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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. SG says a lot of things. I still think Hays is a positive defender in a COF spot. He's certainly the best one the Orioles have. Santander looks better than last year, but I think he's more average/touch below. His range isn't great, and he isn't graceful so it looks worse than it is, but he has a strong arm. But neither of them are of the caliber of Mountcastle or Mancini; basically DH/1b masquerading as OFers. And it's important to note, a lot of teams have those exact kind of guys playing the OF consistently.
  2. What are you basing the idea that his defense has slipped? The eye test or the defensive "stats?" I don't trust the stats- never really have- and I certainly don't trust them to have contextualized the drastic change in LF dimensions Camden has undergone. To the eye test he doesn't seem to have made as many wow plays this year, but I think the bigger left field has made his arm less of a weapon. He was very good at keeping guys to one or even throwing them out at 2nd last year, but the bigger dimensions make that less common. He did make a good throw last night, and he is tied for 8th in ML OF assists with 7, so his arm is still a weapon.
  3. If we're playing a game, you've clearly lost. If the position is we should trade two, then that means you trade two and take what you can get for them. You have made yourself a motivated seller. Motivated sellers do not extract full value of whatever they're selling. Very, very simple concept.
  4. No. We already understand he wants to make a trade that "makes sense" or "makes us better" iho. That's not the objection. The objection is that going into offseason taking the position we should trade 2/3s of our starting outfield makes that less likely. Again, it's really not difficult to grasp.
  5. I'm not trying to be. I honestly just think we look at this differently. When I hear "We should trade two guys; I don't care which two" I don't hear a well thought out plan. I don't hear "if it makes sense for us;" "if it makes us better;" I hear exactly what was said.
  6. Yea, I don't think it is that complicated either. Having a default position of two guys should be moved is a position which is likely to lead to trades taking place, whether they are good trades or not. And yeah, it's not like some people constantly advocate for trades, no matter how outlandish or unprecedented. Nope, nobody ever does that. No sir.
  7. When you say "Two of them should go; I don't care which two" you don't think that's arguing for trading for trading's sake? Well, I guess we disagree, because that's exactly what it sounds like to me.
  8. Yeah, that's a lineup without holes, and personally, I'm all for keeping Mateo next year and running it back with him. Now, that's not to say there aren't upgrades possible to that lineup. But we certainly don't "need" to move any of those guys, and a default position of we should be trading some of them is just a bad default position, likely to lead to sub-optimal decision making.
  9. Right, but when you go into a situation with the intent of trading two guys, and your position is they should go, you have boxed yourself into a position in which the return is less important than the necessary outcome. Cost-controlled and effective major league players do not need to be traded.
  10. This is fairly close to my position. But I'm much closer to this team doesn't need to do anything, than this team needs to do something, anything.
  11. I mean this is really such a poor thought process it should be commented on. Not only have you committed to moving 2/3s of your starting outfield, you don't care which two you move, and presumably aren't that bothered about the return either. Trades shouldn't be made for the sake of making trades. No good GM operates in such a manner.
  12. Well, it seems it's not understood by all. Even talking about 5 years undersells it, because he's owed 100 million for three years after that. For the record, I agree, there's no need for us to that risk.
  13. It's not mIkE tRoUt that is the issue. It's the 300 million guaranteed that is the issue. It's almost like the valuation of a player includes things like salary and contractual status. Crazy, I know, right? For the record, I hope he keeps this up for 8 more years and gets into the short list of greatest players of all time.
  14. A lot of overreaction in here. First, nobody is getting cut. Odor and Chirinos are going to finish out the season on the major league roster. Second, other than Grayrod, they're unlikely to call anyone else up. And he'll only be up if it makes sense for his development. Odor's ABs will be scaled back if they fall further out of contention. But they're not going to nail him to the bench, and it really isn't going to have a major impact on the amount of ABs available to guys like Henderson, Stowers, and Vavra.
  15. I'm sure he's strong as a bull. Can you imagine trying to move him?
  16. I know you expressed your admiration of him, but that fat little catcher on the Jays dumping in two bloops in last night was infuriating.
  17. Many stranger things have happened than the O's making the playoffs this year. For instance, a woman has willingly laid down with Alejandro Kirk. Miraculous.
  18. Kremer pitched pretty well, and retired the first six batters he faced. The reasoning is not based in reality.
  19. The most virulent attacks are often masks for shame and embarrassment. Just admit it: You're a self-hating Canadian. You are ashamed of your heritage and the very blood that flows through your veins.
  20. Maybe he was looking over there, because they were running their mouths from the dugout for three straight games. I repeat: I've never heard a ML bench chirp like theirs has the past two days.
  21. He's not coming off an injury.
  22. That huh suggests you are a Canadian yourself. You must be one of the self-hating types.
  23. Oh, he looked in your general direction? What an outrageous provocation. That is a garbage organization. Say what you will about the Yankees, but they don't act like this.
  24. Now that Norm MacDonald has passed, I think we should just nuke Canada.
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