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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. Of course you can go wrong. Any time a GM adds a player without a series of solid, well thought-out and justifiable reasons you've got a problem. 100 losses or not, throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks is not a strategy. It's certainly not something I would hope to see from Elias and his increasingly impressive staff.
  2. You know this is not bad advice. Now that the O’s look to be competently run with non-toxic ownership involvement the OH has the potential to be an even better place than before. Which is saying something...
  3. Always handy and never gets old.
  4. I'm a big fan of a better deal for minor league players and I would strongly support food stipends and housing allowances at the major league club's expense. That seems doable. Infrastructure improvements across the entire minor league system considerably less so IMO, but I would certainly like to see it happen.
  5. Which owner though? The Orioles don't own the Tides (for example). The Tides are owned by Maryland Baseball Holding LLC and have a player development contract with the O's. Prior to 2007 Norfolk was a long-time Mets affiliate. Dorms and gyms are significant capital investments for a minor league club to risk being subsidized by whatever ML team it might contract with in the future. Conversely why would the O's want to be tied to the Norfilk Tides by making that kind of capital investment on their behalf?
  6. Oh look, Scott's pet poodle tweets as well as yaps. That correlation/causation thingy is a little tricky ain't it Scott? Good thing for you nobody can recognize the problem anymore, right?
  7. But incredibly entertaining to listen to them lay out their theory and proclaim "it's so crazy it just might work!"
  8. Congratulations Nationals. Even though I didn't have a rooting interest one way or the other, I really enjoyed the series. Now 3 1/2 months of winter...
  9. For the most part I agree with your points. NonetheIess, I think that two or even three examples don't constitute a culture - even in America's newfound culture of exaggeration.
  10. I love the smell of Yankee despair in the morning. Smells like...
  11. Aren't "death of the Orioles" threads traditionally reserved for the week after the World Series is over?
  12. Dang. Can't even win at losing can they?
  13. What I always notice first about this picture is not Brook’s complete disregard for gravity but the size of Etch’s hand. Could he ever have been anything other than a catcher? RIP.
  14. I also liked the team much more than I expected to in April. The bullpen drove me crazy.
  15. Mike Elias does have a role on the team in the future and his apparent taste for choosing the time and place for his battles gives me hope that the Chris Davis situation will be resolved as soon as possible. Give me me steady, discernable overall progress and I'll deal with the odd unpleasant reminder - even one of this size.
  16. One less loose end. Not a bad way to start the off season.
  17. Amazing catch by Wilkerson. Last games of the season in Boston are epic. So how 'bout that Givens, huh? SMH
  18. I'm not saying I'm down on Chance Sisco. I am saying that now is his time for him to make his case. Not next year. I hope he succeeds, but more than that I hope that the new FO doesn't feel the slightest obligation to respect decisions made by prior management groups if those decisions don't fit with current thinking.
  19. Sisco is in no longer a rookie and his MLB OPS+ is 85. Given his minor league credentials, that's not yet a death sentence, but it's not a ringing endorsement to stay on the fast track either. The eye test is not a ringing endorsement either. If Elias and Co. believe that high draft status is still meaningful after six years of professional experience to take into considertion then we all have been very wrong in being excited about his hiring.
  20. I hope Chance gets it together beginning tomorrow because October through February is a very long time for smart guys lIke Elias and Sig to spend trying to figure out where to allocate resources. Does anyone think that prior draft status has any bearing on future personnel decisions at this stage of the rebuild? I sure don't. I think Sisco's chances hinge on performance over the next month and whether he has a coach or two in his corner making the case that he deserves a little more investment.
  21. Clearly after tonight hanging is too good for Chance Sisco. So unfair after all he did tonight to get us back in the race for the #1 overall draft pick next summer. What the heck happened to everybody's priorities anyway? You're all acting as if your favorite baseball team winning games matters. I thought we were all to advanced for that now.
  22. It was a real joy to watch last night's game. Means' starts are becoming must-see TV for me.
  23. 24fps

    Tyler Skaggs dead.

    There are oral-delivery versions of fentanyl as well, but I have a hard time imagining him being in the kind of pain that would require oxycodone much less fentanyl. Pharmaceutical fentanyl is dangerous enough, if he got his hands on some street stuff, God knows the purity or what else was in it.
  24. True. It's when they venture into "building they brand" through social media that they get into trouble. But they will make they take on that, and far be it from me to get in they way when they feel the urge to do a little polishing.
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