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Everything posted by 24fps

  1. For those who are interested: Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil) has been used for the treatment of malaria for almost 70 years. It is also used for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and it is also very effective for polymyalgia rheumatica in some patients. It is safe and cheap and in the brief amount of time I spent looking online very promising for treating corona viruses. It's also early, of course, but it qualifies as good news in an otherwise bleak outlook.
  2. What the 2020 MLB season could look like once (if?) it gets going. From ESPN: https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/28923254/what-2020-mlb-season-look-once-gets-going
  3. This from CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/18/us/coronavirus-test-nba-celebrity/index.html 'Bout sums it up IMO.
  4. Indeed. Which raises an obvious question. How do "private companies" get tests/access to labs, etc. if theres a critical shortage nationwide?
  5. Fauci has some credibility but I doubt that he really knows when it will end either. At least right now. Case in point: I drove into Nashville yesterday afternoon and cruised through lower Broadway where it's honky-tonk after honky-tonk over a 3-4 square block area, just to see if business had been affected. Nope, it was rockin' just like every Sunday afternoon. Packed. They have platforms towed by tractors with bars on them that people hire to get drunk and dance on while driving around downtown. Packed. Pedal bars - packed. Music blaring out of every doorway, and so on... Crazy and more than a little scary. Sane and responsible people have no defense against this.
  6. Kevin Kernan column from the NY Post: https://nypost.com/2020/03/15/mlb-clubs-actions-provide-clue-how-long-this-could-last/ I expect Memorial Day will become the default guess for the next three weeks or so in the absence of any concrete news.
  7. I think they'll take it a couple of weeks at a time as you imply in your first sentence. I would be surprised if they called off the entire season before August 1st. They - meaning the owners - will be looking to mitigate the economic impact to whatever degree they can and because of the length of the season, I don't see any downside to them taking their time.
  8. Roughly my story as well. The procedure is a breeze but the night before not so much and unfortunately that keeps people from taking it as seriously as they should.
  9. There's only so much you can do to prepare without playing games. I don't think owners or the MLBPA would want the players to start the real season cold. Figure another three weeks minimum for spring training v2.0.
  10. It's every five years after you hit 50. You're due.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if that's close to peak infection in the US judging by recent history. Maybe not even. Ambitious indeed.
  12. I think this is the right thought process. My choice is sometime in June. In my mind I have the over/under at 95 games played, which for perspective, is fewer games than both the 1981 and the 1994 seasons. This is going to be much more than just a bump in the road in my opinion.
  13. Fair point. I probably should have put "Not at All". I think the meaning will be clear for most, but I'll change it if I can figure out how to edit a poll.
  14. Your best guess as to when play will begin. Poll closes on April 30.
  15. I would love it if this put an end to all the spitting.
  16. I've done a lot of work for Disney over the years and have always had a very high opinion of them. However, to still have their amusement parks open right now is unconscionable. There is no excuse to be open for business tomorrow.
  17. Looking for info on the Orioles/Angels competition for Vlad is what led me to the OH in the first place. A lot of water under the bridge now. I understand the bitterness, but by that point the O's were already six years into the fourteen-year losing streak and the two-headed monster was in the front office. I remember reports of Vlad being desperate for an alternative and holding out until the Angels finally came to his rescue. As an Orioles fan it sucked, but I can't say I blame him for his decision.
  18. I loved having Vlad on the team. He made a fairly dismal season a lot more watchable. I agree that it wasn't too shabby for a last gasp.
  19. It's still the internet. ? The mods show restraint and remarkably good judgement when it comes to closing off discussion.
  20. Does Mancini have "people"? He has an agent, and that agent probably has a support staff that offers more services that just contract negotiation, but I'm not sure that includes a press agent routinely running interference. In any case, release of medical information is covered by federal law and the Orioles would be fully aware of their limits. You are correct, there's nothing to see here. Yet. My point is that the way the Orioles handled it made looking for something significantly more worthwhile.
  21. Mentioning that he was leaving for surgery was unnecessary bordering on clueless IMO. Rightly or wrongly way, way too many people see surgery in this context and immediately think malignant tumor or something roughly equivalent. A short, vague as possible, mention that Mancini was leaving for personal reasons with an update promised at some undisclosed future point was all that was necessary. "Personal reasons" is mildly intriguing worth filing away for the future. "Surgery" is a compelling story demanding immediate investigation with tweets galore keeping the lack of news nonetheless refresh-worthy. The Orioles deserve a lot of credit for their willingness to be open with the media, but this particular escapade did Mancini no favors, especially if protecting his privacy was the goal.
  22. Hemorrhoids, plantars wart - corns - bunions, nasal or colon polyps etc., etc... A lot of things could be unrelated to baseball but nonetheless recommend themselves to being taken care of sooner rather than later for an athlete. It's a bit early to jump to these kind of conclusions.
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