD release of the movie a few years ago. The actual Z-Boys were in their heyday in the mid-70's which was well before I moved out here. Main characters Stacy Peralta is a currently a successful filmmaker, Jay Adams is in prison and Tony Alva remains successful in the skate business.</p></p></p>

  19. <p><p><p>No, it's 24 frames per second. That's the number of frames that run through a motion picture camera at sound speed. I work in the entertainment business in LA.</p></p></p>

  20. <p><p><p>I've spent as long as Roy in the media business (albeit on the other side of the camera) and I find it remarkable and appalling that you're the only one in this community - including the moderators - who recognizes the irresponsibility of Roy's original post given the supercharged atmosphere surrounding this Teixeira business. For what it's worth, I would have supported you had the thread not already been closed. And in regard to a different post, you're right, this has been a social experiment worth witnessing.</p></p></p>

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