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Posts posted by Pickles

  1. Just now, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    I read your position. I have nothing to say to you other than bugger off. 

    If you're going to state your opinions be prepared for people to respond to you.

    Have no fear though.  This thread is certain to be locked soon enough.

    So you accomplished that.  Good job.

    Instead of talking about the 40 man, we got to see what an amazing person you are and how much better you are than all the racists.

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, NelsonCruuuuuz said:

    Well clearly you are better than all of us then, case closed.

    If only he could performatively demonstrate his virtue on social media he could be as good as you.

  3. Just now, Tony-OH said:

    So I got some information on Wells. 

    It appears the plan right now is to stretch him out. 

    They are loooking at him more as a long relief/piggy back type thing than a pure starter.

    So the Orioles may be going to more of a piggy back approach this year with their young pitchers. 



    Sounds like exactly what I prescribed above.  They should be paying me.

  4. I tire of the moral panic in this country.

    Akin liked a tweet celebrating the Dukes of Hazard TV show.  There's nothing wrong with that.  At all.

    He also like a tweet calling for a cop killer to be shot.  The cop killer was referred to using a racial slur.

    The racial slur is ugly and unnecessary and highly offensive.  And someone should have a talk with Akin about representing himself professionally on social media.

    However, if the naughty word upsets you more than the dead cop, you are a child and not a serious person.


    • Upvote 4
  5. 11 minutes ago, now said:

    I would wager elite contact skills will play anywhere.

    How valuable did they make Hanser Alberto?

    Now I'm not saying Peitro is Alberto.  But it's entirely possible to hit 300 and be essentially valueless.

    That said, I'm excited to watch this guy and hope for the best.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I've been adamant in the past about giving "relievers" chances at starting, and certainly included Wells as a guy who should be looked at.

    With the shortened spring, and the shoulder, I don't think this is the right time to try to get him into the OD rotation.

    However, I would immediately see how he held up under multiple inning relief appearances, with the idea of eventually stretching him out for a starters' workload.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Not sure I agree with that in our park and division.  

    Doesn’t matter, he ain’t coming here.  If he leaves Houston, it’s to go to another contender.

    They all have to pitch in the same park and division.  Grienke pitched more innings by a lot than any on our staff last year.  And had a much better ERA/ERA+ than anyone besides Means.

    Now I'm not advocating signing him.  And ultimately, I think you're right.  He's not coming here.

    But I think it's pretty clear why "anyone would want to sign Grienke."

  8. 25 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    No, it makes sense to get him up soon.  There is no guarantee he finishes high in ROY.  He could have a very solid year and still not finish in the top 3.  Just depends on other rookies.  If you want to get your extra year, do it and then go from there.

    I mean, that's your position.  Fair enough.

    Remember, I'm bearish on him compared to the consensus.  And I'm still pretty confident if he plays 90% of the season, he's going to finish in the Top 3 for ROY.

    I would like clarification of the quality of the pick before I solidified my position.

  9. Just now, Sports Guy said:

    He doesn’t have to win it to get the service time.  Wander was high in the voting last year and played half or so of the season.  You don’t wait until July. Just doesn’t make sense.

    If you bring him up 4/15, and he's 3/4s of the player people are expecting him to be, he's finishing in the top 3 of ROY.

  10. Count me as one who hates this new rule.  As is already apparent in the nature of these considerations, they haven't removed "manipulating" service time; they have merely altered the manipulation.

    To Frobby's OP, I think with this new rule AR does start on the opening day roster.

    Does anyone know where the draft pick falls?  All I've heard is draft pick.

  11. 3 hours ago, WI O’s Fan said:

    The only way he signs is if the O’s front loaded the contract with a 3rd year opt out.   10/350- 44m, 44 mi, 44m for 1st 3 years and 31m years 4-10.

    I've advocated for a front loaded deal.  But if I'm the O's I will not front load it and give you an early opt out.  One or the other.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:


    I'm confused.

    They are fighting to not have an International draft.

    I don't know if fighting is the right word.  But they're criticizing the idea and predicting it to harm the development of players.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    It looks like the players from that background think it's worth fighting for.

    I remember I asked Guthrie about his part when they made the changes to the Rule 4 draft.  He did reply and was polite but didn't give much of a real answer.  (Didn't Guthrie sign a ML contract out of school?)

    And yet many high profile Latino players have criticized an International Draft.


  14. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    And btw, while we may not like the conversation of getting rid of the shift and may not like doing it…are you really going to care?

    Like, will you be sitting on your couch watching the game and think, damn I miss the shift!

    No, but you know, honestly, when you frame it like that I do sit on my couch, thinking, damn I miss singles.

  15. Law of unintended consequences.

    Adding Puerto Rico to the draft killed baseball in Puerto Rico.

    It would not be shocking to see an international draft severely cripple baseball in the Caribbean and S America.

    Not to get political, but replacing what is largely a "capitalistic" system with a "socialistic" one will hamper production.

  16. 7 hours ago, Frobby said:

    I really don’t recall criticism, it’s just that defense wasn’t his big selling point.   His hitting was.   He definitely exceeded expectations defensively and fell short of them offensively.   

    It was almost obligatory, because all prospect writeups have a weakness or needs to improve category, and for Wieters it was ALWAYS his defense.  And as others have recalled, it was mainly about his size preventing him from setting a good target and/or preventing him from having a good pop time to second. Also, about how his size would prevent him from having a long career behind the dish and would necessitate a move to first.

    Feel free to jog my memory, but nobody predicted him to become a Gold Glove catcher, with an arm as a real asset.  Likewise nobody made a criticism of his bat, including what would turn out to be legitimate criticisms: That he lacked elite bat speed, and that was a significantly better hitter from the right side than the left.

  17. 49 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    I think most folks don't think the players share (% based) should be going down.  Revenue is outpacing compensation.

    I don't think many of us would mind if the players and owners both made less and our ticket prices and streaming bills were lower.


    But guess where they both get their money from- and not just voluntarily?

    From taxpayers.  The absurd salaries for the players are only supported by the absurd amounts of public money dumped into private profit through stadiums, arenas, etc.

    It's honestly why I get bothered by looking at either side as a victim.  They are BOTH objectively OVERPAID.


    • Upvote 2
  18. Just now, Big Mac said:

    To be clear that is not what I was using him as an example for.  I was using him as an example of a guy who had minimal MLB service that by all accounts was set up pretty well once his playing career ended. 

    No I understood your point.

  19. 2 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    Let's say he saved 1/3rd of his income after taxes, living expenses, whatever.  That works out to 1.64M in the bank.  Put that in a stock indexed mutual fund that makes, say, 8% a year... he's making $131k a year forever.  So go find whatever job he wants, and whatever job his wife wants, because there aren't too many spots in the country where you can't live reasonably comfortably on $131k plus any other two incomes.

    Then if he also is getting $35k a year from the MLB pension, he's making $166k before he figures out what he wants to do with his life.

    He'll probably be okay unless he blew that 1.64M on cars and booze and lottery tickets and stuff.

    But by God!  What if he's a philandering dick and his wife divorces him!  He might have to sell one of his Porsches!  That's a bridge too far!

  20. 1 minute ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    It was a high level example, and I assumed the owners got 50% of the revenues.  I think that's fairly close to reality, and they take non-payroll operating expenses out of that.

    I guess my point was simply that the labor agreement the players have been operating under is not as wildly unfair as some seem to be suggesting.

    And again, that's not making any comment upon the current negotiations.  

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