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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Those of you who are sure this is so terrible, remember that the Giants have one of the lowest waiver priorities in baseball. Most other teams didn't want the guy either. Not even rebuilding ones

    I agree that as a poster on this message board it looks stupid. But there has to be more here because what, 27 other GMs just took a pass on having him for free too.

  2. 2 hours ago, wildcard said:

    In 12 of his 19 starts at AAA he went at least 5 innings including a 1.80 ERA in his last 5 starts which shows improvement.  And he ended up with a 4.26 ERA at AAA.   I think he deserves a chance at starting.  

    I'm not against giving him another shot at starting next year. I just don't think he'll stick there

  3. I think it's Westburg, but it could be Stowers. I like Stowers a lot and I'll bet he's #8, but Westburg is a potential SS who can hit and Stowers has a red flag or two. 

    I'm not even tempted by the other options. Baumann had a pretty bad season, and both he and Bradish are likely relievers in MLB from what I heard. Vavra missed too much time to be this high

  4. 17 hours ago, LookinUp said:

    We'll see. He also has very high walk rates, so I think the K rate is related to selectiveness and contact rates, not just contact rates.

    I thought the more strikeouts you have, the higher your BABIP has to be if you want a good batting average and Stowers is at the level where your BABIP has to be well over .350 to have a batting average in the .260-.280 range.

    Though if they are related to selectiveness as you say, that gives me hope that with more practice he could cut down on the strikeouts a bit

  5. I think we can pretty safely rule out Baumann and Kjerstad here

    Honestly, I could see the case for Hall, Henderson or Westburg. Tony has had Henderson ahead of Westburg pretty much all year, so I'm going to eliminate Westburg. Game then becomes which hurts the guy more in Tony's eyes? Hall being injured for most of the year or Westburg's poor defense. If I could have only one of these guys in the system, I'd pick Hall because the upside is tantalizing and we really need starting pitching. I'm going to guess Tony feels the same, but I still have a strong hunch it's Henderson.

    Going with "Disabled List" Hall here.

  6. It has to be Cowser here. Tony downplayed Gunnar enough in the Mayo thread for me to think he isn't the choice here. I know Tony is high on Stowers, but I doubt he's this high. Tony also had Hall lower than the consensus last year and after another injury shortened year and new talent in the system I can't imagine Hall is higher than last year

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