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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. 7 minutes ago, owknows said:

    The AFL (now the AFC) begs to differ.

    There is no impediment to the start of another league now... nor has there been.

    They players simply find it in their best interests not to do so.

    Not that it goes against what you're saying, but the players don't have taxpayer-funded billion dollar stadiums gifted them by degenerate politicians.

  2. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Well, it’s not that far out on a limb, considering Stewart has had two seasons at .698.  And, he was under .680 for big chunks of last season.  I tend to be a bit more optimistic, but your scenario is definitely possible.

    Ha, yeah I guess that isn't exactly a risky proposition.

    Just kind of speaking to what sports guy and others had mentioned in prior threads, which is that people tend to give rosier projections of O's players.

    Well, here's a case where I will take the opposite position and take a negative stance.

  3. 3 hours ago, Frobby said:

    It’s still the owners who have stopped the season from progressing in the normal way.   I’m not saying that because I side with the players in the negotiation, it’s just the fact.  If the owners hadn’t imposed a lockout, would the players have staged a strike?   Maybe, but we don’t really know.   

    I don't think we really disagree about the situation.

    Both parties shoulder blame. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:


    Doesn't mean they would be opposed to playing out the season under the current deal.

    Or they could sign the paper in front of them and just play ball.

    Now, that's not a fair expectation, but neither is putting all the blame on the owners, regardless of the lockout.

    As said above, there's plenty of blame to go around.

  5. 48 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I look at it this way: if there has to be a work stoppage-shortened major league season, it may as well come in a year where the Orioles aren’t going to be very competitive anyway.   And I know how to find Prince George’s Stadium.   

    Sure, but I think the point of contention people would take with that is the idea there "has" to be a work stoppage.

    Both sides are choosing that.  This isn't an act of God.

  6. 1 hour ago, Can_of_corn said:

    A mediator isn't a magician.  If one or both sides aren't interested in a reasonable middle ground what's a mediator going to do?

    The more I see how ownership is handling this the less I feel that they will be amendable to a reasonable middle ground.

    Where has anyone claimed a mediator is a magician?

    You seem to be attacking strange strawmen.

    I simply suggested that imo we have reached the point where outside mediation seems to be the next logical step.

    And personally, I'm not putting this on the owners anymore than the players.  A 15 minute meeting ten days before the deadline suggests to me that neither is operating in good faith.

  7. Mateo's variability might be the highest on the team; I split the baby and went with 690-719.  That's a median prediction, but I believe it will certainly be wrong, as I feel he will either outperform or underperform such a prediction.

    This is his last best chance to establish a ML career.  He's got the talent and I enjoyed watching him last year.


  8. 15 hours ago, Frobby said:

    That’s my point too.   I’m interested to see if it really makes any significant difference.   Of course, I think it’s pretty likely some of these pitchers will have more success just because they’ve learned from their experiences.   And some may not.  

    I'm interested in seeing what he can do- in all aspects of the game.

    We'll have to keep a close eye on the framing and compare our eyes with what the numbers say.

  9. 3 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Well considering we were talking about team OpS, I think it’s fair to say we are talking about offense.  :)

    Fair enough.

    But it's not just Adley.  It's the continuing development of guys like Hays and Mountcastle.

    This is a developing team, offensively and in all other ways.  And if it isn't, then your complaints will start to have a lot more sway with  me.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Bahama O's Fan said:

    The longer it continues, who hurts the most, players or owners? 

    If it goes into the season, the players obviously.

    Most owners have other revenue streams.

    Most players don't.

  11. 8 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    What I think helps the pitchers is that Means and Lyles can go deep in games.   Grayson should be limited to 5 innings per start just because of his innings limits for the season.   The rest of the pitchers that start should be limited to 4 innings per start especially against the AL East.    I am hoping the O's will use Openers and Bulk guys vs the AL East.

    Adley  can be helpful to the pitchers but O's management has to be smart about the way pitchers are used.

    I expect them to pitch better this year, because honestly, with the exception of Means, none of them could be worse and maintain a roster spot.

    I also expect them to experiment with usage a little more this year as well.

    I do believe that Adley has great leadership qualities, and I don't want to dismiss what that can do.  But it's virtually impossible to quantify.

  12. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    If this team has a combined OPS of even 730, that would have been in the top 13 or so last year and a 25 point improvement. 

    It could happen.  But I think it’s more likely they are closer to 720 as a team, which would still be around league average (at least based off of last years numbers).

    But the numbers projected here for these hitters will have us way over that.  I mean, I get that this isn’t counting the bottom feeders on the roster but they don’t account for as many at bats unless there are a lot of injuries.  

    Only 5 players had an OPs over 750 last year, 1 of which was Urias who had less than 300 at bats.  Of the other 4, only Mullins was over 800, with Mountcastle just missing.

    As frobby said earlier, there will be hundreds of abs to guys not projected to get them.  In addition to the "bottom feeders" like Odor, Guitierrez, McKenna who will get 1000+.

  13. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Mostly framing and he’s supposedly really good with knowing when to encourage them and when to kick them in the butt.  

    I've of course heard the same regarding his framing and leadership.

    I too look forward specifically to the framing issue.  I've long held that the attempts to quantify it are profoundly flawed so I look forward to seeing with my own eyes how much that will help the pitchers.

  14. 4 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    In a way, I’m more interested in what he does behind the plate and how that impacts the team.  We pretty much know he’ll be at least decent and hopefully well above average for a catcher offensively.  But can he help our pitching staff, especially the guys he caught in the minors?   By all accounts he has the tools and leadership abilities to be very good there, but leading a major league staff as a rookie isn’t easy.   

    I think there will be an improvement that will be visually noticeable in catcher's defense.

    I really don't expect him to be able to help the pitcher's all that much.  He can't throw for them.  And in today's game, he won't even call pitches.

    I expect to see some growth out of the young pitchers- mostly because they were all terrible last year- but I'm not sure how much we'll be able to attribute that to Adley.

  15. I'll say this in defense of the owners:

    Literally the only time owners "make" money off the players is during their cost controlled years.

    Most organizations give tens of millions of dollars to amateur players annually who don't do anything for them.

    They likewise spend millions of dollars annually developing those players.  That doesn't make them money.

    We're all in agreement that almost all FAs are overpaid, and owners lose money on them.

    Changing that system is radical, and likely to have consequences beyond what anyone is predicting.  Consequences that could very well be unwanted for the players.

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